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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Ya, I wish it felt that good now...it has progressively gotten worse over time...took a early retirement because of it...broke it high school playing football and had major surgery on it when I was 19...I need a replacement per my orthopedic surgeon but my arthritis specialist keeps telling me to put it off as they have not perfected that procedure...I see him next week for my cortisone shot. Should feel a bit better for Christmas... ...Large amounts of adult beverages will have to do until then... Bob
  2. Thanks Pikehunter for your knowledge........ The contractor "George" is not a fly by night guy.....he's been in the business for over 30 years......I don't just hire anyone and MOST times I will do the job myself but because of my RA and my bad shoulders, especially my left shoulder I can't do any heavy work anymore. Back in the 80's I built a complete house myself (with friends) except for the foundation, septic and electric work.
  3. GOOD QUESTION...... On the titles (boat and trailer) their will be a lien holder stated if money is owned and it's not a clear title...if so the seller needs a letter from the lender stating that the loan was paid in full and they no longer have a lien on that title....if there is no lien, the area on the title that list lien holders will be blank....AND PLEASE remember a registration is NOT a title.
  4. Maybe even with pics......
  5. Just be careful that the trailer, boat and motor ALL have clear titles....here in NYS from the best of my knowledge only the boat and trailer would have titles.
  6. Thanks for all you input.....this was not a cash deal or at least hasn't been yet..... His son is suppose to return today for the final trim work......I will take the advice from several here and say I'm not happy and we need to work together on this problem...here's hoping... Thanks Again for your time, Bob
  7. I told him I wanted the storm door the same way it was before and he did it the opposite way...no contract signed. He's a private local guy I was recommended to by friends. I feel bad the way this is playing out.....he put a lot of hours in and if I stand my ground he'll basically not make any money. Bob
  8. Had a new entry door and two new storm doors installed by a private contractor.....he didn't do the best job or maybe I'm just too fussy.....the inside door casing he slit because he tried to nail it too much because it was being held out from the spray in foam insulation he applied....I went and purchased another one and painted it....I'll install it tomorrow....he also marked up the ceramic tile in both foyers and it took me and the wife 30 minutes in each foyer to scrub with a pot scrubber to remove the marks from the tile floor.....but here's the real problem.....he put one of the storm doors together so it opens with the hinge on the left and I wanted it hinged right so when I enter the house you naturally flow away from the stairs that lead to my basement. I'm concerned it's a safety issue...it can't be changed around...another door would cost me $300 and he's charging me $245 to do the entry door with storm door plus $120 for the front storm door installation. I haven't paid him yet, although he did ask for his payment. But he still needs to finish some trim work on the outside of the entry door. So my policy is never pay until ALL the work is done....... But now I'm not happy with the storm door opening the wrong way. However, I don't want to screw him but I feel like I'm being screwed....I feel like telling him either purchase the $300 door he installed wrong and install a new one the proper way or maybe not pay him $120 he charged me for installing the front storm door..... Any thoughts ? ? ? Bob
  9. I do the best I can with what little I have......
  10. Ice fishing seminar tips from the Buffalo News..... http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/other/outdoors/article282133.ece
  11. WOW, your dedication payed off in the end and I'm glad to hear no one got hurt....... I use to fish Chautauqua Lake in my boat until it froze up.....this was always the best time of the year for massive schooling of walleyes. We vertical jigged them with Sonars and Ice Rapalas....sometimes you would actually snag some. The last time was mid Dec and I towed the boat up a good steep hill in Cassadaga, NY with just about 1 inch of snow......got up about 1/3 of the way up the hill and my boat and my van started to slide down backwards and jacked knifed....got real lucky and only lost a passenger side tail light on the trailer and a small ding where the transom and starboard side of the boat are riveted together as it hit a guard rail that stopped us from doing serious damage....that's when I decided to count my blessings and no longer boat fish there late in the season.
  12. I guess my post went way over your head.
  13. LOL........don't think they will all fit in that area... In WNY we really don't see the problem down here.....but when I talk to people from other parts of the country it's pretty serious..... My wife and I went on a fly in a couple of years ago (Air Ivanhoe) and there was a older couple from Phoenix, AZ area there...they told us many stories how bad it really was there.....BOTH of their cars were stolen (separate occasions) when they had to go into Phoenix for business. They are being overrun with illegal aliens and crime....you can't blame the state from trying to protect their law abiding TAX PAYING citizens by passing tougher immigration laws in that state.
  14. That's because we are FORCED to take care of 22 MILLION ILLEGAL ALIENS...DUH....maybe we should ship them up to you and you pay to take care of them....
  15. Since I turn 19 recently and don't have one of those ANNOYING PWC's I'm good to go for the last 40 years....
  16. Not sure what you're referring to but we don't have any boating card license requirements in the USA...
  17. Last Wed/Thurs we got 42 inches of HEAVY Wet white puke and then 8 more inches afterward.....and now temps have been around 10-12 degrees.....not good.....a southern vacation could be in the near future...maybe a cruise or Key West.
  18. Do what she said...."get some wood"...
  19. Three hour mandatory study course ....I can't stay awake that long....this is very offense to me....
  20. You got that right......and then they say there's nothing good on TV to watch....
  21. I did the plastic over the windows for years.....works VERY well with the hair dryer....come spring cut with sharp knife and use again on a smaller window....it don't matter how wrinkled it goes on, it will all disappear when heated with the hair dryer. Keep Warm, Bob
  22. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.skipmorrow.com/assets/books/i_hate_cats/ihc_1-01/i_hate_cats_front_cov.jpg&imgrefurl=http://boards.kusports.com/showflat.php%3FCat%3D0%26Board%3Dsmack%26Number%3D1751616%26page%3D4%26fpart%3D2&h=288&w=480&sz=62&tbnid=K_HwP3Hf1kF9UM:&tbnh=77&tbnw=129&prev=/images%3Fq%3DI%2Bhate%2Bcats%2Bcalendar&zoom=1&q=I+hate+cats+calendar&hl=en&usg=__gG7f16Q-zpMtceQxSbhwV5QdOHQ=&sa=X&ei=XPv_TMS_CpCosQPH4rGvCw&ved=0CDkQ9QEwBg
  23. Aaron, thanks for sharing....I haven't seriously fished the lower river in several years..... I'm sure you know but for others that don't, NYS passed a new law that went into effect last November that states if the boat is under power you MUST wear a PFD from November 1st to May 1st.. Bob
  24. Randy, you're getting better looking all the time....
  25. The way things are going I could see in the future that we will purchase tags for all game species, like deer...
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