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Posts posted by lew



    Hulbert is a highly respected musky guide, kinda like Indiana's version of Lew :D


    Hey Phil, does that mean I shoulda charged you some $$$$ for that fish ?? :lol::lol:


    Dustin, good luck on the trip with your dad, sounds like you guys will be having an awesome day and hopefully you'll both grab a biggun :thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim:

  2. The best gift I received was having my 84 year old Mom around to share Christmas with us for yet another year, and it don't get any better than that :thumbsup_anim:


    As for goodies, it's almost embarrassing to see how much loot I got :blush:


    Musky baits, tools, a LARGE bag of $$$$, enough nice winter clothing to keep a small country warm and the list goes on.......


    I hope everyone else is as happy as me this morning :santa::santa:


    Right now I can smell sausages & french toast calling, so I'll see y'all later :) .......

  3. No little kids around here anymore so we always open our gifts on Christmas Eve.


    I hafta tell you, Santa left so much stuff here last night, that there may not be enough left for any of the rest of youz :thumbsup_anim:



    Have a great day everyone and I hope the fat man is as good to you as he was to me :santa::santa:

  4. And last but not least a special daughter of one of our great OFNers (but that might have to be a secret :santa: )


    Yup, I saw her sneakin in the back door with a couple BPS bags, but don't worry Roger, it's still a secret :santa:


    Sheri said she had another great conversation with you, as always :thumbsup_anim:

  5. Thanks Glen


    Great to hear Miss Bubba's gonna be OK now, and hopefully, she'll adapt nicely without any real probems and go on to live a long and normal life.


    Must be a nice for you guys, knowing everything is good now and you have her home in time for Christmas.


    Marvin sends his luv too :thumbsup_anim:

  6. For about 37 years I worked either Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, or on alternate years it was New Years Eve or Day.


    Couldn't complain though as I knew what the schedules were going in, but it was always hard when the kids were young and I had to miss so many fun things with them at Christmas........setting out the midnight snacks for Santa and the reindeer, watching them staring out the window to see if they could see the sleigh arcing thru the night, seeing their expressions when they came down the hall on Christmas mornings........


    Yup, lotsa great memories, but lotsa missed moments too when your working the Christmas shifts :(


    There's only a few years when your kids can REALLY get into the magic of Christmas.......the elves loading the sleigh, Santa and the reindeer up on the roof, coming down the chimney, eating food left for them after they unload all the goodies :santa: .........


    You miss those few really incredible years when your not there.


    How bout you, do you have to work over the holidays ??

  7. Mike, I haven't figured out how to post a link on the new board yet, but have a look at www.lostlakelodge.com


    It's n/w of Temagami, up near Gowganda, and we spent a week there a few years back and really enjoyed the place. More like a bunch of cottages than a resort, but well maintained and clean. They have a restaurant if you like, or do your own cooking in the cabin.


    It's on Lost Lake, but he has boats on about 6 other nearby lakes and you portage between them and carry your fish'n gear, along with a small outboard and gas can, but the walks are all short and easy.


    When we were there, the only access to the other lakes was thru his property, so basically the only folks you'd see all day were others from the same place. We were there in June and pretty well had all the lakes to ourselves.


    We mostly only fished for bass that week, but it was incredible and about the best smallmouth fish'n I've ever encountered.


    Have a look and I'm pretty sure you'll like the place.

  8. Not fishing related, but I did buy myself a Christmas present the other day.


    I was wandering around the store looking for a present for Diane when I spotted a set of pliers/cutters marked down from $40 to $10 and what self respecting man could pass up a deal like that ?? :thumbsup_anim:


    I came home and stuck them under the tree and just promised not to use them till after the BIG day :santa::santa:

  9. Years ago I saw people netting smelt there (as well as at the mouths of the Humber and the Rouge).


    Yup, we used to fish for smelts around that bridge ourselves many years ago turtle.


    That entire area used to be excellent for smelt back in the day, but sadly, those days seem to be gone forever :(


    The new camera seems to be working well dsn, and the pictures came out very nice.

  10. Nippissing, here's a couple old pics you may be interested in.


    I posted this one recentely but you may not have seen it. This is a 15' Peterboro Boat that my dad bought back in the mid 50's and kept for about 8 years.


    Interesting to note that my dads boat had the steering wheel on the left side of the boat, as compared to the right side in modern boats, and it was also located in the rear seat, which was quite common back then.




    And this one was owned by a family friend, also in the 50's and I think it was 16'


    Both excellent boats !!



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