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Posts posted by lew

  1. Navionics will have Lake Nippissing on this years cards and the price is coming down too!


    Rick, is Nip gonna be a seperate card by itself, or will it be included on the Eastern Great Lakes chip and did you get a price on it ??

  2. I phoned Cabelas this past Friday and ordered a GPS / Sonar combo and was told it would arrive in 7 business days, so figuring the weekend and then the New Years holidays, I wasn't expecting it till sometime early next week, but darned if it didn't arrive this morning.


    Kinda nice when you receive even better service than your expecting ;)


    Only problem is my boat is hibernating in a barn 100 miles from here and I won't get a chance to install and use my new toy for another 4 months :dunno:



  3. The large mariboo's are incredible musky lures that catch alot of fish and if tied correctly, can also take alot of punishment before needing to be retired. I've been using them for a few years now and have always got at least one rod rigged up with a boo and ready to go at all times.


    I always buy mine rather than make them so I can't help you, but musky-man, brick n block & Robin from this board all make excellent musky boo baits and could probably tell you where to purchase the material......perhaps luremaking.com ??


    The ones I find best are about the size of a cantalope when dry.


    Not sure how familiar you are with these baits, but they are incredibly bouyant so you'll need to experiment abit with the weights to get them to work properly. I've got a couple that are totally weightless, and once they get saturated, they run just under the surface and are excellent baits for bulging over top of the high cabbage, specially with twin blades. I find they work best when run a couple feet above the weed tops or rocks, so, depending on the height of the weeds, it's nice to have a variety of weights. I even clip bell weights onto some to get them down deeper when neccesary.


    I've also always found yellow with brass blades to be the best producer but that's just a personal opinion.


    I've probably got at least twice as many now since this picture was taken and will be requiring a much large box next season. :thumbsup_anim:


    Good luck with them and I'd luv to see the photos of your finished project.




  4. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones who actually does get to fish as much as I want, and I spend an incredible amount of days on the water over the course of a musky season.


    I don't usually set goals, then I'm never disappointed if I don't reach them, but rather just hit the water every day and try to have a good time, and if the fish gods smile on me, well then, it was a good day. ;) Two years ago I set a goal to help my daughter get her 1st musky, which she did, but setting that goal was an exception for me.


    I've been very fortunate in the fact that I've shared my boat with more than 50 different OFNers over the last few years on musky trips and have made alot of good friends around here, and every year I hope to add a few more to the list.


    Jamie, I guess the only real goal I've set for next year is to spend a couple days chasing those Ottawa River muskies with you like we've talked about so many times. I'll bring the Suicks and you supply the Dawgs and we'll see about getting that new boat of yours all slimed up :thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim:

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