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Posts posted by lew

  1. Bon Echo is certainly beautiful but my vote would be for Bonnechere.


    I agree with you on Bonnechere PP Dave, it's the only provincial park I've ever stayed in but it was excellent.


    We were there in September a few years back and the place was nearly deserted. Fairly isolated from any large populations and we practically had the place to ourselves and the scenery is as good as you'll find anywhere.

  2. Most importantly - you can't put a price on the lives of your loved ones!


    HH, my daughter was heading up the 115 late at night a few years back and caught her right front tire on the soft shoulder.


    It spun her car sideways, threw her across the road where she hit the center retaining wall head-on, then she got broadsided by a truck that was coming up behind her in the left lane. All this while she was doing 60 MPH


    The whole thing probably only took about 3 seconds and her car was comletely destroyed and it took the fire department 30 minutes to cut her free.


    Fortunately, the injuries weren't too severe due to the excellent design of the seatbelt and air bags, but it just shows how fast something terrible can happen. I pass by the spot several times each week between May & November and still shudder every time I think about what could have happened.

  3. We've had it good here in Toronto this winter as far as snowfall goes, I think the weather channel said we've had a grand total of 9 cm, while everyone around here has gotten clobbered.


    Kinda nice too, there's just too much traffic around here and it only takes a few inches to shut this town down.


    We've dodged a few storms, hopefully we'll duck this one too.


    The radio says we're only looking at about 10 cm for the Smoke....hopefully

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