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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. The only relevant salaries in that group are the guys who signed deals the year they were going to be UFAs. That makes the list 3-4 guys: St. Louis, Hossa, Elias and maybe Sharp. None of the other guys could walk, meaning the team had more leverage. The only salary number that matters is the yearly cap hit, not the decreasing yearly dollars at the end of the deals that are listed. You want a 36 or 35 year old for the next 5 years in todays fast game?
  2. I've never been in a car accident, guess I've been wasting my time wearing my seatbelt.
  3. It's not just the 5.5. It's who is available? Slim pickins, and if Grabo walks???
  4. Funny stuff: http://www.nationalpost.com/m/wp/sports/blog.html?b=sports.nationalpost.com/2012/03/06/checking-off-ex-leafs-coach-ron-wilsons-noteworthy-moments
  5. This summer with so few forwards as UFAs he may have got even more. Supply and demand.
  6. Grabo isn't just a one way forward. Having said that, the dry spells have got to become less frequent.
  7. Wow! In today's cap world, he is going to have to step up big time for that cap hit.
  8. A few points on multiple posts: The "agree or disagree (or right or wrong) he speaks his mind" position is interesting. Someone providing a counter to Don's position is also specking their mind.They've possibly consider the argument from more than one view point and don't respond emotionally to someone providing a different opinion. A goalie may stop 99% of clear shots most of the time, but 100% of the ones deflected into the netting will never end up in the net all of the time. Just because someone likes Don doesn't mean he knows what he's talking about. If someone disagrees with Don they aren't as patriotic is another argument that provides no substance, but much traction amongst the masses.
  9. Yet another reason for a replica mount for a fish. Your wife can sell it at the yard sale.
  10. Those bags hold up eh? I would have never thought they'd be durable enough. Always something to learn. I wonder if I can find my receipt from three years ago on a couple of used drift socks?
  11. Have you ever been in a room with a group of people and one blowhard? The more he talks, the more everyone realizes how little he knows.
  12. No, he couldn't win a cup with Orr, Espo and the bunch. And his OHL record as a coach/ owner were atrocious.
  13. Do we know Burke went to the CBC to get Don "fired"? You think Burke is the type to not confront someone who he has an issue with? And if he did: If I want the drive-through window guy fired, I don't go to the drive-throw window guy. I go to his boss.
  14. One of Don's windmills is players deflecting pucks that end up in their own team's net. A couple of times a year he'll pull out the videio and show 5-6 pucks deflected past goalies, or into a guys own face. What he never shows is the 20-30 shots that are deflected EACH GAME into the corners or netting. And I guess no coach in the league has ever considered Don's point because the players all continue to deflect pucks. Of course Don thinks he is smarter then every coach in the league.
  15. I already made this statment: "Anybody foolish enough to pick hockey players based on their birth certificate instead of their ability, talent, effort and character, deserves the team that results from those decisions." Cherry can be entertaining in a car wreck sort of way, however, he has become a caricature of himself and there is very little balance provided. Ron used to provide some counter to Cherrys statements, but they have been together too long and are too "buddy buddy".
  16. http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=58693&st=0&p=643212&hl=water%20bottle&fromsearch=1entry643212
  17. Do you fish on the left or right side of the boat? I'm lefthanded. And reel with my right hand for both. I get to use my dominant hand on the tiller, face the left (port) side of the boat. My non-dominant right hand (not my normal rod hand) surely works as good as a rod holder while trolling. l can set the hook by rotating my upper body and arm using my back muscles. Most people have stronger upper back muscles, then chest muscles. Funny how something that can seem as simple as fishing can be done so many different ways that are all so obvious to the individual, but completely different from the next person.
  18. Beer, and other carbonated drinks, are also under pressure. "Boiling" water is much different as you go up very high mountains because of the lack of pressure.
  19. Some would suggest there is a fine line between whining and complaining. I can't figure out which you're doing?
  20. Anybody foolish enough to pick hockey players based on their birth certificate instead of their ability, talent, effort and character, deserves the team that results from said decisions.
  21. No rider for the birdhouse on your house policy??? Glad there were no personal injuries. Officials sure can be frustrating.
  22. Thanks for taking the time. Those 2 lakers are quite the pair.
  23. I rarely say it, but I guess I pronounce it die-a-wa. Never gave it a second thought, until now... I'll have to change. I changed how I pronounce Rapala.
  24. Looks like WFN and WildTV are free previews on bell express view this month.
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