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Posts posted by lew

  1. Thanks Dan, some great pictures there and there's nothing more impressive or powerful, than BIG storms on BIG waters, and Superior certainly comes by her name honestly !!


    I've had the pleasure (usually) of crossing the Atlantic Ocean quite a few times and it's absolutely incredible how rough it can be sometimes. Storms can, and often do, last for days and the worst I ever saw was 75' waves, which is pretty undaunting when your ship isn't much more than 300'


    One minute your riding the top of the mountain, and then seconds later your bow is stuffed under a wall of water the size of an apartment building.


    Not sure if the term to describe massive waves is exhilarating or terrifying :w00t:


    Again Dan, thanks for the great pictures and rekindling some awesome memories.

  2. My Mom is old school from the Depression era, and refuses to use a credit card, infact I doubt if she even has one, and pays everything with $$$$ or cheque. She has no interest in the "new fangled" debit cards either.


    She recentely wanted to purchase a new fridge from Leon's, who she's dealt with for years, but they wouldn't accept her cheque because of all the trouble lately with bad ones. When she explained she didn't have credit or debit cards and didn't want to carry close to $1000 cash in her purse, they basically said sorry, but there's not much else we can do.


    In the end I had to go and pay for it with my debit card for her, but that seems to be the norm in alot of places lately. Large bills are no longer accepted, and neither are cheques <_<


    Makes life difficult for those that don't believe in plastic.

  3. In all honesty Zack, what those people are doing is actually something I see suggested on this, and other boards, many many times.


    People are always asking how's the ice on such and such a lake, is it safe to walk on, howz the fishing ??.......and often, board members will tell them to check with the locals, the tackle shop owners, or the fish hut operators, as their the experts and will know the current conditions.


    You folks are well known up there and seeing as your right on the water, they just assume your gonna know everything about the ice conditions, and when people need information, you folks are unfortunately gonna be the 1st ones they go too.


    Actually you could take it as a compliment, being considered the local expert :thumbsup_anim:


    As for the garbage they leave behind, well, theres not much you or any of the rest of us can do about it. There's pigs all over the world and unfortunately, it's probably always gonna be that way, and we'll just have to keep cleaning up after them :angry:


    The bright side is that next week I have 2 job interviews to look forward to! :thumbsup_anim: I know that one of them is a give in, the other is pretty much a done deal too as it is my 2nd time in to talk to them and this time is with one of the owners.


    So lots of things will be new! New eyes, a new year and a new job! I'm re-born at 50!


    Thanks for listening OFNers! B)


    Harry, that's the most up-lifting post I've read in a very long time.


    Good luck with todays procedure and all the best with so many great things happening in your future.


    Nice things happen to nice people :thumbsup_anim:

  5. It was a good try anyways Ron.


    I remember watching them launch that boat and head out from the harbour while we were all sitting in the restaurant having breakfast that day on the pier.


    I'm sure they've somehow got wind of this ongoing investigation by now, so I doubt if we'll see them in the area again, but if we do, they can be sure there'll be ALOT more cameras pointed at them next time !! ;)

  6. I will even put on a pot of coffee for Lew if he can get up that early :lol: .


    Hey Nip, I go by your place a couple times a year, and I'm ALWAYS early, so don't be too surprised if

    you hear me banging on your door about 3:00 AM some day lookin for that coffee :lol::lol:


    And donuts too, I like donuts with my coffee :thumbsup_anim:

  7. Nippissing, thanks for those pictures, it looks like you really do have a little slice of Heaven up there.


    I especially like your 1st picture, there's not a better way to start the day than sipping a coffee while watching the sun come up across the lake ;)


    There's also not a better way to end the day either, than sitting around the fire with family.

  8. I went to the Boat Show yesterday but it'll be my last one.


    Used to be you could park at Ontario Place for free and just walk an extra 5 minutes, but they've done away with that now and it cost me $10 to park my truck. The entrance fee has gone to $15 now so your lookin at $25 just to get in the joint.......take your wife and it's gonna cost you 40 bucks :angry:


    I wasn't in there 5 minutes before somebody came from a booth trying to get me to buy a ticket for some charity, and then I was hit up 3 more times by different people for charity $$$$ in the next couple hours.


    I dunno, it used to be an enjoyable way to spend a winter afternoon, but now it's just getting to be an expensive money grab, and I think they've got my last dollar.


    Think I'll be giving up on the Sportsman Show too........same reason.


    This isn't a rant, just one man's observation.

  9. I was at the Boat Show today and stopped at the Navionics booth to ask about the chip for Nippissing.


    It'll be available in about 2 weeks for about $200 cdn


    The salesman was alone and very busy and didn't have time to do much checking, and he didn't know what other lakes would be covered along with Nippissing, but he didn't think it would include anything in Southern Ontario.


    That's all the info he could give me.

  10. I especially love the drivers that go 30-40clicks in the fast and middle lanes, thinking that the slower the better, while everyone else is doing 80-100 and are changing lanes to pass them.


    Perhaps if more people were doing 30-40 in yesterday's conditions, rather than changing lanes and passing others at 80-100, we wouldn't have had the 700 collisions I spoke of above :w00t:


    But then again, what do I know ?? :dunno:

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