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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. :rolleyes:
  2. There are THOUSANDS of Cormorants on Lake Erie around the Buffalo Harbor and on the round house just up river from the Peace Bridge. You would have to be blind not to see them. I know duck hunters have take out some......
  3. HOW do you know it works for ANYTHING.......been a auto mechanic my whole life and I'll bet it doesn't do ANYTHING but lighten you pocket....never used it, never missed, never needed it......you guys think it's a mechanic in a can....next time you pick some up at the auto parts store get a couple of cans of Instant Repair.......GREAT stuff.....just spray it on whatever is broken and Bingo.....it fixed...
  4. Never used those particular products but they are probably the same stuff we get down here, just in a different container....You should be good to and rest well all winter knowing you took care of your fishing machine while you throw on another log onto the fire. Personally I would have no faith in Seafoam as a fuel stabilizer or for anything else for that matter.....snake oil in a can....probably mostly kerosene in a small can....IMHO save your money on that stuff.
  5. Hey Bernie, No I didn't yet fog the engine when I pulled the plugs...and they were fouled with oil...I don't do it through the carbs like I am suppose to....pain in the butt taking the plastic shroud off the front of the carb....I just fog it through the spark plug holes and turn the fly wheel by hand....this has been good for my for all the years I have owned this motor and a couple of others, although they were used outboards unlike this one I purchased new. The engine DEFINITELY adds more oil when the gas runs out...I learned that the hard way YEARS ago when I would be speeding down the lake and one of my tanks would run dry and the motor would sputter for more gas....if I didn't immediately shut down the engine the plugs would get fouled with oil making it much harder to start the motor once I changed over to my other tank. As someone else said (maybe it was Sinker) we over do it when it comes to these outboards as they will be put back into service in a couple of months anyways....I have a friend that does NOTHING and I mean NOTHING to his two boats and outboards except put them in his pole barn after each use....they start and run like new each time out.....go figure. Bob
  6. I been called the CHEAP DAMN AMERICAN (Frugal is what I like) but when it comes to my fish finders I don't skimp....L O W R A N C E all the way. Now you can get there many ways...if you want a Lowrance LMS unit it almost has to be a used unit as they stopped making them over a year ago for the new HDS series....they are REAL NICE but PRICEY.... Best place is check Ebay or this link for a GOOD used one. http://www.bbcboards.net/zeroforum?id=70 These Bass Guys are SERIOUS about their electronics and as soon as a new unit comes out they upgrade at all cost, then sell the used units on the above link. Bob
  7. Not according to Fran Brobeil the owner and mechanic at Brobeil Marine in Buffalo. And when I pulled the plugs yesterday they were covered with oil. Either way the system supplies extra oil when the gas runs out.
  8. Fogging oil can be purchase at any marine dealer near you or probably a auto parts store (might be cheaper there)...call around....it beats driving around... Grease....do you mean for any zerk fittings like I previously mentioned ? If so, again any auto parts store...just get chassis lube, it comes in a tube but you'll need a grease gun to apply it. Or you can get the small tubes and gun kit... Fuel stabilizer is a good thing to add when you think this may be your last or next to last trip out.....this way the stabilizer definitely gets into the carbs.....I ALWAYS use it when I think this might be one of my last trips out for the season....then top off the gas tanks and add some more fuel stabilizer according to how much more gas you added to the tanks....this is always best to store the tanks FULL so no condensation or moisture builds up in the tank.
