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Wes Bender

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Everything posted by Wes Bender

  1. Interesting side note. I kinda stuck it to the 'MAN' As I was standing in line to get a sandwich at lunch I overheard someone talking about gas at a station here in TBay selling for 96.9¢ so of course I rush over. To my surprise it was true. So I filled up the truck. What are the chances you hear that, and it's true when your truck is empty. Anyway $65 later and I am standing in line, to pay, when the station gets the call to raise price to $1.09. everyone that was in line behind my truck got screwed, sign and pumps were already changed by the time I got back to my truck. When I say kinda stuck it to the 'MAN'. Well I still had to pay 96.9¢
  2. You too huh... Nothing says good morning like a cold blast in the nether regions on a brisk spring morning.
  3. Holy cow I think I need to go for a walk now. Almost everything everyone mentioned aggravates me to no end. I have 2 atop my list. People that waste when filleting fish. People that keep good breed stock walleye. Anything over 3 lbs should go back. Probably going to taste like an old tool belt anyway.
  4. Thanks MrEh. Makes you wonder if any of the rest are doing the same thing. I always thought Italo was a bit of a flamer. Now I flat out just don't like him. Once a poacher, always a poacher. Wazchuch can keep his golf and salty fish, I don't watch him anyway.
  5. Not to hi-jack the thread or anything but could someone PM me or start a new thread to explain what exactly happen with Henry and Italo. I heard something about poaching but don't really know.
  6. That show rocked. Funny stuff. If fishing wasn't already fun enough he showed me how to goof it up just a little more. my vote is for Izumi. He knows his stuff, and endorses good products.
  7. Greenday?
  8. Most bait shops will fill you bag with O2 when you buy minnows. Trick here is to not open them until you absolutely need them. Keep the minnows cold as well. Then when you think you going to need them, toss the unopened bag into the lake for about 10 mins in order to bring the minnow up or down to lake temp slowly. This should help you tons. I've tried those battery op aerators without success. Was on a 4 day trip in about 30 C weather. By day 4 I was using fuzzy minnow like critters. Kinda gross but the fish thought they were dinner so no biggie.
  9. This is what happens when your out of something for a few years. You forget. Yes by all means get the drip edge. I always put it on unless the customer was cheap and didn't want to pay. Polliwogg Weaving a cedar shake valley can be done. I did it. It is a real pain in the bass to do but thats what the customer wanted so who am I to argue right. It turned out great. It took a long time though. take a look HERE
  10. I was a roofer for 10 years, before I smartened up, so here is my 2 cents. Most roofers will tell you they close the valleys because it looks good. 9 times out of 10 it is because they can't make an open valley (metal showing) look good as well as not leak. I used to do both with no problems. But I do like the look of a closed valley only because metal will rust in time. Even galvanized metal will rust over time. I always use metal even when the valleys are closed. It doesn't cost much more and it is another line of defense. We also used a row of Ice & Water shield at the eves. and a layer of tar paper under the metal down the valley.
  11. Touche! If I could afford, or should I say, if my wife says I can afford to upgrade my tinny I would.
  12. They are when soaked in Dr. Juice and trolled and a medium speed.
  13. This might make me Mr. unpopular but I figure there is no need to spend that kind of money on rods. Just learn to use what you have. I spend around 150 bones for rod and reel. I usually buy Shimano but my walleye trolling rod is a quantum. I can fill my boat full of fish almost every trip. I could probably do it with a broom stick if I wanted to forego the cool rod bending fight. The only thing with the more inexpensive rods is no life time warranty. I can usually get 8 to 10 years from a good shimano before I drive over with my truck, step on it, or any number of other ways a rod can meet it's demise. I have tried the St. Croix rods and I found no difference between it and my shimano. It takes me a good hour to find the right rod though. I have some strict criteria a rod must meet before I buy it. It probably wouldn't take me as long to find the right St. Croix if money were no object. I say go spend an hour or so, at where ever it is you buy rods, and see what else is available. You may be surprised at the quality and lower cost.
  14. Has anyone tried the albright knot for this? Albright knot I find it much easier to tie then a blood knot and it is very strong. Meant for tying dissimilar size lines. Never tried lead to mono but I sure it will be fine. I use it for tying backing to fly line and fly line to mono.
