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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. Same way someone reads Morse code.
  2. Nice. I think I went hunting for the last time untill spring today. Ice for me as soon as this rain is over.
  3. The other option is just tying a rope to the auger.
  4. I missed the mark with my humour. Maybe I'm the square peg?
  5. Would have been better if he'd made is square. Square peg, round hole.
  6. You don't eat a hamburger when you go to France. When you go to Chicago you eat deep dish. Gino's East had a great pie.
  7. 8 degrees and rain on the weekend. Come On!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. irishfield


      The snow didn't even come off our steel roofs during the last warm spell! A good 50" of snow fall since.


    3. Tdel


      Lot of snow to remove from the roof. -25C, -30C, tons of snow and then + temps with 20mm of rain. That is insane .

    4. irishfield


      Couldn't believe the chief building inspector for Barrie interviewed and telling everyone nothing to worry about our homes are built to handle this!! Yah right 61lbs / sq ft... what does a 4' x 1' x 1' wet column of snow weigh?

  8. Nobody talks about the dozens of pucks that are deflected off target every game but watch-out when one goes in once in a while.
  9. Maybe the designer had just watched the vagina monologues?
  10. Reimer gave the coach the stink eye in the wings game before Christmas. That was the last start he has had.
  11. No kidding. Forget the 5hole, I'm concerned about the 6 inches between Bobby Lou's ears. I have more confidence in Smith but the talk is he's the third man.
  12. Poor sentence structure on my part. I was referring to the last 2 seasons. If Canada plays for gold it's 7 games. A hot goalie means any of 5-6 teams could win this. I don't like price on the big ice in a short tournament over many other options. Not surprisingly, there are others who feel differently.
  13. I love watching clips of the 70's and the goalies in particular, but the goaltending was nothing like it is now. Watch some clips the showdown show they used to do during the intermissions on CBC. I have fond memories of 70's and early 80's hockey but the game has changed so much (equipment, training, depth) it really is apples to oranges.
  14. In the last 2 seasons price finished dead last in the conference and then in a short season was hammered by an awful, and inferior team, in the first round of the play-offs. He has not shown me that he has what it takes to be a top 3 Canadian goalie.
  15. ^that's^ what they should have played at the bighouse.
  16. They (tsn Duthie) did ask Stevie did you recuse yourself and he did not say that he did. Doesn't mean he didn't but the buck stops with him. Agreed that this isn't easy and until we have hockey in 5 weeks we've got nothin' else to do but .
  17. Didn't hear him say that. Stevie wasn't his gm 4 years ago. We can disagree all day but this group knows hockey better then us.
  18. With his gm picking the team it's not like he wasn't considered. He didn't make the 2010 team either.
  19. Never really was speedy and speed is the first thing to go as we age.
  20. Seriously French and English for name/city/team. It's all proper names.
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