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Posts posted by lew

  1. reality check.


    Ever heard of rabies, healthy coons don't get stuck?

    Fungus from coon poop can kill you,


    Ontario is infested with racoons.



    Well, the way I look at it, not everything we do in life is guaranteed to be safe, and if everyone just stood back and worried about what MIGHT happen some day, I'm afraid alot of things would never get accomplished.


    What really pi$$ed me off yesterday was the attitude of a few morons who stopped to see what I was doing, kneeling in the mud, and chopping away at the tree for an hour. As soon as they realised it was "only" a raccoon that was trapped, they just laughed and walked away.


    I have absolutely NO idea how anyone could just walk past this animal without at least trying to do something to relieve it's suffering. It took me a grand total of 2 hours outta my life to help it, but at least I know I did something to relieve it's pain, while others somehow found it's pain to be amusing.


    I spose I just think more of critters than some other folks do.

  2. Best of luck on the surgery Gerritt and it'll probably be alot easier on you than your thinking.


    I suffered for a year after a back injury because I was nervous about the knife, but it was much easier than I feared and I was good as new in a matter of weeks.


    All the best to ya bud ;) !!

  3. Sad news folks, we just got a call from the vet and the little guy died an hour ago.


    The vet had him at his office and said he seemed to be doing much better, but then suddenly went downhill and that was it.


    I'll never stand by and watch an animal suffer and at least I know I did all I could for him and his last few hours weren't spent suffering while he was jammed inside that tree trunk.



  4. Early this morning before day break, me & the pooch were walknig thru the woods on our daily hike, when Marvin started whining at the base of a nearby tree. I walked over to see what was happening and saw what appeared to be a dead raccoon jammed up inside a hollow spot in the trunk right at groundlevel and between some roots.


    As I was walking away I heard it make a growning sound so I went back, and sure enough it was alive but jammed solidly in the hole. He was sorta standing and facing me, but twisted around and hopelessly stuck and the poor thing looked terrified. I was able to reach him, so I put on my gloves and tried to twist him free but there was no way that was gonna happen without alot of the root and trunk being cut away, so I went home and got a hatchet, hammer and some big wood chisels, and then my daughter and I headed back down.


    It took me an hour to cut enough of the trunk and roots away without injuring him, but finally there was enough room to get him out. We layed him on an old towel I had and he was breathing fine but was so exhausted he could hardly move. Alot of the hair had been worn away from the top of his head and on both front feet and legs from him trying to free himself, but he didn't appear to be injured and continually tried to bite me.......ungrateful little bugger :D:D


    From the looks of him I'd guess he was stuck for at least a couple days and was just too stiff to even move, but my guess is he'll make it.


    We were just kinda standing there trying to figure what to do next, when along comes a man who stopped to see what was happening. Just by a stoke of good luck, it turns out he volunteers for an animal sanctuary / animal rescue group. He used his cell and called their local vet, who also volunteers his services free of charge for injured animals and he was coming over to get him. He said the raccoon was probably dehydrated and was even bringing an IV set-up to use on him while he took him back to his clinic which was about 30 minutes away.


    He has a seperate section dedicated to rehabilitating wild critters and specializes in raccoons


    I had an appointment this morning and couldn't wait any longer, so we wrapped the animal up in another blanket and put it on the front seat of the other guys car with the heater going and he was gonna wait for the vet to show up and get him.


    He'll call me later to day and let me know how they made out.


    I know alot of folks think of raccoons are a nuisance, and yes they are, but I'm a HUGE animal lover and there's no way I could leave that poor critter trapped like that. I told my daughter that I'd take the whole tree down if neccessary and worry about the consequenses later.


    Anyways, that's how I spent my morning and just thought a few more of you animal lovers may find it interesting.

  5. If I am right handed, and cast with my right hand with my baitcaster, should I retrieve (reel in) with my left hand, or should I change hands with my rod and then retrieve with my right hand????




    Joey, there ISN'T a right or wrong way to do it, just use whatever hand you feel most comfortable with. When you buy the new reel to match your St. Croix, try out both left & right hand retrieves, then buy whichever feels best to YOU.


    I'm right handed and I cast everything righthanded, and with baitcasters I switch the rod to my left hand and crank with my right, but with spinning, I crank with my left.


    Don't ever let anybody tell you your doing it wrong, because there's no such thing as a wrong way.

  6. I'll tell you what NOT to do krawler <_<


    Don't go fishing and tuck your cell phone up under the console of your boat to keep it dry when the rain starts, and not check to be sure it's secured up there, and then find it laying on the floor of the boat at the end of the day with water dripping out of it :(


    Yup, I did it, just ask Mr Eh, and it was a very expensive mistake :blush:

  7. :dunno: Wayne: check out the stores return policy. A lot of stores have a policy,that if an item goes on sale within 30 days,you can get a refund. At Zellers and Crapped out Tire.


    Try it ,ya might like it :thumbsup_anim:


    I bought my Columbia tent at CTC last winter for $250 and TWO MONTHS later it came on sale for $50 off, so I took my receipt to the store and got the $50 + tax handed back to me with a smile and a thank you........no questions asked. :)


    Give it a try Wayne, all they can do is say no.

  8. Thanks for that solo, I've been waiting a long time for you to start posting about some of your trips !!


    You take some incredible trips and as I've said before, it'd be great if you could ever take the time to post some of your stories in more detail. I know for a fact that alot of us would definetely enjoy reading about them. ;)

  9. Looks like some cold weather is actually heading this way and even here in the Banana Belt their talking about -20 for lows and only about -9 for the hi by mid next week.


    Guess I'll hafta go see if I can find my winter coat.......haven't needed it yet this year :(

  10. I just switched my cell from Bell to Rogers a couple months ago and so far no complaints.


    Never could get a signal at Lakair, then coming down between Haliburton & Buckhorn I always lose it again and even down in the Hay Bay area of Quinte I have trouble with it.


    Hopefully it'll be a bit better with Rogers, but who knows :dunno:

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