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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. LOL..........stupid is as stupid does....
  2. I believe most fans in Buffalo loved Connolly at first but then loved him again when he signed with Toronto. He's the most talented hockey player in any hospital...
  3. Change your front brakes on the Ford Escape to Carbon Metallic pads and you might as well change out the rotors also while your at it. Carbon Metallic pads will greatly increase stopping power and should be enough depending on home much weight you are stopping...unless I missed it you didn't mention total towing weight. Ceramic are cleaner but Carbon is much better for stopping. ALSO....(very important) drain and fill your tranny fluid every other oil change...if done this way there is no need to completely drain/flush system...1 gallon of new tranny fluid is what you will be required to do this job......Ford Escape's have delicate trannies. Bob
  4. :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:
  5. Simon, Cindy and I are both sad to hear the passing of your mom....Our thoughts and prayers are with you, your family and mom. Bob
  6. Damn, there goes my secret spot... ...I thought that was against the rules...
  7. Your options are: 1) add some fuel stabilizer like Sta-Bil and use in outboard next spring 2) add it to the truck/car/suv tank and be done with it 3) Have Billy Bob over for a nice dinner and I will take care of your excessive fuel problems at no charge..... note: #3 is the safest option going....
  8. I do a lot of anchoring while perch fishing (take note you Green Horns, you want to catch a LOT of perch you must anchor) on Lake Erie....my Danforth anchor holds quite well with 3' of 1/2 chain and a total of 165' of anchor rope...but you must hold the line and set the anchor, just don't throw the thing out there and hope for the best....in calm conditions that might work but when Erie is blowing you must set the anchor by hand as you play out line....but Danforth anchors are best in clay bottom conditions......at Chautauqua Lake my Danforth is useless because it just drags through all the weeds sp I leave it home and take my home made job. Someday's it's VERY hard to retrieve the Danforth anchor on Erie because it's so deeply embedded into the clay bottom. BTW 72 feet is the deepest I have ever anchored on Erie. Bob
  9. I am heavily leaning towards Power Pro...can you get this stuff cheap...or better yet FREE...
  10. Errr, ah, you enjoy having a frozen perch in your snowsuit... Now that's a Super Liner.... :rofl2:
  11. I'm so sorry to hear your fishing partner will no longer be joining you. Remember the good days with him and he'll continue to be with you forever. Bob
  12. Mike, you have to go to the "loonie" store...
  13. I have a small 5' slow action fiberglass rod that I use for perch fishing...I have been using 4# test line but as you know it stretches when fishing in deep water....and my shoulders really hurt after a day of fishing if the perch are really active because I have to set the hook real hard......so I am considering a Super Line over mono that I have now.......any suggestions as which I should choose from ? ? ? After looking at Cabela's site, my head is spinning...the only Super line I use is Power Pro on my Dipsy rods as I like mono. http://www.cabelas.com/catalog/browse/fishing-fishing-line-super-lines/_/N-1100386/Ns-CATEGORY_SEQ_104612580?WTz_l=SBC%253BMMcat104793480%3Bcat104719680
  14. 25/30 years ago I built my own rods using Fenwick blanks that were warrantied for life...that kit cost me $65 way back then.... Now I only purchase Cabela's Fish Eagle® II Spinning Rods which can be purchased for only $59.00...don't know who makes them, don't care.....I no longer pay for name brand stuff...Cabela's stands behind their products 100% and that's good enough for me.
  15. It's NOT blabbing when you can back it up.....
  16. NO...no scales...we skinned all of them....
  17. :rofl2: :rofl2:
  18. I just had the wife weigh a package of six fillets on her weight watcher digital scale....13.2 ounces...thought they would weigh more.
  19. So what is the perch limit for Old Skip ?
  20. Old Skip's wife might have a fishing license......and or they might have devoured a mess of them perch already.... ...or maybe he's donated some to a neighbor that's out of work....
  21. Good question Skip.....a question I really can't answer as I vacuum pack and freeze by fillet numbers...and that depends on fillet size....those puppies are so big that 6 fillets is a more then a meal for 2...in just the last 3 trips out I have froze over 100 fillets of perch and the odd bonus walleye here and there.... Speaking of walleyes, last year I caught a 8 pounder while fall perch fishing.....now this year we have caught several small walleyes just under the limit (14-14.5") with the odd keeper in the bunch....prior to this we NEVER caught walleyes while perch fishing...can't really explain it.. ...but the walleye hatch must of been good a couple of years ago and next year looks like a banner year on Lake Erie...
  22. Hoochy Mama......that's one big walleye... ...NICE FISH...you're taking some of these OLD TIMER musky anglers to night school... Musky Mike is the MAN....
  23. NICE PICS........better then what the local paper takes. Photo #6 shows holding that the NFL no longer calls because this is now a passing, flag football league... ...don't hit the QB, don't hit the receiver, don't tackle from behind, etc..... The Bills need to step it up on the defensive side of the ball....you can NOT allow the other team to gain 450+ yards each week and expect to win...when your defense takes away the ball 4 times in a game you should be winning by 21 points or more...not by one score....but they are what they are.....only problem the schedule now gets much tougher. They have enjoyed a lot of good ball bounces.....hopefully the luck will continue. GO Ralph Wilson and leave the Bills behind......
  24. It's a BIG Redneck freezer..... similar to this one... http://www.ebaumsworld.com/pictures/view/974270/
  25. The Catt has been hot.....been getting my fish in 48-50'...however after the bite slowed up we did hit that spot in 63' and did catch a few but some were below the 11 inch mark where the fish in shallower were much bigger.
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