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Everything posted by TennesseeGuy

  1. Didn't watch the video, but I'm aware of what's going on with Wesley Snipes.
  2. Can't think of anything I'd rather do than be in my office, well before anybody else arrives, Monday morning. Haven't had a job I didn't like since the summers of 1952, 1953 & 1954 straight out of high school. Those three summers encouraged me to sit down front, not miss any classes and get on to something better. I'm easing back and get in some fishing, but will be working 40+ weeks in 2008. Several friends my age are retired. The ones who haven't gone crazy are growing soft. That doesn't have to happen.
  3. That's great news about Jennifer. Best wishes to her for a speedy and full recovery.
  4. Pete's combos are the real deal. I have two reels (5.2:1) and two 8' 6" MH rods that serve me well. I've let three guys use them and all three will have their own in 2008. I've used mine for three seasons and feel lost when going back to a 7' 6" rod. I expect something in return for this honest review..........and that's safe passage six to eight times each season between Eau Claire and Duluth. ..........especially around Trego.
  5. Earlier this week we had a five page thread involving a 14 year old boy. Here's part of a news story in my local paper the same day about a 12 year old who lives about 15 miles up the road from my city. Here's most of the article that was in the Cookeville, TN., Herald-Citizen newspaper February 19, 2008.......................... "Twelve-year-old Cole Presley is being called a hero after saving his grandfather's life on a farm between Rickman and Livingston last Friday afternoon. The boy's quick thinking kept an angry bull from goring Aubrey Maurice Presley, 75, to death in a field where Presley had gone to tend to cattle, according to Overton County Sheriff W.B. Melton. "Mr. Presley was out there in the field when this 1,400 pound Angus bull started butting him and knocked him down and even fell on him at one point," said Deputy Sgt. Donathan Durham. The boy, who was outside the pasture's fence, reacted quickly when he saw what was happening. First he sent his younger sister, Jordan, to the house to call their parents. Then he jumped into his grandfather's Chevy pickup, drove it into the pasture, and used it to bump the bull away, the deputy said. The bull kept attacking, even butting the truck and making large dents in the metal, he said. "But the boy managed to get the truck between his grandfather nad the bull and then he jumped out and got his grandfather into the truck and drove out of there." Once outside the fenced area, the boy called 911, and soon help was on the way. Deputy Sgt. Durham, along with Deputies Sean Alred and Tom Key, were dispatched to the scene. When they arrived, paramedics from the Overton County Ambulance Service were already there treating Presley for his injuries, which included several broken ribs. A helicopter ambulance was brought into the farm and took Pressley to Erlanger Hospital in Chattanooga, where he remained yesterday, St. Durham said. "He is expected to recover. He was able to talk to us at the scene when we got there. One of his family members was asking that the bull be shot, but Mr. Presley said no, said he would get rid of it, but he didn't want it shot." Sgt. Durham said Cole Presley is definitely a hero. "If it had not been for him, his grandfather would have been killed," Durham said. Cole is the son of Kevin and Stephanie Presley, and Kevin is the son of Aubrey Maurice Presley."
  6. John, your friend is okay with me. May not make his own whiskey, but could come up with some on short notice. About 5% in that area have CCW cards on them. Don't imagine a little hijacking will hurt this thread.
  7. Yeah John, you gotta watch out for those damn liberals in Tennessee. Watch out for both of them. What county is your friend from? People down here live in counties, not towns or cities.
  8. You admit to having a friend in Tennessee????
  9. Hey boys, I'd do it in all states and in all provinces, not because of fear, but out of respect for the other guy trying to do his job. It's an effort on my part to stay safe and make it safer for officers of the law to perform their duties. No chip on my shoulder.
  10. Great trip. Great report. Nice of you to teach that bunch how to catch fish.
  11. If I'm ever stopped by a law officer it's likely to take place while I'm driving. If at night I'll turn on all inside lights. When he or she arrives at my van. my license and other ID will be on the dash. Both of my hands will be on the top of the steering wheel. There will be no illegal items in the vehicle or in my system. I'll address the officer properly and offer to do as they say. I'll do everything possible to help prevent them from making a mistake that could be costly to me.
  12. Most of our country is turning left. All but me.
  13. That's good news. Thanks for keeping us posted. Best wishes for overcoming the remaining hurdles. My brother took the same hormones and he quit just in time. He still grows a beard. Your great attitude is a strength for you.
