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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Hopefully this will not effect your fields up north......just listen to the video...or read the article http://www.buffalonews.com/city/article892718.ece
  2. My 1985 50hp VRO Johnson is still going strong.......love not having to mix oil.
  3. If you don't mind a toy unit.......then get Hummerbird... If you want a real tool to find fish then there is only LOWRANCE to choose from..........models from there are a personal choice. Here's what Lake Erie perch look like trying to run but can't hide.... And here's what they look like after being caught. NUFF SAID, Bob
  4. So you're wishing and not fishing.....
  5. Anyone who would pick Storage Wars over the Hatfields & McCoys need to have their IQ checked....... You do realize that Storage Wars is completely scripted....or do you....
  6. I told you to just stay in the middle lane......
  7. That's all my dad use to watch....Oh, ya......also COMBAT....
  8. Somebody missed the boat here............maybe me.......maybe not...
  9. Better watch your back Simon....Billy Bob is a VERY good shot.....
  10. If you research it, it had nothing to do with money...The Appalachia Mountains are no longer undeveloped like they needed to use as back drops in the 1800 hundreds....it was too hard to get back drops without houses, telephone poles, electric lines, etc.....so Romania was chosen as the hills there fit right into the times for the movie.
  11. Some days I feel that old....
  12. OH........that's GREAT......here's a game of questions you can try to answer....might not be easy for you guys not seeing the final episode.....but it shouldn't ruin it for you......some are hard to answer....AND it timed (which I didn't know for the first question) so the faster you answer the more points you get...... http://www.history.com/shows/hatfields-and-mccoys/interactives/hatfields-and-mccoys-trivia-game
  13. Did this come on your History Channel up in Canada.....I know you guys sometimes get things later then we do.......but if you do have a chance, WATCH this....it's a TRUE STORY......but my advice is Tivo or DVR it as it tends to have a lot of commercials, ESPECIALLY towards the end of each episode....BTW it's a three episode series....all 3 have already played up here....but anyway's see here from more info.... http://www.history.com/shows/hatfields-and-mccoys
  14. The best thing to do is after fishing and just before trailering.......remove said outboard and lay it flat on the floor of the boat......next time out just replace it back on the transom before launching................ :rofl2: ......stupid discussion over........
  15. Remember a little while back someone post here to vote for some town in northern Ontario.........but it wouldn't allow me to vote for any Canadian towns so I voted for the closest one to me......a port I have gone out of many times for salmon back in the day when I use to chase salmon/trout on Lake Ontario......but anyway's OLCOTT WON.......see here...$25,000.00 for the GRAND PRIZE....not bad pocket change.....maybe a Canadian town near you did too......but it only gives me the results of U.S.A. towns...... http://www.worldfishingnetwork.com/uft/home.php
  16. Good going......keep your head on straight and push ahead.....fishing will come later....
  17. Yep..........always hated that......
  18. If you go against the grain......"you could be a Redneck"........
  19. Take the "guide" out a few times BEFORE you purchase property there......then see if it's worth your while.......
  20. Looks like you didn't get them memo......not needed on Lunds.....
  21. Stop worrying and go fishing.....you're well under the limit....unless you're taking more then your limit of fish.....
  22. Wouldn't this be a better avatar for you Dave....... http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=Bailey's+Irish+Cream&hl=en&prmd=imvnse&resnum=3&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1024&bih=653&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=5977120709079430382&sa=X&ei=P_LNT5SrLPG36QGWobWPDA&ved=0CGYQ8wIwAA
  23. You're too late......wifey did that already.....
  24. Keep Up the Good Work......... ...we're all PROUD of YOU.....
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