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Tarzan's Jane

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Everything posted by Tarzan's Jane

  1. 3 men in their 50's from Killaloe on snow machines near Mattawa (Stonecliff), went through the ice...only 2 made it. The ice is not ready for us yet.
  2. Beautiful Dog. I miss mine. A five year old 75% golden retriever and 25% Lab. When I do get to see her, she just about brings me to tears at the happy welcome I get from her everytime. They are loyal friends for sure.
  3. Hunter is a handsome little guy...but the puppy stage is a killer. BTW...do ya think you could benefit from some photography lessons... gotta keep heads in the pics. Who's the other fella sneaking in a pose?
  4. I remember some of those reports...yes you did have an awesome season, I chuckled and cheered right along with you....great memories!!
  5. What an experience for you Jen. Congrats.
  6. I love it...practice, practice, practice....some of my fondest memories are with us 7 kids and parents playing Black Jack!! I was the quiet one...loved it when the older brother would come home...he hated losing...it meant that I would be getting myself some new threads when he left.
  7. aahhhhh...geeezzzzz....well..... read the thread "I just got charged with assault"... I know how to hurtis you good now. True...internet dating can be tricky...but I did find love...with a fisherman for God sakes!!
  8. Glad to hear it worked out for you...big lesson for her...but she'll be admired by many. Hey Dano...what's your phone number?
  9. I definitely have mixed feelings here...I have never had the pleasure or displeasure of grabbing a hold of those dangly things in a "rough" way...definitely no excuse for that kind of behaviour unless you did something awfully nasty to her and she lost her mind for those few minutes. (it does happen guys) So...if a woman is asleep in her bed, and a man breaks in and rapes her...can she not grab ahold of those danglies and tear them off...or would she be charged with assault. I hope that all works out for you. She will hopefully come to your defense and make this go away ... hopefully. Good Luck.
  10. So sorry for your loss. She is with her Mom now. Thinking of you and your family.
  11. I'm not set up to watch the show...I guess I'll just have to take a wild guess. ppsssttt anyone want to give me an early Christmas gift and let me in on the answer....just kidding...well maybe not...yes I am...
  12. Drive safely...give yourself plenty, plenty of distance because there are many fools out there. As far as what I have in my trunk...I have a blanket. Pretty sad, that will be changing soon. Was talking with a girlfriend about that subject yesterday and one thing she did not have was a candle...for a little bit of heat. I would be interested myself in knowing what one should have.
  13. I like it very much....great job.
  14. Why...is that you??? If so...nothing at all wrong with that Sir. Dat's a real 'teddy bear'
  15. Sexxxyyyyy. I know some gals who would just love to wax that
  16. Now Photoz...you just have to 'get r done'!!! But I do feel for ya....and I hope the people on your route give you a nice thank you at Christmas. I'm curious...do they?
  17. Great report..welcome to the board...congrats to the girlfriend
  18. The car is not worth the purchase of 4 new winter tires....I am chuckling to myself as I am realizing that the car may not be worth it...but I sure am. Merry Christmas to Me. Hope your not suffering from brain freeze....lol
  19. I guess you have to be addicted to fishing to go cruising at that speed in those temps....extreme for sure.
  20. I drive a 1998 Cavalier...she's been good to me Honestly I have been driving from Russell into Ottawa for the past 13 years but I have never encountered what I did last night. I guess it was just unlucky timing. Oddly enough, part way through Boundary Road it cleared up. Carlsbad Springs eh....we are neighbours. Anyway...I spoke to my mechanic and he assurred me that the two front tires he replaced would get me through the winter. I believe they are all seasons (agressive all seasons...is there such a thing) ...oh well if something happens...I'll be calling him. lol I know about the iron grip though...that would definitely take some concentration in order to relax when you think you might die. hahaha It's snowing again right now but I left the office early so that I wouldn't have to drive in the dark in that again. Drive safely Wallyboss
  21. This was my first experience as 'the driver' getting home at this hour in a "white out". I do not wish this on anyone. I don't care much for beer but I am putting one back as I type. I am thankful though that my girlfriend was with me and was great at coaxing me on. My hands are sore from gripping the wheel, lower back is killing me, I have a headache and I am just amazed that I got through that. What normally takes 30 minutes, took 2 hours. Winter is definitely upon us. Be safe.
  22. Bon voyage!! Now back to the rain eh. Are you sure you are not related to MikeThePike...you look like bros. All the best to you. Nancy
  23. bbbbbrrrrrrr, but pretty. Gotta love that winter smell too. Enjoy
  24. Welcome
  25. Hey Gerritt...I won't be attending, but I just had to comment on your cute little guy there in blue...could this be you...I mean with the leg thing that you have going...lol
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