  14. Team racing is better than struggling with Wicked Stepmother.
  15. Bought a laptop with Vista OS a year ago. It was a dog with the first two antivirus programs I installed. Finally found one it liked and Vista has perfomed like a champ. First tried the free trial with Norton, then something else (don't remember) and then my Tech Guy installed one that's worked great. No problems. Norton and others weren't ready for Vista. The second one I installed was supposed to be designed for Vista and was free for the first year.
  16. Major league baseball began drug testing in 2002. Has Roger tested positive? He seems to be accused by hearsay evidence that he used a legal drug, without a prescription, well over five years ago. The statute of limitations on such a charge, I believe, is five years. So, is this another case about nothing with intent to trip up a defendant on purjury? The former cop who became a trainer also received a phony PhD from a mail order company that didn't have a campus. Is it usual and customary for a trainer to keep used needles and gauze for over five years? He was saving DNA. IMO only if he's dirty and is setting up others to share the blame in case he's caught and wants to cut a deal. While DNA on gauze was in Phony Doctor's control he could add anything to fit his needs and add to his story during a five year period. "Trainer" called himself Doctor and signed his checks as a doctor. Punish Clemens if he tested positive. To me it's a bunch of lesser people performing an investigation of a greater person It should have been handled by baseball, not congress. They feel the need to burn someone because they wasted time and money on an investigation about nothing.
  17. Periods of strong of activity combined with favorable barometric pressure produce results. Fish and fishermen are turned on by the same conditions at the same time, making for an ideal catching situation. Guys who schedule their fishing and dating based on major periods of activity are more likely to get more. And more and more and more.
  18. Okay here Paul, but I was awake much of the night tracking storms. West of Nashville was hit pretty hard with 24 deaths and many more injuries. The number could grow as they check through debris. A lot of people did a great job keeping the death toll and injury totals down in Jackson, TN., especially at Union University where there was extensive damage to dorms. All I had at home was a little wind blown rain that ended up giving me a 3' diameter wet spot in the ceiling of my bedroom. We're coming off tornado watch right now.
  19. Yeah Joey, many of the fathers are nothing more than sperm suppliers and never contribute anything toward raising their child. Deadbeat dads should be put to work digging holes for Dawg in the summer and shoveling snow for Bunk in the winter. We'd do well to educate people to produce a product to support their life style rather than asking for handouts. The giverment ruins incentive by rewarding failure. Down here we're now seeing crack babies growing up and giving birth to crack babies of their own. The rest of us are footing the bill for their "fun". We're getting into a complex problem that doesn't have a simple solution.
  20. Charlied, the main culprit is the deadbeat dad who is contributing nothing to raising the children.
  21. I received a 40 minute lesson from Bobby when I took my team to Bloomington for the 1974-75 opener. I.U. was the best team in the nation and we were picked to finish last in the Ohio Valley Conference. Seven players we went against that day became 1st round picks in the NBA draft. We picked up lasting scars and memories from the game, but ended up winning more than we lost for the season. While at I.U. coach Knight changed high school basketball in the state of Indiana from a bunch of softies to a much tougher bunch. He showed coaches and players how to do it right. He'll be missed.
  22. Maybe government will place a retroactive tax on message board posts.
  23. Mean hell, T.J. She learned something from me that day that she missed out on in her previous 12 years. Thompson and Frist were serving at that time. Got a lot of Christmas cards from Fred. And I rang the bell every time he called on me. Not very loud, but it clanged. Two members of Tennessee Tech University's R.O.T.C. came by my office soliciting funds for a 5K fun run for a good cause. I asked them a different question and they both hit a home run. They got the money. I got my business name on the back of t-shirts given to all the runners. Later they returned with an inexpensive, but valuable to me, gift from their unit.
  24. $50 to you any time Roy. Both are R's. Voted for both and contributed to their campaigns. Last week I listened to a single mother of three discussing her earned income tax amount and she was trying to receive it early. She pays 0 tax, gets credit for paying around $3320 in Social Security and Medicare, but still gets an earned income tax check from the government for around $2800. She drives a 2007 car and is making payments on a three year old, 4 bedroom house. When I asked her which president enacted the earned income tax credit she had no idea that Ronald Reagan was the guy. She thought it was probably Jimmy Carter because he really cares about helping people. There's a lot more, but so little space.
  25. I was hit on to help fund a party for graduating seniors at a local high school. Mentioned that I'd give $100 if the girl on the phone could tell me how many U.S. senators the State of Tennessee is allowed and to name them. She couldn't and I didn't. Told her she wasn't ready to graduate, let alone party with my money. Accused her of wasting tax money.
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