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Everything posted by TennesseeGuy

  1. Pictures and addresses of the cowards should be printed in newspapers. Let them look over their shoulders until the day they get what's coming to them.
  2. I appreciate being a member of this message board where we can disagree on a topic without anyone becoming disagreeable. I'm not aiming at any poster on this board, but when someone in a position of authority offers me information on any subject, I want to know the person's credentials for discussing the matter and who is providing funding.
  3. After Katrina there were predictions that 2006 would be one of the worst ever for strong hurricanes hitting the U.S., with global warming as the cause. During the Atlantic hurricane season (June 1, 2006 through November 30, 2006) NO hurricane made landfall in the United States. It was a season welcomed by insurance companies that had taken such a big hit the previous year. A rapidly forming El Nino event smiled upon us.
  4. September 29, 2005 I invested the minimum amount in Vanguard Energy Fund and today I made enough from the fund to buy fuel for my 3000 mile round trip to Red Lake this May and June. And it wasn't a very good day. I expect to see 4 or 5 better days in the next week and a half. Avoided being a victim by picking a winner rather then one of the many losers in the market.
  5. A cigar to the guy with the airplane. But I urge you to read it for yourself.
  6. Generation Investment Management is a company that sells carbon credits and invests the take. Do a search to find out who founded the company and who is chairman of the firm. Determine if the person has a connection with the global warming scare. He makes purchases, not in carbon credits, but in Generation Investment Management stocks. Chairman will make tons of money as global warming fears spread. The mystery chairman is............................................................. Anybody guess the right answer?
  7. Weather happens. First one way and then the other way. Always has, always will.
  8. Dad was special. We wouldn't be speaking English if it weren't for him and others like him. Continue to celebrate his life. TG
  9. I took a nasty hit from one of our OFC brothers for posting some of what you wrote. We'll see how you do. I hope your treatment is better than mine.
  10. How much of the total is tax? I'm paying 39.5 cents per gallon for federal and state tax. It's a great time to own the company you buy fuel from.
  11. This has been a super thread with great responses. Thanks.
  12. Four cowards attacked and beat up Master Cpl. Collin Fitzgerald. Travis Baldwin, a Morristown, Ontario resident was the only one arrested. Perhaps someone in the area can encourage the judicial system to award Travis with an appropriate sentence for his involvement.
  13. You had a nice fishing venture. Way to go. Warm days and strong ice are a great combination. How long before someone makes a post about when the ice will leave?
  14. Lots of rules. Lots of rule conscious citizens. Not for me.
  15. Gerritt, they got a good man for the job. Best to you.
  16. Hurting's not fun. Glad the pain is gone.
  17. Drive far. Take a float plane to a lake full of large, dumb fish and stay at least a week. Be extra nice to your lovely wife for coming up with such an outstanding birthday present for you.
  18. Sometimes the preview is better than the show. Will keep trying and come back when activity is slow. Take my word for it, Ernie can catch fish.
  19. Sorry. It worked in the preview. Somebody might tell me what I did wrong. It's supposed to be a movie without sound.
  20. Ernie Eagle lit in a tree about the time we noticed a small fish floating toward the rapids. Next we were given a lesson in how to catch fish. Ernie made my trip better.
  21. Sometimes it's a method for bringing in criminals. They show up for their free Plasma and get bracelets instead. In my neighborhood they were lured in with hopes of picking up a free laptop computer. At least one arrest was a case of having the wrong person.
  22. Must be a friendly encounter or he'd have his gun hand free and the glove off the right hand.
  23. Thanks for the kind responses. Dano, I'll be fishing Little Vermilion in May and will make it to Nungesser the August 4 week. Send a note in a bottle down the Nungesser River and I should get it. The mouth of Nungesser River is great for walleyes and big pike when the water warms up a little, which is usually around the fourth week of May. About the skinny pike, I try not to have my picture made with one because it makes me appear fat. Most slim pike don't get a photo opportunity. Here's one that barely made the cut.
  24. Dan, you've posted many photos worthy of placing in contests.
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