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Everything posted by DanD

  1. Thanks Rich; but I shouldn’t take the credit for the link to that site. I believe it was Roy or one of the other long time posters that gave up the Web site here about a year or so ago? I’ve used it quite a bit looking at all the places I would love to go to and fish. Dan.
  2. Would this be of any use to you? It’s an interactive map where you can zoom in and navigate to different areas and then print off what you want. http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/maps/topo/map?mapsize=850+666&scale=300000.000000&mapxy=1151158.9373001728+-172976.52871906053&mode=zoomin&layers=other_features%20million_grid%20t50k_grid%20grid_50k_3%20roads%20hydrography%20boundary%20builtup%20vegetation%20populated_places%20railway%20power_network%20manmade_features%20designated_areas%20water_features%20water_saturated_soils%20relief%20contours%20toponymy%20contour%20nodata_ntdb_50k&hidetextbox= Dan.
  3. Thanks. I was trying to cheap out; but you’re 100% right and I’ll stick with what I got until I finally break down and buy a good suit. Thanks again. Dan.
  4. Leaving for the West Arm tomorrow morning and stopping off at Basspro on the way through. I was thinking of new rain gear and was wondering if anyone has seen or used the RedHead stretch jackets & paints? http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_10201239_100014000_100000000_100014000_100-14-0 The pricing doesn’t seem too bad; but are they any good for the money? The older I get the dryer I want to be; but still can’t bring myself into paying much more then a couple hundred bucks for a complete suit. Dan.
  5. Yea you’re right; this poor old bum mechanic was just thinking a strait series circuit; me bad. LOL Dan.
  6. One other thing a lot of people don’t even consider; is the age of a tire. It doesn’t matter how much tread there is or if you don’t see any heavy weather checking; after 8-10 years of age, they should come off the road or never put on the road and that’s regardless if they have never been used. Rubber never stops “curing”, drying out and loosing it elasticity; where the steel belts will not longer be held or bonded to the rubber and they’ll likely blow out. In some European countries it’s the law that a 5 year old tire cannot be sold or run on the roads. Every DOT approved tire has a date code of when it was manufactured, you just need to know how to read the code. Even if you’re buying “new” tires for your vehicle and you can't believe the deal you’re getting on them; check the date code; they may have been sitting in a warehouse for a number of years. This site explains the date code pretty well. http://www.tirerack.com/tires/tiretech/techpage.jsp?techid=11 Dan.
  7. Hey guys when did 1.5 volts of a AA battery, times 32 batteries add up to 6 volts. The math alone tells you it’s not true; doesn’t it? Dan.
  8. What is it about people going brain dead went they have timmies on their mind. I have to go by one, on the way to the shop (like 90% of the rest of us) and I don’t know how many times I’ve been cut off by vehicles either going into or leaving the place. The one time I’m in the Corvette, I’m in the farthest lane away from the exit of Timmie’s. I see this car leaving tim’s, the driver has their coffee in hand, come across all four lanes and is heading for my driver’s door. I couldn’t brake or she would have clipped me for sure; so I nailed the throttle and jumped the curb and came back onto the street in front of her. Corvettes do not make good off road vehicles! At the next set of lights I get out to go have a talk with her and she’s screaming at me; that I was crazy for passing her on the right from the side walk. The whole time she’s fiddling with her coffee cup trying to get it open; the same thing she was doing when she cut me off. She didn’t even see me; she was so involved in getting that sludge down her throat. Driving with a Cel phone in your hand is illegal; ha driving with a timmie’s cup in hand makes more sense. LOL Dan.
  9. DanD

    Pig Roast

    Not sure about the king of smoke but maybe the king of soot. I ran into the “Big House” (the trailer park’s washrooms) to take a shower; while the pig was on the cooling table. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much black water running off of me in my life. LOL Sorry no pictures. Dan.
  10. DanD

    Pig Roast

    ONE BIG FIRE! After we split the drum in two; we had the thing glowing. Uncle Red was the inspiration. LOL Dan
  11. DanD

