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Posts posted by lew

  1. I absolutely can't believe how many totally LOUSY drivers we're forced to share the roads with these days, specially in weather like we had yesterday !! :w00t:


    It was reported on this mornings news that there were 700......SEVEN HUNDRED !!!!!!.....accidents around the GTA during yesterdays snowfall.......that's COMPLETELY INSANE !!!!!!


    Some of you folks need to realise that you need to SLOW DOWN a little bit when the roads are snow & ice covered......you CAN'T be roaring down the hiways at 130 like it's the middle of July !!!!


    And STOP changing lanes every 100 yards, your NOT the only one who's trying to get somewhere !!


    And what's with the idiots that don't clear the snow off the car windows ??.......how the heck do you drive when you can't see ????? :angry:


    And why don't you spend a few $$$$ and put winter tires on your vehicle so you can get some traction and your not holding up hundreds of other people because you can't get up a tiny hill ?? .......You spent $30,000 for the car, go spend another $500 so you can move it in the snow !!


    And while you've got your wallet out, buy some windshield washer fluid too so you can clear some of the crap off your windshield and maybe see the guy in front of you so you don't slam into the back of him at the red light.


    SEVEN HUNDRED accidents......INSANE !!!!!! :w00t::w00t:


    SLOW DOWN, PEOPLE !!!!!!


    Now, where'd I put my coffee ??

  2. anyone know a CustomWeld or Harborcraft owner? these boats are heavy duty aluminum hauls and have a extremely tough look to them, thinking about it but i would like to hear a testimonial on them,.


    I don't have any 1st hand knowledge of the Harborcraft, but have heard alot of good things said about them. Sposed to be a top notch boat from what I understand.

  3. A tanker truck carrying liquid oxygen rolled over on HWY 400 around Steeles awhile ago and the hwy is closed completely in BOTH directions till at least after the rush hour.


    Just a heads-up for any OFNers who plan on using the road in the next few hours, specially those trying to get outta Toronto tonight..


    Sorry to spoil your day folks :(

  4. The only dolt I had to avoid was a 4x4 as he spun out on the 401.


    I hate to admit it, but I often get a chuckle when I see the 4 X 4's in the ditch and the "dolt" standing in a snowdrift, scratching his head wonderin what just happened :dunno:


    Some of these 4 X 4 guys figure their invincible and have no need to slow down like everyone else when the road conditions go down the drain.

  5. We haven't got any snow yet from this "weather system" but were getting losta freezing rain right now in the east end of Toronto and everything is getting coated, so it'll be a miserable drive for anyone on the roads this morning.


    Be careful this morning folks when you take that 1st step outside :w00t:

  6. I planned on going tomorrow but may wait a day or 2 until they get the roads cleaned up after the incoming snowfall tonight and tomorrow.


    Traffics crazy enough around here without throwing 6" of snow into the mix too :lol::lol:

  7. Check the open hours Lew!


    WeekdaysNoon - 9pm



    Thanks Wayne, I forgot they keep bankers hours at that show....... jeeeeeeez, what kinda business opens their doors at the crack of NOON ??


    Wander around the show for a couple hours and then hafta leave right in the middle of rush hour.......great planning :w00t:

  8. I'm reading over the manual for installing my new LCX-17M and it's a bit confusing (to me anyways)


    I currently have 2 depthfinders on my boat, and will be leaving the one on the bow as is, and replacing the old one on the console with this new GPS / SONAR


    The bow mount unit has it's own transducer on the electric troll motor and is hooked to the fuse panel under the console completely seperate from the other and will have nothing to do with the new one.


    The new unit will sit on the console, directly above the fuse panel.


    As you can see in the attatched photo, the power cable that will go to the back of the GPS has 3 seperate wires coming from it.....a larger cable with 3 wires...red/black/white


    A smaller cable also has 3 wires......red/black/white


    The other small cable has 4 wires......orange/blue/yellow/bare.


    The small red/black/white has a tag that reads.....NMEA 2000.......GPS power


    The other small cable tag reads.........RS-232


    From what I understand, NMEA 2000 is for networking different electronics together, but I won't be doing that.


    Would that mean the small red/black/white cable would just be left out and basically taped off and ignored.


    Now, what about the other 2 cables......the large r/w/b and the small one.....o/b/y/bare......do they each have to go to a seperate fuse, or are they put on the same fuse.


    Thanks for any help you can offer.



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