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Everything posted by Shloim

  1. Depending on where you fish they are tiny fish. the best I've ever caught after two trips and numerous tries was about a 2-3 lb fish. The locals I met that were hand lining were all using small line. I brought a few rolls of 20-25lb test and it was huge compared to what I saw them all using. That's why I said 4 lb. Someone recommended from trip advisor that I bring the 20lb and 2/0 hooks and it was all big comaritively speaking. That's all I'm saying I hope you have better luck than I did. Also I tried fishing more in Veradero than Cato coco, again good luck!
  2. Been there myself! Fishing was ok... The locals use small line and small hooks for hand lining. A lot of the stuff they catch are tiny fish. Buy small rolls of 4lb to share the wealth and they will appreciate it. In fact we brought some good condition old kids toys and clothes. Any t shirts or hats with any kind of English writing are good and make up is HUGE for the ladies. The people there like stuff more than money as even if you have the money, things are hard if not impossible to get. We brought the hotel manager a couple of cheap MP3 players and got an upgrade to a huge suite and extra reservations at the fancy restaurants. Start by emailing the hotel manager before you go and find out what their kid situation is then bring a couple of gifts for them, it will be worth it.
  3. I owned a wilderness systems yak for a while. Not so sure how quickly you will be standing. It takes alot of nerve and practice. But the thing I miss the most is the ease with which you can get out on the water I used to be able to get to a kettle lake full of bass and pike in 45 min from my house. Wirh a boat and trailer it's a much bigger production. There are a couple of kayak fishing forums that are great full of nice folks like this forum
  4. I purchased the navionics app last year and it has been the best 15 I've ever spent. Heavily drains battery power though but a cell phone is certainly handy out on the water. Used it several times and haven't got lost. Plus it's navionics so I can see all the contours and depths etc.
  5. I use a lot of 4" gulp minnows on darter jig heads and jerk baits are usually good too... I try to keep it simple
  6. Congrats! And all the best
  7. I have a minn kota 55lb riptide hand control bow mounted motor and It just stopped working. So I took it apart looking for something and found nothing noticeably wrong. So my dilemma is that although its not what i really want, when it was working I was happy enough with it. But it broke, so before I put any money into it do I just get a foot control as that is what I really want. Or does anyone think Im getting this fixed inexpensively??? I would much prefer to not spend the money
  8. Queensvile side road at Yonge St. you will see a convenience store just west of the bridge. turn north on the side st. and there'll be a small park. its easy to launch and parking is no problem. Launched my yak there before the river makes for calm waters. Cooks bay can be choppy be careful! In soldiers bay however, there are bass on the edges almost all the time....My friend Darryl lives walking distance from the spot and he fishes it a few times a week!
  9. Heading there tonight for a spare trailer tire Princess auto that is
  10. Bill I do understand as I'm often one of those guys that gets called for help. But these guys I'm talking about are actively looking for work at a discounted rate. This comes from lower overhead but is that from not having insurance etc...
  11. I understand completely, I myself am a master electrician and operate and electrical contracting company. Fact of the matter is I get angry myself at fly by night electrical guys. Ill look for a real shop next time but hope to not need one.... Sheldon
  12. Im there the first week of August second year we are staying at a friends on the canal directly across from the Rosedale Marina. The fishing was terrible last year nobody was catching anything all week. Hope its better this year... Let us know how ya make out!
  13. So, as it turns out I have a mechanic friend who now teaches so, I brought it to his school where he completely ripped out the wiring harness and replaced the fried parts put it all back together and then best of all, found a short where the trim motor wires were getting pinched. My friend likely saved me a 6-700 bill as it took us 6 hrs to fix it all. Anyway it all works like a charm and it fired right up too. Warranty is not a luxury I posses so I'd love to find a good mechanic thats less expensive than a big shop.
  14. Hi folks, there are a couple of guys that advertise regularly on kijiji and one is very close to home for me, so although fortunately not in need, Im tempted to try him out.
  15. So, as I said my 16 tinny with floors and a console and platform (all heavy) moves great with a 40. I had rented a boat earlier this season a 14' with a 20 or 25 and I could easily see being disappointed after a while. I know its easy for us to say as you are paying...but amortized over the length of time you will likely own it, will make it more palpable and you wont regret it..
  16. I have a 16 with a forty and it's perfect! Get up on plane in seconds and the kids can tube off of it too...
  17. Thanks for all your replies . So after being on the water all day yesterday the overheating was from weeds and it runs fine . The problem is with the trim. So it worked fine when I launched and then it crapped out mid day. We were at a friends cottage and checked it at the dock and found some burnt wires, then after pulling it out of the water and getting a better look, found a couple more burn wires... Cab anyone recommend a good mechanic close to the city if possible? I'm freaking out a bit now....
  18. First the motor freaked out a couple of times it sort of shut down and water temp lite came on. I shut it down and then it ran fine after both times, also my power trim gave me a bit of trouble and works but no when all thecway down without a boost. With a little lift/ help getting started it works fine. Only intermittent trouble going up from the all the way down position.... Any advice?
  19. Just an observation and not to be a buzz kill but...After looking at all the photos there is only one guy wearing a PFD in all those pics! I rarely wear one myself but im just sayin...
  20. Ok so my wife is saying that fish feel slot more pain than we think or care to admit. Thoughts ?
  21. I'm gonna check and I've just liberated a PVR to record fishing shows so I'll be set if I can find em.,
  22. My favorite is no longer on the air here in Canada. It was available for a while on the travel network. It was called "the fishing adventurer" A french dude would travel the world to remote places and fish with locals. It seemed like a "real" show. No fancy boats and 5 star accommodations, it was very interesting. There were even a couple of Canadian episodes from Quebec and Nunavit...
  23. Yes didnt watch the whole thing...
  24. Not such a bad price, I wonder how much it weighs and what transporting and launching it would be like?
  25. Damn VHS I knew I should have gone Beta!
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