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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. OH, PLEASE don't take what I said personl....I wasn't trying to single you out......but rather speaking in general terms when I said "bass anglers"....we had a much different term used to describe "drop shotting" but it's not a politically correct phrase.
  2. Go fishing with it.......if "someday" you have time, try power washing it.
  3. The "Drop Shot" method has been around for a LONG time before any bass boat was ever invented.....I just have to laugh at "bass anglers" coining it "Drop Shooting"......that was the first way I learned how to fish with my day over 50 years ago.......
  4. :good:
  5. I don't know.......We have lots of areas/lakes that have both chain pickerel and N Pike and I have yet to see anything that looks like this specie..........but I have only been fishing 54 years so far.
  6. How do those three eyed walleyes up there taste....
  7. Most likely carp rolling on the surface......they do that just about every morning....if it's calm you notice it.
  8. FYI....Honda sells the most kinds of engines throughout the world....not saying the Yammy isn't the best or is the best......but Honda makes engines for lawn mowers all the way to locomotives.... My next outboard would "probably be either a Yammy or a E-Tech....
  9. Never heard of anyone leasing a outboard......WHO leases boating equipment....
  10. Thanks Merc.......very interesting article.......
  11. Mine is far from quiet compared to today's outboards.....but strong as a mule......and trolls right down to 1.5 mph.... I am really surprised that your having that much trouble with that Honda....it's really not that old in my eyes. Again, good luck........ Bob
  12. I just mentioning that brand as my Johnson is 27 years young and still going VERY strong......how whatever you decide it works out the best for you.......
  13. I have a Fenwick 2 piece, 5 footer made of glass that I built 30 years ago....I have found it to be the best perch rod I have ever used. Fishing straight down over deep water and with a super line I out fish everyone else in the boat....including my dog...LOL
  14. Have you looked at a Evinrude E-Tech.
  15. Can you PLEASE steer me to NFL games.......would LOVE that. Thanks, Bob
  16. SIR: you are NOT cheap.....frugal is the word I use....
  17. OH, that sounds soooooooooo goooooood......now what kind of BACON is that.....I am guessing America BACON.......
  18. Had your problem a couple years ago....tried many things until I purchased this stuff....sprayed it all over the house and left for the weekend...but you don't have to leave....never seen another ant in the house......GREAT STUFF...I paid $9.98 at Home Depot for a GALLON.....professional exterminators aren't going to like this stuff.... http://www.scotts.com/smg/catalog/productTemplate.jsp?proId=prod70044&itemId=cat10040001
  19. I see no problem at all......as a matter of fact more pounds per square inch results in better traction in the snow.....and yes you are correct......they are only slight narrower.......if you were pushing your carrying capacity with the 245's then I wouldn't do the 225's....but I highly doubt you are.
  20. I'd hit it with my banjo......
  21. Did you know we have Medicare and Medicaid in this country....did you that many undesirables who have no intention on working EVER not only get free health care, but also FREE cabs to and from the doctor.... ...well free for them, I pay for it in my taxes....just like you do in your 13% sales taxes on everything you purchase....not to mention paying about 25% more for the same products then we do. How much do you pay for prescriptions, eye glasses and exams, dental....remember nothing in this world is FREE....except a FREE Gift....what other kind of gift is there if it's not FREE....
  22. We have all kinds of things down here we try to keep from you Canadian's.....LOL....
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