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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. I don't think there were "outdoor" cards 10 years ago......so fishing life was better.
  2. For those of you who haven't had a flu shot and was never infected by the flu, GOOD GOING...I hope you continue in this healthy matter. My son is a doctor and he had to treat a 27 year old pregnant women last year with the H1N1 virus....she lost the baby and also died about a week later. I felt so bad for the family and I never even met them. I hope everyone stays health for Christmas and for the New Year. Bob
  3. A update on the storm door..... George the contractor called Friday as the bride and I were heading east on the NYS Thruway to have a early Christmas with my son "Billy"...told him I would not be home but he could install a new door while I was away. Came home Sunday and nothing done. Yesterday he called and asked me to go and get another door and he will install on Thursday...told him AGAIN I will be out of town starting Thursday. He said then call him when I get back....hung up and thought HE has to purchase said door, NOT ME....called him back and told him he must purchase the door...he agreed (I thought this was already established) and said weather looks good for Thursday and he will install while we are gone. Here's hoping...... Bob, not Billy
  4. Dog gone funny but would be better with a pussy cat....
  5. Years ago to clean a engine of sludge/crud we would change the oil but put in one qt of tranny fluid and 4 qts of oil.....run for a few days and drain. Refill with recommended 5 qts of oil and good to go...
  6. BINGO.....flu shots are free and with my wife working with 500 rug rats everyday and I drive around the seniors in town a flu shot is a must and it WORKS....best advice is get one ASAP Hope Everyone feels better before Christmas, Bob, not Billy
  7. Drain it into your almost empty tow vehicle and then fill that tow vehicle with gas....now refill that empty boat tank but first put in about 2.25 oz of Stabill......ALWAYS store boat tanks full.....less condensation problems.
  8. Brandon & Joey, GREAT photo's and Thanks for taking the time to post and share. Merry CHRISTMAS, Bob, not Billy...
  9. Randy you suck, now get your Canadian butt down here and wipe off all the coffee from my keyboard and monitor.....LOL.. :rofl2: Bob, not Billy...
  10. Mechanic in a can....now if only Fisherman and I could get carpenter in the can it would be a real jolly Christmas.... Bob, not Billy
  11. VERY debatable...... Bob, not Billy...
  12. Smalliefisher, I always envied guys like you....I do my best and believe the job is ALWAYS in the detail when done. Do you have any pics of your work...I would love to see them. Bob, not Billy....
  13. That's because I'm on the cutting edge of sarcasm... Bob, not Billy
  14. Don't purchase too much....friend told me Super Sea Foam is about to hit the market soon... Bob, not Billy
  15. One word of advice......."paragraphs" Good Luck, Bob, not Billy
  16. Take anything over a thousand and thank your blessings.. It's Bob, not Billy
  17. Paul, my little Canadian friend.... Don't you know that if it's moves and it's not suppose to you Duct tape it......and if it doesn't move and it suppose to move you WD-40 it......since my son told me this I threw out everyone one of my tools and purchased a lot of Duct tape and WD-40...
  18. As per Buffalo News link...... http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/other/outdoors/article287905.ece
  19. If everyone would just drive a Toyota TUNDRA we wouldn't even have this discussion because you would be driving a 4X4 truck with vehicle stability control, anti lock brakes, traction control, Electronic Brake-force Distribution, Brake Assist and Trailer-Sway Control... Bob, not Billy...
  20. Last word these are on sale at the Hard Rock Cafe....
  21. But at least it's inches and not centimeters or whatever you guys use up there....
  22. Step lightly as I carry a big stick. And it ain't no Ugly Stick... MERRY CHRISTMAS It's Bob not Billy..but I'm going to see my son Billy this weekend.
  23. Moot......err yes and no.....many ships can stop on the west coast and then ship via rail to anywhere in continent....that saves them from going to NY or wherever to unload. I'm sure many are doing this..... I don't know for sure but I doubt the US Navy would allow any aircraft carriers to cross the Panama Canal even if they could. Anyone have any first class knowledge on this ? ? ?
  24. GREAT post Lew...... :worthy:
  25. How would you know if the container car is empty....I could tell but that comes with 30 years of experience working on the RR. Container cars carry usually 4 containers but there are a variety of container cars.....TV or container trains will usually run from 100-120 cars...so that could be 480 containers in one train...15,000 containers divided by 480 in American math equals just over 31 trains...far cry from 60 trains. And somebodies has to keep contributing to my pension...
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