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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. On the Sochi watch, Stamkos has been skating but being in Olympic shape in a little over a month might be just too much.
  2. The top pairing plays so much more because the bottom pairing is not good enough. Coaches coach to win. If they thought playing number 5-6 D-men more would help them they would. Top Defencemen play more minutes per game then forwards not because they are better conditioned but because the position does not require the same level of stop and go or puck chasing.
  3. Get some air out of those tires and send one to Simon for his rink.
  4. That's only a question that should be answered by the other players.
  5. A player, even a captain, doesn't have to be liked to be a good teammate or a good captain. Having said that, I have always questioned the way Dion was given the C and I'm not sure he is right for the role. And having said that ^. No one, but the players truly knows whether or not the man with the C deserves it, or is worthy of it.
  6. The cba has greatly suppressed stars contracts on a per year dollar value but the terms have been extended to try to make up some of the difference. The cap goes up only if the league makes more money. There are currently 98 NHL defencemen averaging over 20 minutes per game, that's 3.2 per team. There are another 26 averaging over 19 minutes per game. It is very unlikely more than 30 of them will ever get 7 million dollar deals. As an aside: Pronger is still on the flyers' cap for 4 more years after this season at a cap hit of $4,921,429 and he hasn't played since the start of 2011. Long term deals are great for the players and I don't begrudge them getting paid but has a fan I hate them, and the cap. The league has had the cap for almost 10 years now. Still waiting for the ticket prices to come down the way bettman said they would once the league had its "cost certainty". It's almost as if the league lets the market set the ticket price.
  7. Sure it's not the typical retail building but the design hasn't changed from when they first projected a late spring opening. This isn't the first one Cabelas has built or even their first cold weather construction site. Maybe someone was too aggressive when they first announced the opening but there shouldn't be too many surprises.
  8. 2 minutes for roughing??? He knocked the linesmen flat on the ice. If a Canadian kid did that he would be done for the tournament.
  9. Sixty minute games and usually 3 pairings. Break-down is something like 25-30, 15-20, 10-15. Every team in the league usually has two (some have 3-4) 20minute plus D-men. Most of those teams will not shell out $14 mill for their top 2 D-men. I'll concede that many teams will pay their number 1 D-man $7 million plus but not every 20 min/game player and not a 7 year deal.
  10. The term is what I'm more concerned with but even the cap hit does not fit his league rank IMO. There are currently only 3 D-men in the league that have a cap hit over $7 million per year.
  11. Dion is a very useful D-man but at the rumoured 7 years at 7 million dollars per I'm not sure many will be happy with that deal at any point.
  12. Jenn and I went to Manhattan, without the kids, for a few days just before Christmas. We stayed in Midtown at 48th and Lexington, a few blocks from Time Square and Central Park. Hard to believe that while central and southern Ontario were being hit with the snow and ice this was the weather in NYC: We walked 17-20kms each day. Brooklyn Bridge from underneath Manhattan Bridge: Manhattan Bridge: Brooklyn Bridge: Brooklyn Bridge with Manhattan Bridge in background: Walkway between the bridges with roads above: Sunset at Battery Park: Always an angler, or two, around: Bottom of Wall Street: Union Square (No, that's not us) While walking up along the outside of Central Park on the west side this Red-tailed Hawk came swooping in and landed in the tree right above us. About ten years ago I saw a PBS show about a hawk living on the side of an apartment building on the Upper East side of the Park. Lots of squirrels and pigeons around for them Central Park on the west side somewhere just south of 104th: A street performer in Central Park: The kids in the park loved this (So did this kid. He was the only one that I felt compelled to toss a few bucks): I went to the Leaf's game on Monday night: One last photo after the game:
  13. Plus it will be dark in a couple of hours.
  14. OK, so now you start looking on ebay for a slightly used zamboni and then a kit to paint the ice. We'll have to have a OFC shinny game… shirts versus skins is how we do it here you know eh.
  15. The last couple of off-seasons the building has had major renos. This season there is a new suspended walkway that has some premium seating and a media area. From the comments on twitter the Toronto media that were seeing this new area (and the new centre ice video scoreboard) for the first time were very impressed and said it was the best in the league. My seat was about halfway up the upper bowl and two seats to the left of centre ice. The suspended seating doesn't block the ice for any seats but does block the new scoreboard so on the backside there are 3 very large TV screens. At the bottom of the screen is also a stats area that includes the usual stuff as well as who is on the ice face-off percentage and other tidbits.
  16. Foolishly, I was just about to respond with "I've never heard of that one", before realizing that it's two movies. Like Ben Hur, but I've not seen The Robe.
  17. Just think of all the nice times around the fire-pit to come.
  18. All for the kids this year since the trip to New York City was our gift to each other. More fun each year as they grow. Merry Christmas.
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