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Cast-Away last won the day on February 5 2024

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  1. Don't be "tariff"id to come up this way, but you might have to pay more for goods this year.
  2. Our U.S. friends are always welcome in Canada! Don't pay any attention to the ignorant Canadians that boo your national anthem at sporting events.
  3. What they both said about the colour! Start at the southwest side of Big Island and stay on the west side. The water gets deeper as you travel north. Good luck!
  4. Happy Anniversary to you and Monique TJ. It is great to see a long marriage nowadays.
  5. It was Brad Pitt's brother Stu!
  6. Hey TJ, I love these posts and remember the first year that you posted pics from there. We are all getting older but still enjoying life! Question, if you turn Monique upside down in the boat with that hat on, how many channels can you get?
  7. Matty is a real cutie Barry!
  8. I understand the main two differences are that a Grizzly has the prominent hump above the front shoulders and cannot run down hill. A black bear and also a brown bear can both run down hill.
  9. Very exciting for a boy that age to catch a good size fish like that and release it back into the water. That looks like Pigeon Lake with the Big Island in the background.
  10. Wow Barry, they look like postcard shots!
  11. Good one Barry!
  12. That reminds me of this old joke, one of my favourites! "Chretien's 'at" joke Prime Minister Jean Chretien was meeting with officials in Flin Flon, Manitoba. It was a very hot day and the ceremonies took place outside in a local grandstand. The Mayor was surprised to see that Chretien was wearing a large fox fur hat, despite the heat. After a while the mayor leaned over and spoke up. "Excuse me, Mr. Prime Minister, but I can't help wondering why you are wearing that fox hat when it is so warm?" Chretien shrugged. "Well, you know 'ow it is", he replied. "My wife, she is da dresser in da family, so I always take 'er advice. If I go to de Maritime, she say 'Wear da toque'. If I go to Calgaree, she say 'Wear da stetson'. Dis time she ask me where I go; I say Flin Flon. She say 'Flin Flon! Where the fock's 'at ?' So I did!"
  13. A couple of real lowlifes. It pisses me off to hear about people like this and any kind of thief in general. People like that should just get a job like the rest of us.
  14. Doug, They were being discharged down to a lower voltage for winter storage. They are 6 cell batteries and the voltage on one cell was off from the others. When this happens that bad cell will overheat and catch fire. Most power tools are low lithium batteries and they recommend not leaving the battery plugged in once full charged. Lithium is a great storage solution but quite volatile when overheated so people jut need to be aware and be careful. I brought it up here just to bring awareness to others.
  15. Here is a picture of the brick that the Amo box sat on in my basement. The second picture is the two batteries that caught fire in the Amo box. I am so fortunate that we found the fire and nobody was injured or killed. My wife smelled smoke and when we opened the basement door a billow of white smoke came at us. The smoke detectors did not work because we did not have the dual detector that picks up smoke and heat. Guess what I replaced every alarm with in my house when we moved back in? I am shocked that the fire services are talking up the hazards of Lithium batteries more. You can only put out the fire with a Class D extinguisher. Try to find one anywhere to have in your house. I am sure that Lew will comment on this being a retired fire fighter.
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