  9. Since Big Game Hunting starts this Saturday I winterized my outboard yesterday.......draining the lower unit about 1/2 teaspoon of water came out first then all nice and good looking oil....so I will have to have a pressure test on my outboard next spring....no big deal but after 25 years I sure the seals are a bit worn. To fog my motor is a real pain through the carbs so I have done it by removing the spark plugs for about 22 years out of the 25 I have had it with very good results. However, I do disconnect the fuel line and run the gas out on my last trip out....with Johnson's VRO system the computer recognizes the fuel running out and it then adds additional oil to the motor which helps store the motor. But I still use a fog in the cylinders. I also grease every zerk fitting on the motor, clean the steering arm and light regrease that too. By regreasing all the zerk fittings you push out a LOT of moisture/water from the wear points of the motors steering and tilting areas. One other think I use to do when I stored my boat in someones barn was to actually add small bag (plastic bag with holes cut in it) of moth balls under the motor cover and in various places within the boat to keep mice out......my cousin had a mouse completely ruin his IO on his boat when mice packed, believe it or not bird seed he also had stored in his boat garage at the lake. They packed it into all the water cooling ports in the motor. Also remove the prop and check for fishing line and grease the prop shaft and replace the prop with a new stainless steel cotter pin....DO NOT use a aluminum one. Bob
  10. I use my waders mostly for duck hunting in the Alabama Swamps here in WNY and there is no tougher terrain then walking in the crap even when it's pitch dark out trying to get to a blind you have never been before. We track through MUCK, briar's, LOGS, you name it and these waders have never let us down and we all have them. The one other thing of getting the boots over the stocking waders is some day you will have to retire them and you can cut the boot part off the waders and they make a GREAT boot for walking thru mud, etc... But anyways here's the kind all of us waterfowlers use...there are built tougher and warmer then waders for fishing. http://www.cabelas.com/product/Footwear/Mens-Footwear/Mens-Waders/Mens-Hunting-Waders%7C/pc/104797980/c/104747580/sc/104674680/i/103895280/Cabelas-Ultimate-Hunting-Chest-Waders-150-Regular/749353.uts?destination=/catalog/browse/footwear-mens-footwear-mens-waders-mens-hunting-waders/_/N-1101198/Ns-CATEGORY_SEQ_103895280%3FWT.mc_id%3D58000000001386618%26WT.srch%3D1%26WT.tsrc%3DPPC%26WT.z_mc_id1%3D111331616%26rid%3D20 If you go to Cabela's site there are MANY MANY different ones to choose from......also the one that the OP listed look fine too. It all depends on how much you want to spend on them. Keeping warm and dry is important to me...when spending a lot of time in the outdoors your clothing is the most important thing IMHO.
  11. I believe Sylvan Boats are designed and made from the former founder of Starcraft.....If you look they are VERY similar boats and VERY well built....back in the late 80's and early 90's I use to see a LOT of them around on Lake Erie and Ontario plus many inland lakes here and in Ontario but now I really don't see that many. I have no reason why. Bob
  12. Sounds VERY GOOD.....you can cook for me any day of the week...no pics ? For digital meat thermometer I use the kind that you insert in the meat and it stays in there throughout the cooking process and the resting time (when you take it out and cover with foil). This way you can monitor it all the while it's in the oven / BBQ....I have one very similar to this one....and it actually has a alarm that goes off once you reach your predeterminer temperature. They only cost about $20 - $25...but make sure you get the one that has a metal type wire going from the probe to the readout display......this kind will not be effected by oven or BBQ heat. They are also good to check if your oven or fridge are operating correctly. http://www.cookware.com/Polder-362-90-UZ1021.html
  13. Time wise would be pretty much the same..set oven at 350 degrees and use a digital monitored (probe). But take it out at 136 degrees and cover lightly with tin foil....it will rise above the 140 degree mark which is rare...this is very good for venison. I just did it on the BBQ because it was a backyard party and it helps entertain my guest while cooking. I enjoy cooking and it gives my wife the day off from it as she's a profession cook daily. Most venison roast are small probably topping out around 3lbs so they wouldn't take much longer then 1 hour at the most. In 4-5 hours you can cook a 20lb turkey. Happy Cooking and let us know how it turns out (which should be good, there's nothing really to it) Bob Edited to add one VERY important detail when cooking meats, just about any meats. And that is take it out of the fridge at least 2 hours so it has a chance to come to room temp....this is important so the middle of the meat (roast, steaks, etc...) are not raw after you take them off the grill, etc....I have done large standing rib roast that I took out 5 hours before cooking them and wished I had taken it out 6 hours....BTW they come out GREAT on the BBQ using the indirect heat method and it really impresses your guest that you can cook such a large roast on the grill.
