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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Oh NO....my BACOOOON has to be cooked until it's VERY CRISPY....when I order it at a restaurant I hold out the butter knife and tell the waitress it should look just like this if I hold it. STIFF...like you know... ...and it has to be thin slice bacon for me to accomplish this...
  2. Does this include SEX...because I'm good tat those workouts....
  3. The way pork is now....VERY unlike yesteryears......it's not a dirty meat and no longer has to be cooked to a temp of 165 degrees...now they say pork can be cook to medium, unlike the old days where it had to be cooked to WELL DONE.......
  4. Sooner or later we all get PUT IN A BOX........
  5. For a fishing trip in the VERY near future, I just purchased a 3# pack of BACOOOON for $10......no price increase here on this side of the boarder...
  6. We got a BUTT LOAD of GOOSE in the freezer and more fish then I can possible cook...LOL....and duck season is just around the corner...PLUS deer season in November....no meat shortage here...but we have NO WILD Pigs here.... .... BTW my buddy purchased some bales of hey yesterday to get good in with this "lady" he knows that has goats.....he's expecting a roll in the hey with her...LOL....but I was with him yesterday after goose hunting and he didn't say anything about high prices on hey.
  7. SEE.....I KNEW there was a good reason for our military build up..... .... BTW....I always like a good pig....Pamela Anderson is mine favorite...
  8. I do see exactly what your saying and not completely disagreeing....However, there was confusion and a policy change that they were not aware of......but by making life miserable is not the way to extend a Happy Welcome....I know if I was them, I would never return or spend another dollar in Canada....I'm guessing it wasn't that bad to arrest them but rather just FINE $$$$$ them....BTW we get HUNDREDS jumping our southern boarder daily and none are ever fined.
  9. So WELCOME TO CANADA......Please don't come and spend your money.... You can be certain these folks will never waste their time or MONEY in Canada again..
  10. THIS has been going on, on both sides of the boarder....Probably a way to justify their jobs.....most WEEKS they probably have nothing to do.....
  11. US boaters fined when they came ashore........ http://www.buffalonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20120924/CITYANDREGION/120929559/1010
  12. You need to see evidence of WATER in the oil...not just a milky oil.... Just put a leakage test on it.....bet it doesn't fail it.
  13. For the Canadian Football league.....is that still around....
  14. WHAT....have you been hitting the hard stuff already...... One of the best lever action ever built was designed to use a scope....the Savage Model 99......
  15. OR a winning season............
  16. Better then soap is MOTH BALLS.....get a box and take 3-5 small plastic bags with several small holes cut into them.....divide the moth balls equally between them and place them throughout storage areas in the boat AND UNDER THE MOTOR COVER....remove come spring and save for the next year....shouldd get 5+ years out of the same moth balls....been doing this for 27 years without any mice problems in my fishing machine...
  17. The Blue Jays will be better then the Mets...but the best was Indians...wish they would re-contract with them. Better yet get a REAL MLB team in here and do away with the Bills and Sabres....
  18. It was proposed by some radio guy....never hear of him or seen him before...but Channel 2 interviewed him last week...his idea was to build a football domed stadium downtown...when asked about tailgating he said you have to give up something to get something....well the way Ralph fields team, the tailgating is the BEST part of the day...take that out and no fans will come.
  19. Yep......Happy Days and even HAPPIER NIGHTS......
  20. When we landed the party leaving the cabin of course helped us unload and we help them load the plane.....they said the Indians went through their stuff while they were out fishing....took some food and gasoline so they were warning us that they might come back...they didn't but we did see them cruising the lake a couple of times....one running the outboard and another Indian riding up front on the bow holding a scoped rifle....the pilot told us they shoot everything that they can.....but we didn't have any problems with them for the whole week... We did catch a LOT of fish.......1080 walleyes and 243 pike...I had the largest pike for a while, a nice 12lb pike caught on 6# test using a black bucktail jig....but then the kid we brought with us caught a 14lb pike the next day... ....the largest walleyes did come from the Frenchman's Rapids but I don't think any broke the 4lb mark...but again a fish on every cast.....except my boat partner...he never made on cast all week...just dropped straight down in current areas using a black Mister Twister on a 1/8 oz jig head....and he caught a LOT of fish just doing that. Bob
  21. Far from my smallest.....but I did catch this at Big Cliff's place on Sturgeon Lake..
  22. That's nice when we have winters like that....hope more are in store for us....
  23. But the St Lawrence is much more like a lake then the Lower Niagara...
  24. Plan on Wed early in the morning....too soon to say where we will be then.....just for 2-3 hours if that's OK with you as I have to pilot the houseboat for my wenches....LOL.... ...but true...
  25. YES...YES....that's the lake we fished....it's part of the Albany River System....and YES, we made the trip up to Frenchman's Rapids once that week....but it's not a good lake to fish because you get spoiled and think you should always catch fish like that.....and the 8 man log cabin we had was VERY nice.......it even had running water.....you would take a bucket and run down to the lake and fill it up....then run back...LOL Do you by any chance know the real name of this lake.... Bob
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