  15. I love walleye, perch, and Crappie. Usually done in a breadcrumb mix with corn meal, garlic powder, lemon pepper, and oregano. The corn meal makes the fish very crunchy. Fry in very hot oil. Sometimes I swap breadcrumbs for crush goldfish crackers. Very Nice! A very close second is trout/salmon on the BBQ. Give this recipe a go I am sure you will agree it is top notch. In a deep dish baking pan, combine 1/3 cup oil, 1/3 cup soy sauce, 1/3 cup brown sugar, 1/2 cup water. Mix well and then season you trout or salmon fillets with lemon pepper and garlic powder. Marinade skin side up in the fridge for about 2 hours then straight on to a hot grill. Very important to go from the fridge to the grill without warming the fillets to room temp. I usually go flesh side down for 2 mins to get some nice grill marks and seal in the juices. Then flip skin side down for another 2 or 3 minutes depending on the size of fish. BAM! and you have yourself one tasty meal.
  16. I have been trialing the Cajun Red Line this year. First I started with Steelhead. Most of us know that Steelhead get spooked very easily. I had the best steelhead season in my life this spring. I am not sure if I can attribute that to the RedLine or to my skills getting better. But I do know that it did NOT spook the trout at all. Now if the red in fact does turn black, then I think that would in fact spook a steelie. Am I wrong? I mean I have watch them move out of the way of my in coming drift while using a florocarbon line but stay put or smack my offering when using redline leaders. so who knows What I do know about the cajun redline is it is meant for salt water. Very high abrasion resistance. I noticed fewer re-ties during the course of a steelhead fishing day. I will probably keep using it. Heres my two cents. Someone in this thread said "Any gimmick to sell a product..." I think if a fish is hungry or aggravated then it will hit. By aggravated I mean, the angler did a good job presenting whatever he/she is using.
  17. Nice fish! Where is your child's life jacket?
  18. I agree, RangerGuy could have use a little tact in his post. But I agree with some of what he said. If I stood on the road with a gun. Should I go to jail? YES. Now I don't know what is going on down there, but is it true? They were blocking the 401 with guns?
  19. Does anyone have any lodges or guides that they recommend for the Miramichi. I was thinking of heading to the Country Haven Lodge. For a night and fish the next day. Is is a nice place? I am tring to squeeze in a fishing day or 3 while on our honeymoon in August. I think I would prefer a guide so I don't have to teach my wife how to fly fish... The guide can have that headache.
  20. First off, I wouldn't pay for the next repair. Sounds like he is just throwing parts at it instead of a proper diagnosis/repair. In turn costing you more and more money. Do you know this guy? Or is this the first time using this mechanic. Something just sounds fishy there. Personnaly, I would just take it to another mechanic if you have that option.
  21. When I was about 8 or 10 I hooked myself in the back of the head with 2 of 3 prongs of my new daredevil spoon. I was casting from shore at a pike that surfaced. I had the old puch button closed face reals. Apperently I didn't push the button. I casted so hard that after the hook was lodged in my head The follow through force broke my rod. Of course I started crying because I just broke my rod. Then my brohter come over and points and he starts crying. Then I felt my head and found out the hook was stuck. Well then I started bawling..haha My dad came over, and like any loving father would do... Says, "hey, you caught a 60 lb sucker" hahah Nice! So a 2 hour trip to the nearest hospital ensued. Not sure if the hook yank would work on multiple hooks. That would cause alot more tissue damage I think. I ended up getting a local freezing and the Dr. worked his magic. Then I got a lollipop for not crying and went back to camp to go fishing.
  22. I don't see a problem with it. As 007 mentioned, he/she has been to the park numerious times without seeing any sign of logging. There must be a strong management plan in place to keep it that way. Most trees have a life expectancy. Maybe these maples and birch are nearing their end so the park decided to not let them fall over and instead generate some revenue by selling off the timber rights. As long as proper management is in place to make sure not to affect the visitor experience I think it is a good thing. I am biased though, I live in NWO where logging is a major portion of the economy. I see trees, I see $. In Thunder Bay logging is not really the major employer anymore but alot of the smaller communities it is. Most of them have been devistated with mill closures or operation relocation. It is sad when a town of 1500 loses 60 well paying jobs. Most of these closers/relocations are due to the price of lumber and the high canadian $ but my point is, it is still devistating.
  23. No worries here xrap. Apperently I have nothing to do today.
  24. This is the reason the Ontario curriculum is in the state that it is. If it keeps going this way the next generation has a real problem. In case your wondering, I actually know a little about the state of the curriculum, my wife is a teacher. Before someone else makes a crack, I will say she is a very good teacher and cares about what is going on.
  25. What? You disagree? Nevermind the rude comment was pulled as well as my statement. Maybe alittle offensive.. My appologies.
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