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Everything posted by kuhaman

  1. Emare
  2. If it climbs up the tree to get you, it's a black bear. If it knocks the tree down to get you, it's a Grizzly.
  3. Well said man!
  4. Crestliners are good boats. It all really depends on the price point though, those black outboards scare me.
  5. A very close friend of mine is nearing the end of his life and wants me to take him on a fishing adventure one last time. I can't take him north to my rustic camp because of his limited mobility. We are in Kincardine and I ask for suggestions for a 3 maybe 4 day trip where we could rent a cottage and boat that is not too far, maybe 3 or 4 hours away, species of fish are not that important just somewhere where we can get a few fish for a good fish fry, pm me if you could help me out
  6. Local tackle shops are usually a wealth of knowledge, there are online tools like Fishonline that can help you choose a spot to check out, good luck!
  7. RIP Will
  8. Sure is, gas, restaurant, store, and lcbo.
  9. Take a look at Tohatsu, great outboards in my opinion
  10. There are 3 other lodges on Lady Evelyn
  11. The geen truly is a magnificent multi species fishery, Spent many a day in my younger years drift fishing for steel and bottom fishing for kitties.
  12. Nice man!! I can fire up my smoker if you wanna bring them by !!!!😁
  13. Stopped them, what? Were they transporting the freezer?? lol
  14. One detail you are missing is why the C O's were even there????
  15. My camp is in an unorganized township, taxes are very affordable like you said. We have a cottage association which we are all part of that collects approx 60 dollars a year from the land owners which goes to road maintenance and a volunteer fire department( we have a fire truck and properly trained crew) We also have a heli pad and a fantastic boat launch.
  16. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unorganized_area
  17. Did it have a fuse in the 1st place?, if not then just extend the wire using proper connections and be done with it
  18. https://www.canadafishingguide.net/
  19. Yup
  20. Spent 20 years chasing walleye on Biscotasi, pm me with any questions you may have
  21. Don't know that much about Mattagami but my suggestion would be to check out Biscotasing, some very good camps. The fishing is top notch for a drive to location
  22. 2 1750hp ddc's about 4 litres per minute per engine
  23. Our humble ride in comparison to what i work on. Has a 30 Nissan on the back, 20 years old and still running strong
  24. Fantastic video, you really know how to put a smile on someones face!!
  25. If I buy a used side by side does the seller need to provide a UVIP?
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