    Pig Roast

    No I just do it for fun; I hold one most every summer for family & friends. Everybody pitches in with the work and we make it a get together or maybe better said an excuse for all of us to see each other. Why we need one not sure but this one works. Dan.
  12. With the few different threads that have been posted about smokers & BBQ’s I thought I’d show you mine. It’s made out of an old oil tank, a ½ horse electric motor, a gear reduction box and too keep things in tune with fishing & boating; the spit rod is made from a stainless steel prop shaft from an inboard boat. Redneck all the way. LOL Last weekend's pork dressed out at 120lbs when we picked it up at the abattoir and there was still room on the spit to hang a larger pig. It went on the heat around 7;30am and it came off at about 5pm; I went through approx ½ a face cord of apple wood for the coals and smoke; plus 50lbs of lump coal to keep the heat stable. Let it sit on a cooling table for an hour or so and it was belly up to the table for approx. 70 of our guests. All I could see were people smiling, nodding and them licking their fingers. If you ever get a chance to go too a pig roast, don’t pass it up; you’ll never taste better pork then one done whole on a slow cooking wood fueled spit. Couldn’t keep up cutting the meat and crackling for them and there was three of us carving. These are the only pic’s I have so far; got them from my son’s phone; I was to busy cooking to take any. Yea that’s me in the red shirt. Dan.
  13. I think the board is the way to go with the install and with that 2” lip on yours; you could make it removable with a set of truck cap clamps. Something like these. If these clamps can hold a truck topper on at 120K highway speeds; they’ll hold the board. You would maybe need to exchange the clamping bolt for a longer one; to have a wide enough opening? Another good thing about clamping on a board; there’s no drilling holes in that nice looking boat. Just throwing out a suggestion Dan.
  14. Yea my brother crossed couch a couple of times, while doing the Trent. He's usually not too afraid of a bit of rough water; but he said he wouldn’t cross it again on a windy day. I guess he had water breaking over the bow of his 28 foot cabin cruiser. The same wind on Erie wouldn't have put a two foot chop on the water and Erie's known for being rough, during a bit of wind. Dan.
  15. Here's my story of trying to do the right thing and then getting paid back by the neighbor for me not minding my own business. I'm sitting out on my front porch and I hear two of the neighbors (different households) across the street, start yelling at each other; don't know what the fight was about didn't care. The woman hauls off and slaps the guy; he in-turn shoves her to the ground and was winding up to kick her while she was down. I yelled at him to stop which he did but the yelling was getting worse and it was just a matter of time before there would be more physical assaults. I told my wife to call the cops, which she did and it didn't take them long to get to the house; MY HOUSE!! These two cops are now on my porch confirming whether it was us that called and take a statement from us? Meanwhile the two neighbors are still going at it yelling and screaming at each other; finally the two cops go across and break up the argument. Now the male neighbor realizes that it was me that called the cops and starts threatening me "I'll get you you...!"; right in front of the cops. Well a long story short the cops leave after about an hour and I'm getting all kinds of cat calls from the neighbor. The next morning I wake up to see 8 flat tires on our vehicles. Called the one cop that left his business card and all he does is give me an occurrence number for the insurance company. He says if it happens again just call it in and try and stay away from the guy; I live across the street? I know what was the cop suppose to do after the fact; but why would those two idiot cops come to my house first; when it was obvious why they were called; the neighbors were nose to nose screaming at each other? It really makes you want to get involved and do the right thing doesn't it? Dan.
  16. It’s going to be a bit of a pain to do this but I would ask this guy for a couple of written estimates from body shops. Then make sure you’re there at these agreed upon shops when the estimates are made out. That’s so you know that you’re only being priced on the damage you did. From there you maybe can come to an agreeable cash settlement? If the guy doesn't agree to this I'd say he doesn't want it fixed to bad. He'd have to get estimates if it were going through insurence; so there's no difference for him, just more leg work for you. Dan
  17. Big Cliff. Your post should be every small business’s oath; words for us to live by. I’ve had some dealings with a couple of board members; as in providing the service (tires for one example) and it felt like I was helping a friend. We met up here at my shop on a Saturday morning (normally not open Saturdays) and talked fishing the whole time during the install. Both times I didn’t do it for profit; sold the tires at cost and only charged for the materials to install & balance; I’d do it again for someone that I respect from the board. Dan.
  18. Could also be a weak fuel pump that at idle it just doesn’t suck hard enough to keep the carb’s float bowl full of fuel? The next time it starts playing its game of that high rev, try pumping the in-line primer bulb and see if it comes back to life? If so make sure the lines are not leaking as suggested if they’re ok maybe have a vacuum test done on the pump. I can’t remember what the spec is for sure but 4-6 inches of vacuum comes to mind; regardless that would be more then enough to move the fuel from the tank into the carb. Dan.
  19. I run a small business and so far I haven’t raised any of my pricing (yet) because of the HST but I feel we’ll have to. Right off the top next year it’s going to cost me an extra $1500.00 to do business. As a collector of PST we were given 5% of what we collected, up to $1500.00 a year for collecting and remitting the tax. Well that’s now gone with the HST; but we still have the same work in collecting the tax and remitting it. (never did get anything for collecting, tracking and remitting GST) Where else am I going to get this money back other then raising pricing. The government wins all around; they’re not paying anyone for collecting the tax plus they’ll be getting extra tax form the increased pricing. In my opinion all they (the government) are doing is making people think of doing something they haven’t done much of in a long time; black market, under the table dealings. I get asked daily if I’m willing to not write an invoice for my labour and of course I say no; wouldn’t want to defraud the tax man now would I????? Dan.
  20. Thanks Roy. I’ve been lucky that it hasn’t happened to me (yet); but I know a number of people that had to use their kicker to get in. Long slow rides but they were safe and didn’t have to call a Pan Pan for help. Dan.
  21. I agree with Grimace a kicker is the way to go when it comes to big water trolling. If your etec is in good condition no sense in replacing it and a kicker is going to cost you a lot less to hang back there. There’s also a safety factor in having a kicker; no matter how well maintained or new a motor is, things can go wrong. 10 plus miles from shore and the main motor quits; the kicker is there to bring you home. Dan.
  22. I agree today’s GPS are vary accurate showing land speed; I use my handheld here at the shop; checking vehicles speedo’s calibration against the speed sensor’s input to the computer. If all three agree I know the vehicle is good. But on the water it doesn’t compensate for current. Lets say you’re trolling in current the GPS will still give you accurate land speed but you’ll have to compensate for your baits water speed; adding or subtracting depending on whether you’re going with or against current. Running in a 1 mile an hour current with a GPS speed of 2 miles an hour; going with the current your bait is running somewhere around 1 mile an hour. Going against the current with the same GPS speed your bait is likely running around 3 miles an hour. In other words the bait’s action and speed in the water as 1 or 3 miles an hour in the current. Dan.
  23. Sorry man; it was just a suggestion and yes not a great one; hence the MacGyver comment. LOL Dan.
  24. Could you not MacGyver it and use an automotive hose clamp around the shaft above the stripped out collar? Dan.
  25. There's some info here. http://www.deepsecretfishing.com/bradfieldmarina.htm Dan
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