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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. Has the surrounding 500 to 1000 square kilometres of bush near your dad's place experienced any development besides the 5-6 homes? I did not intend for my comment to be construed as a tree hugger's perspective, or to suggest that what they say is best. My comment was more about our increasing footprint as a whole, not about individual encounters. There will always be unwelcome encounters with bears. What is an "acceptable" number??? I don't know. Shooting this year's "problem bears" does not fix the problem because next year, another bear will take this year's bear's place if the larger issue is not addressed. This is about wildlife populations that don't know municipal or properties boundaries from raspberries. As well as dumb politicians that make many of their decisions based on votes and dollars, not science, because we continue to let them.
  2. Does that one drink the beer too? MMMMMM Bear steak with a subtle hoppy accent.
  3. Another factor to consider is our increasing population and steady encroachment on limited natural spaces. This is not a simple problem with a simple solution.
  4. Thanks, now my chair is puckered.
  5. Oh I know, I just wasn't sure if you knew.
  6. Hmmmm, I wonder what Wayne et al did out by those tracks 30 odd years ago???? Nice way of making the best of a situation.
  7. Man! You are sure packing in the fishin' trips before going back to work aren't you? Nice fish!
  8. That last picture is great. It makes that smallmouth look even bigger than it already is.
  9. You will have those stories to tell for the rest of your life.
  10. No win situation. If he keeps it, he gets ripped. He lets it go... well... maybe it survives.
  11. That's nothin'. Read Bly's post, 4.5 hours... standing!!!
  12. 55 inch musky makes North Bay Nugget. Photo: http://www.nugget.ca/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=1718351 Muskiemania continues on Lake Nipissing Posted By NUGGET STAFF Posted 3 hours ago Mark Stewart, right, and Stephen Beale were fishing on Lake Nipissing Saturday when Stewart landed a 55-inch muskie weighing about 45 pounds just south of Chaput Island. He hooked it on eight-pound test line and a spinner bait at about 9:20 a.m. and they landed it at 10 a.m. After taking a few pictures, they released the fish for someone else to catch.
  13. Nice. We need more of that.
  14. Sounds like an executive from an oil company is running the brewery.
  15. Too bad, I here the phishing is pretty good there.
  16. I did not read this post until this morning. I could not help myself, I just had to see why it was still around. Yes, tornadoes do occur at night, but I'll take issue with the way the nighttime fatalities from tornadoes was presented. I don't have the stats that LiveScience Staff has, but you need to look at all the factors. 1. There is more than 12 hours of daylight during much of year when tornadoes are more likely to occur. So if tornadoes can occur at any time (they don't, see reason # 2) the odds are they will happen in daylight hours more often than not. This makes the sample sizes smaller for nighttime tornadoes, a small number of deadly tornadoes can therefore skew the stats. 2. Tornadoes don't occur as often at night in part do to the heat that is one of the major factors for the formation of funnel clouds. Decreasing the sample size again. 3. Any nighttime tornadoes that don't cause property damage are less likely to be reported because: few people will see funnel clouds due to darkness and fact that they are likely to be asleep. This "appears" to increases the number of deadly tornadoes by lessening the number of funnel clouds spotted but not causing property damage and death. Decreasing sample size again. 4. While tornado type weather can be predicted, actual tornadoes and locations are imposable to predict (as stated). Eye witnesses contribute with the spotting of funnel clouds and the informing of the public at large. Again there is less of this during the night due to more people being inside, the lack of light and sleeping. 5. If people are sleeping at night they are not going to hear the radio and/or TV warnings about possible tornadoes in their area. If they don't hear the warnings they will not take appropriate cover, and many of our bedrooms are on the second floors.
  17. But we don't come back smelling like an other woman.
  18. No worries here Rick. I long ago realized the limits of my attractiveness, both physically and financially to the opposite sex.
  19. Just got this in my pms: Hello My name is Mercy i saw your profile today at ofncommunity and becameintrested in you,i will also like to know you the more, and i want you to send anemail to my email address so i can give you my picture for you to know whom i am.Here is my email address ([email protected]) I believe we can move from here! I am waiting for your mail to my email address above.Mercy (Remeber the distance or colour does not matter but love matters alotin life.([email protected]). Any ideas as to the best way to mess with this person? I was thinking set up a new anonymous email and then waste their time.
  20. I have and will continue to release all walleye that size and bigger. That does not however, make me better than someone who keeps one. That's my choice, and their's.
  21. If rainbows “always” face upstream, how do they get back to the ocean or lake? You did state that fish don’t swim backwards. If you’re unhappy about a widely, although incorrect, angling myth being taken to task, that is unfortunate. Presenting ideas and theories is a great way for people to improve themselves. I believe the “torpedo” method you referred to does work, although it does take some skill to do it right. High risk for the reward. I have no issue with that. It is however increasingly more difficult and dubious as the fish (and the boats) get bigger. The point I was trying to make with my question was that this idea that water going one way though a fish is “good” and the other direction “bad” is incorrect. Should I move a fish in the water like a salt shaker? No, of course not. Is moving a fish back and forth gently the only real option in still and or warm water? Yes, unless you recommend someone walking around the perimeter of their boat (Is that clockwise or counter clockwise? I can never remember.) so that the fish is getting the “fresh” water moving over its gills.
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