  14. Sorry, but that's not true.......HUGE difference using Kosher Salt while Sea Salt is the opposite as it's VERY salty..
  15. Hey, Brian....no disrepect here but if he cooks that SMALL roast for 4-5 hours there will be nothing to eat.... Don't cook according to time....it's ALWAYS better to cook according to temperature with a roast like this....slow cooking is for tough pieces of meat like a chuck roast....but not in this case. I just did one on Labor Day here and I actually did it on charcoal grill... I took one garlic clove and cut it into three sliver pieces and poke a small knife blade (like a fillet knife) into the roast allowing me to shove in the garlic into the middle of the roast in three different places. Then I sprinkled it with kosher salt (when cooking always use kosher salt as table salt is too salty) and fresh ground pepper. Then I put three pieces of bacon around the roast holding them with tooth picks. This keeps the roast moist. I put it in a throw away tin pan with a little bit of oil in the bottom and added some home grown carrots and potatoes. Then I put a digital temp probe into the middle of the roast. Put it on the grill but I pushed the coals off to both sides of the pan for indirect heat. Now the important part.......COOK ONLY TO ABOUT 136 degrees and take off the grill....lightly cover with tin foil and the temp of the roast will rise just over the 140 degree mark which is perfect for venison. Cut on a die-angle after DISCARDING the bacon as it will not be cooked enough if done right. You will be enjoying one VERY nice piece of venison that can easily be passed off as prime rib as I did with my sister in-law Cheryl. Here's what it looked like before I cooked it.....it went too fast to take pics after it was cooked. And it took about 1 HOUR to cook... BTW...Cheryl that said she will not eat venison twice asked for more meat...
  16. NICE, just send to: Billy Bob 1 Frugal Drive Lancaster, NY U.S.A. I just hope it makes it past customs....
  17. Ya, I thought that quoted price was high even in Canada........metal dust, is it CHEAP....
  18. Well I have no ill affects on my outboard and I have been using it for over 20 years (outboard is a 1985) after my dealer told my if you can't find marine lower unit just use 80/90 gear lube.....time has proven this for me....I do take my maintenance seriously and I do it all myself on my boat and my trucks and cars with a degree from Alfred Tech University in auto mechanics. Although that was a LONG time ago I KNOW I do much better through job then taking to someone else. But I will agree I am FRUGAL, but not cheap.. BTW that 80/90 Gear Lube here is sold for only $3.95
  19. One other tip is you don't have to get "marine" lower gear lube that is about 2X as much....SAE 80W-90 works fine as it has in my outboard for over 20 years now.
  20. skeeter, you should be VERY VERY PROUD of that good looking young man. These are the real hero's in my eyes and should be looked up to....because of these men we can sleep nights in PEACE. Bob
  21. From all indications that team look very well coach, pads were on correctly and they were ready to go....However, the other team not so much..... I'm sure the coaches on the defensive side of the ball were yelling to tackle him, but it was too late.....
  22. Just about every play in the game of football is to fool or misdirect the defense. Nothing new here. I coached little league football for many years and on our first offense series we would run the same play twice and then the third time the QB would yell "same play, same play" but this time the QB kept the ball after a fake hand off and ran a naked bootleg in the opposite direction...it worked many times. For those who don't like this play (the video) then how about reverses or counters, play action passes, draws, traps, the list can go on and on. Football is about discipline and character. As a coach you have to prepare your team for almost anything.
  23. When you achieve half of what I have then we'll talk. bue to you, Bob
  24. You can always do a write in come 2012.....oh wait, your not a American citizen so you will have to first run across our southern boarder, then vote....
  25. You are 100% CORRECT......our socialist president did that and that is why his party got a good kicking last Tuesday from us real Americans. He's next in less than 2 years from now. Bob
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