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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. On my computer my screen saver goes to random pictures I have stored and this one came up. I liked it so much I thought I would share it with you guys. Fishing the French River June 30th 2008 with my two sons. Maybe others have some that they would like to share also. Bob
  2. One other thought that always drives me crazy with these launch fees.....Take Dunkirk Harbor in Dunkirk, NY....they have a very large pier there and two boat launches connected to the pier...they received federal money to improve the boat launch MANY years ago.....the pier I am not sure who paid for that but it's been there forever so I am guessing a LOT of federal aid paid for it if not all of it as it's part of the harbor and the city would never been able to afford it. For boat launchers it's a $7 fee.....for those who park on the pier and fish off of it, it's FREE.......why do I have to pay to launch while every Tom, Dick and Harry can fish off the pier for free ? ? ? This example can be applied to many other launch areas. Bob
  3. I totally agree....$20 is REALLY gouging and so is $10 IMHO.... Here I think $7 is steep and $5 is somewhat reasonable....most of my launching sites are FREE (my favorite four letter word). 2 years ago I went to Otisco Lake the day before the walleye opener with my 2 sons to check out the lake....the marina owner wanted $9 to launch. I told him that's too much as everyone else is charging $7....he took the $7 and the next day we went to Oneida Lake where there was a FREE launch and caught several walleye, pickerel and perch. The marina owner on Otisco Lake will NEVER see another dime of my money and by the looks of his business he needs every dime he can mustard up. Bob
  4. OK, here's the thing....... Almost ALL fishing shows are boring, "eh" Besides, I like to watch more exciting action, like the best part of a soccer game...When the grounds' crew stripe the field, then I leave and watch some Ohio State or Penn State football on TV...
  5. I use the plastic tubes that Cabela's sends rods in....no problem packing 2 rods per tube for fly-in trips but I use towel(s) to keep them from vibrating against themselves, this way I have a hand towel for the boat.
  6. No problem......after you mentioned it I took another look at the pic and it indeed could be mistaken for one...
  7. But the real question is then........who's spreading what to whom...LOL Now get your mind out of the gutter and get it into fishing before the weather turns sour.... :<(
  8. Nipfisher got it right....it's a drain pipe for my livewell. It's the easiest livewell I have ever seen...don't understand why more are not designed this way. I insulated the livewell and the cover with Styrofoam so I can use it as a fish cooler...just have to put a plug in it and it's good to go.
  9. I'm sorry, but I know EXACTLY where these LAKE ERIE Emerald Shiner where dipped...yes, you guessed it....just where they were USED....LAKE ERIE...as allowed by NYS law. BTW...I have it on good grounds that the ban would of be lifted this fall if it wasn't that the NYS DEC made it a reg (changed from a emergency ban). NOT one VHS case has been documented from Lake Erie....AND every other state and Ontario allows transporting minnows along Lake Erie. Bob
  10. Your perch fishing trip blows mine right out of the water with all them NICE pictures....I never think of doing that and or too lazy to take them...if it wasn't for my cell phone camera I would never have any pictures of my fish....DUH ! Bob
  11. Set out today at 7:15am to fish perch out of the Catt because it takes me about 45 minutes to get there....... So I arrive (myself) at Ricky Miller Bait shop in Irving, NY at about 8am...but for the first time EVER the bait shop is closed......just about to leave when I notice right in the middle of the door is a sign saying "Be Back at 8:15am"....OK...so I retreat to Burger King to use the mens room (1/2 mile away...what's that about 15 Km for you guys...LOL)....return to see guys walking out empty handed....it don't look good from my Tundra, I'm thinking.....but I walk in and ole' Ricky is behind the counter when I enter his old musty but good smelling bait shop and I ask "you got any minnows"......NOPE...nothing he remarks....OK...thanks and out the door I go, sadly.....I walk by two other guys that park their rig right in front of the door and break the news to them....I get back into my truck and call two other bait shops that are about 8-10 miles away.....same answer from both...."we only have salted minnows"....I wouldn't mind that but that's back tracking almost 20 miles and my mind says "don't do it".......so I retreat back into Rick's Bait shop and ask him if he has any salted minnows....."NOPE, no salted either, but tomorrow I should have some minnow"....(yea, OK...but how does that help me today I'm thinking)...so back to my truck to rethink this day....so I'm thinking...NICE DAY TODAY and since I'm here maybe I can FINALLY catch some of these Steelheads that EVERYONE else catches at the mouth of the Catt.... I back my boat down the ramp and I'm untying the beast when the two guys I came across at Ricky's Bait Shop pull up and approach me.....one guy says "You want some minnow"......of course I say YES.....he say's "we have the good stuff" (meaning Lake Erie Emerald) but you don't know where you got them....I say "I don't know ANYTHING that's why I'm here"...so the good Samaritan gives me what he say's is about 2 dozen minnows, but I find it's much more like 4-5 dozen minnies....Bobby is bright eyed and bushy tailed at this point....so I head out with Mr X following me......they anchor about 100 yards from me at the first spot I drop my anchor......my LMS 520c starts showing some perch on the bottom (that's why I anchored there)...I get a couple