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Everything posted by Roy

  1. Seems to happen a lot out near there, me brudder. It would be so easy for someone who wanted to, to make a decent go of it by just being open at the times they SAID they would be open. Give a regular customer or a younger kid a deal from time to time. Make someone's day...it always comes back. Tell customers what you know about current fishing conditions. It doesn't sound like rocket science to me!
  2. We will be performing site maintenance and needed upgrades within the next few days. We don't know whether we will be down for any length of time so this post is just a heads up. The upgrades have mostly to do with security enhancement but will probably give us a few more bells and whistles. We will do everything to make it as painless as possible. Thanks for understanding.
  3. Sure Ron, I hear from him every now and then. He had a good year this year. Also very busy with FishfactorTV. In fact we spoke of this very fish a few days ago.
  4. As old poops that we are, we don't always remember where stuff should be from one year to the next. We didn't do the large Christmas village this year as neither of us had the time, energy nor even the space for it. But here are a few pics that J took this afternoon for me to archive for next year. She asked me to send them to my friends. http://s300.beta.pho...9a3aec.jpg.html
  5. You must be a day ahead of us David, but thanks muchly for the report. I'm sure a lot of folks need to know what the ramps are like before heading out. Please take great care fishing soft water at this time of the year.
  6. I'm never jealous of anyone but you can bet your bippy that I'm envious as hell of you and Joey, Blair. Great report, thanks for sharing it with us.
  7. So what are you looking for...a recipe or a coupla dollars?

  8. Hey, Dave's getting more than 6 hours of daylight these days. That's overkill....with the fishing the way it is up there, he only needs 15 minutes. Just give us another of these and I'll be thrilled to death. <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="390" height="320" wmode="transparent" data="http://www.trophy-clips.com/embedplayer.swf?config=http://www.trophy-clips.com/embedconfig.php?vkey=3a2b5af89203c2b78c67">'>http://www.trophy-clips.com/embedplayer.swf?config=http://www.trophy-clips.com/embedconfig.php?vkey=3a2b5af89203c2b78c67"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.trophy-clips.com/embedplayer.swf?config=http://www.trophy-clips.com/embedconfig.php?vkey=3a2b5af89203c2b78c67" /> <param name="wmode" value="transparent" /> <param name="quality" value="high" /> <param name="menu" value="false" /> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" /> <param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /> <embed src="http://www.trophy-clips.com/embedplayer.swf" FlashVars="config=http://www.trophy-clips.com/embedconfig.php?vkey=3a2b5af89203c2b78c67" width="390" height="320" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" ></embed> </object>
  9. If you like those baits, you scored big, Chris. They're $9-$10 on EBay. I've never used them but I can't see them being bad.
  10. Teams got stacked Brian?
  11. Well William, I had a super Supper at my son's house last night and learned from my grand daughter that I'll probably be a great grandfather in mid August. So, I'm not concerned about anyone's "rod". Sorry about derailing this thread.
  12. Maybe we can all back off a little and try to respond to the OP's post. I'm quite sure that he posted for fishing related information and not to learn about everyone's physical limitations.
  13. Hmmmm, we're also all just molecules. Do you think that if we all jump up and down, we might also all be more sensitive....to others? Dunno, just a thought on your molecular theory,
  14. You don't need a spreadsheet for that. A notepad/word document will work just fine. Or, you can just read the names of the people who are interested right here on this thread! But thanks for your involvement.
  15. Of course! Maybe half of tourney participants are non-boaters.
  16. You can buy them here...scroll down to your location. Call first maybe.... http://www.theoriginalturducken.com/where-to-buy
  17. It's not a big job to make, Rob.
  18. It's all clean now. Finished the last bits this morning. Finished 'til the next snowfall but after this one, anything under 12" is not even worth cleaning.
  19. Thanks Joey. Yeah, I'm powering up Bertha in a bit. That hump on the back deck is not a piece of furniture....it's snow and wind.
  20. Lots of random acts of kindness happening here.
  21. The 1969 snowfall record has been broken by 3cms. It will continue to snow heavily 'til 7 or 8PM with heavy winds. Current winds are NNE at 46kph gusting to 59kph. Highways are closed everywhere. At least J and I are home with a fire happening and we're just starting to make a really nice supper. I won't even bother to start up Big Bertha to clean the driveway....the wind and snow are just overwhelming for the time being. I'll take pics here as soon as I have the chance. Hope everyone is safe and comfortable.
  22. hahahahaha
  23. Drop shotting what, where and for which species?
  24. Frozen gas line?
  25. Merry Christmas to you and Sydney, Cliff. Have a happy peaceful Christmas!
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