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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. And you are quoted here saying deer are not smart......how's that doe tag thing going.... Whitetail are one of the smartest big game animals on North America you can hunt....young does may not be the best of the best but the BIG BOYS are.... Bob
  2. Actually you're over-thinking it Johny Boy, it's just anger plain and simple not fear. You see our nation was founded on a capitalistic ideology, it's the main reason why we went on to become the most powerful nation in the world. "Leveling the playing field" is policy that a socialist or communist nation would adopt, which history has shown us, has caused catastrophic outcomes. Us "Tea Party folk" would like to prevent that from happening.
  3. NICE.....you have now been selected honorary member of the Red Neck Club... :worthy: There are many chapters in the USA and I'm sure there are some in the Great White North.
  4. You are slowly becoming a socialist country and NYS is following your lead....NOT GOOD.
  5. Good Idea........I don't eat any Mexican food at any RESTAURANT because, well like Randy Moss said last week.... BTW he's an .... Bob
  6. Here's a good short article on Scent Control while hunting... http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/article244452.ece
  7. Finally things are going our way...... http://sports.espn.go.com/outdoors/bassmaster/conservation/news/story?page=b_con_LeadTackleBanProposed_101104
  8. You're right about the national debt....we have to stop giving money away. Until we feel the pain there will be no gain.
  9. No, not at all....I do have a $10 copay for every doctor visit including specialist and my copay for all generic drugs are $10 but most non generic drugs are $20. However, Sams Club, Walmart and Wegmens have over 300 generic drugs that I get for $10 for a 3 month supply. with our dental we have never had to pay anything and that even includes a few root canals.
  10. I COMPLETELY agree.......BTW propane on the Res is $2.25 per gallon here.
  11. My health care cost $600 per year for the wife and me and kids but they are on their own now.....you do the math... And none of our doctors are going north to work......
  12. I LOVE watching SWAMP PEOPLE on the History channel catching/shotting big alligators........Troy's the man down in Bayou ! ! !
  13. If so they have less then 2 years to do so because we will be getting rid of the Change Idiot in Nov 2012.....and all I have left is change in my pocket...
  14. Yep, you got that correct......BTW this is the first time in 30 years I didn't go to Ontario for a fishing trip....it's just too expensive up there now with the dollar and Lonny being near par.
  15. The good guys have taken a LOT of ground back nation wide but in my state they like to line up like cattle and get slaughtered by the Tax and Spend Democrats....
  16. Puff goes the magic dragon....
  17. He BORES the death out of me when he is interviewed on WGR Radio...I turn the station right away.
  18. Sabres need a new coach.....Ruff bores the hell out of me.
  19. You been smoking those funny cigarettes again, haven't you... Now do as you're told and send me some money.... ..I need all the help I can get from folks like you..
  20. Not really.......they have been invading my savings account for over 50 years....
  21. Eh, OK..... BTW our Demorcrats, their the ones that never seen a tax they didn't like....are the same people who have been caught MANY times for tax invasion....and I don't mean the legal tax invasion like me "Billy Bob"...
  22. This will never happen....sorry Merc but you just don't get it....one last time......the more money the government taxes you, the more they WASTE...PERIOD..... And for providential sales taxes....I'm in the lower 48 USA.....don't have to pay if I order something from outside NYS... BTW how's that all working out for you......13% sales tax (ours is 8.74%)...over $4 per gallon on gasoline (purchased gas today at $2.78 per gallon)....everything cost almost 2X as much as it does here in NYS which is one of the heaviest taxed states in America....Boating Card $49.99 for NOTHING (not required here)....Outdoor card $9 (also not required here) which only gets you the right to purchase a hunting/fishing license....License fees keep rising where at one time residents of Ontario were NOT required a fishing license...gun registration per firearm and no handguns allowed (not required here and hand guns permits are attainable).....hunting course that I have read here that cost around $500.00 (here in NYS it's FREE). I could go one and on....if paying taxes is so good then just send in your complete pay check every week and sweeten the pot....why hold back... bottom line, they are taking you to the cleaners and you don't even know it... Happy Hunting/Fishing, Bob
  23. Bottom line it's a BUYERS Market....
  24. THANK YOU....... :clapping:
  25. Sorry, As I said the more the government gets the more the government waste...study YEARS ago that the federal government spent $1.31 for every dollar collected in taxes.....I'm doing you a favor... Also the seller here does NOT pay the tax on internet sales.....I would ONLY if the seller has some presents in NYS, if not NO TAXES for either of us on the sale.....SWEET ! ! ! Happy Shopping, Bob
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