small ones but I'm sure there are bigger perch worth keeping here....Mr X and another boat pull anchor and head out to much deeper water while I stay by myself.....sure enough.....the big boys starting showing up on the end of my light line 10-15 minutes later...up to 13.5"...... I'm all by myself until another Grumman boat motors up to me.....I tell him, "there here, just anchor right near me"....he does but he's having trouble not feeling the light "hanger" bites like I am.....I explain it to him the best I can and he also starts catching the BIG perch.....before you know it there are about 10-12 boats circling us......some guys come and go because they are not FEELING the HANGER bites that Lake Erie perch are noted for.... then I hook into a VERY LARGE fish........since I am only using a VERY light 5' Fenwick rod I made just for Lake Erie perch fishing with 4# test I have to back reel and really take my time with this fish.....other guys are asking me if I have a walleye or sheaphead hooked....I respond "don't know but it feels like a 10-12 pound perch"...LOL.....finally it surfaces and it's a VERY LONG walleye.....I net it and one guy yells over "since your perch fishing you have to throw it back"......so after I unhook it I do just that, to "hey you don't want that" We'll take it"......the fish doesn't make it...I had to net it again, and after trying to revive it, it evident it's not going to make it.....so I throw it in the live well......it's VERY LONG but skinny and had several scars on it....must be dying of old age is what I'm thinking....... So the bottom line is I came home with 34 VERY NICE Lake Erie perch and one walleye I didn't want.......I caught more than 50 but only kept 10" perch or larger unless they were gut hooked. Here's the only pic I took. I left a note on the truck of they GREAT GUYS that gave me a wonderful day on Lake Erie THANKING them again for the minnows and stating I did VERY WELL right where they left me in case they can get out again and didn't do as well in the deeper water where they headed. But I'm sure they must of did well because they never head back towards me and I did pretty good out there last Saturday. Bob Edited to paragraph it for easier reading (I hope)...Bob
  12. Gee, I not sure either.....I would think so....don't you guys get insurance commercials on the radio, etc.... Try this Geico site to start....http://www.geico.com/landingpage/go195.htm?soa=52400&gclid=CI3r5NTsjqQCFQo65QodEiOcLA There was a generic site that would do a search for you with MANY different companies finding the best prices while dealing direct with the insurance company but I just can't think of it right now...if I do I'll post it. Bob
  13. Yep, I agree......add up your cells and they come to 7.395 volts....NOT good for a 12 volt battery.
  14. Insurance brokers have THEIR best interest ($$$$$) in mind first and foremost...I stopped using a broker over 15 years ago. The first year I dropped my broker I saved $420 in premiums for homeowners and car insurance and I continue to save each and every year. I would never recommend a broker to anyone now a days. Deal direct with the insurance companies.....using the internet would be a great way to start and see how much savings is really out there when you don't use a middle man to hand your money to. Bob
  15. Try this CAMERA site of the Great Lakes......first click on "camera map" on the left side........then click on the area you want to check....then below the the picture of the area there is "near shore" and "off shore" weather links to click on......sounds like a lot of clicking but it's fast and CURRENT with the real time pics of the lake area.. Don't know what happened to the Toronto camera this year....it was until this year the best pic on the board......had a real time pic of some fishing pier.....you could actually watch people walking up and down the pier. http://www.lakevision.com/index.html Bob
  16. YOU hit the nail on the head......hopefully we turn the tables...
  17. Regrettably, this is the price you pay for TOO MUCH GOVERNMENT.
  18. He looks like the ideal fishing partner anyone could ask for.
  19. Right wing media......where do you find this animal.....
  20. I am VERY LEARY of any of the LIBERAL MEDIA reports now a days.....EVERYTHING is now slanted to how they want us to view something. Ever notice when there is a disaster they will ZOOM in on the SELECTED area and NEVER give a wide view of what they are showing so we can actually judge how wide spread the problem is ? ? ?
  21. I still hold my Class A license.......if I can be any assistance, what's the question.
  22. If my aunt had balls she would be my uncle....
  23. I can't argue with that statement......only because I love football that I continue to torture myself with these games...if we only had a real college team here, the Bills would be irreverent to many of us here. College football is a much better game now a days because the NFL has more commercials than football....
  24. I have to agree........I don't see another team in the NFL who looks worse then the Bills......next year we should have a franchise QB in the first round because....1) we will finish last or next to last...and 2) because all the other bad teams already drafted QB's the last 2 years leaving only the Buffalo Bums still looking for it's replacement since Jim Kelly retired........Now the only other thing we have to REALLY WORRY about...will that CHEAP owner sign the next franchise QB or will he hold out like he always does ? ? ?
  25. I expected a much better performance against MIAMI because they are at best a 8-8 team.....and yes the Bills are going NOWHERE this year, BUT we need to address the QB position ASAP.....not later....Edwards is horrible at best...if this coaching staff can't see that, then they too need to be replaced.
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