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Everything posted by fatherof3

  1. nice ones,congrats on a good day
  2. happy birthday,hope it is a good one
  3. great shots,like the last two
  4. great shots,always enjoy your water shots and that tree is cool.
  5. great shots,nice colour in the 2nd and 3rd shots.Like the owl too.
  6. must be quite the view from there.
  7. nice reward for braving the cold,congrats
  8. Nice shots as usual,I actually really like the first one.
  9. Gerritt,First off thank you for taking the time to post all the links.There was some interesting reading(yes I read them all,lol).My problem still is the dates of the info and articles.There are some from 2006 all the way back to the 50's.Like any body of water I am sure if researched many problems would come up.That is the past.what steps have been taken to correct it?There was a lot of info of steps being taken to improve quality on a number of fronts by many people and organizations.As I stated earlier,myself and my entire family have been around this river for a very long time and it is improving.Are there problems?Sure,as there is with any body of water but I think some terms used to describe it are way off base.As I stated earlier and double checked,Trout can be found anywhere along this river from beginning to end and if it is really that polluted this would not be the case.Is urban sprawl putting strain on the watershed?Of course but steps are being taken to correct/slow this.As some of the articles hinted at this is a working river and always has been so it will never be pristine but it is coming back.I personally never keep anything I catch anywhere but know lots of people who eat fish out this river and are fine.I for one am not claiming you hate the river or never fish it but unless I see more facts from within say the last couple of years it is hard to accept claims of a river being that dirty.sorry to ramble but just my 2 cents.Again,thank you for posting what you did.
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