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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Roy, on the card it reads as follows: HotMaps Premium East SD/PREM-E4 V01.20 SN000600553426
  2. A electric trolling motor for a back up is OK on inland lakes but if this if for any of the Great Lakes you're wasting your time and money. Bob
  3. Sounds VERY tempting....if it was only closer to me....hope you have good ice and weather. Bob
  4. I have a 2008 Navionics Premium East Card that I use for most my areas and it was also good for Stoney Lake 2 years ago.....but now with a trip up to Cliffs on Sturgeon Lake this year I was hoping it would cover me there also...but guess what...the card stops at Pigeon Lake.... So my question is....does anyone have a card that covers Sturgeon Lake and what card is it ? Bob
  5. Season 2 starts March 31st....... :clapping:
  6. Did you guys see the VERY FIRST episode of Swamp People....Troy says their families were basically rejects from Quebec that got through out of Canada and settled in swamps of Louisiana.
  7. Sorry, but it was last week....and other info... http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/other/outdoors/article359743.ece
  8. He looks like the partner I'm looking for.....you, not so much...LOL...just kidding.....
  9. Most on the board decide it was too pricey and better spent on gear or expensive gasoline.....damn gas prices...
  10. But his BEST is.............GODFATHER
  11. http://www.abc.net.au/news/events/japan-quake-2011/beforeafter.htm
  12. Salty been hitting the "Hard Stuff" AGAIN...
  13. Al Pacino will appear at the Niagara Fallsview Casino Resort. http://blogs.buffalonews.com/gusto/2011/03/al-pacino-coming-to-the-fallsview-casino.html
  14. Just a word of caution....did your cable have a weather proof boot for the connection....if not, take silicone caulking and smear it all over the connection to keep the moisture out...it's important. Bob
  15. VERY NICE.....perch for a fish fry and the pike make great smokers...
  16. I think Lund is the #1 FISHING BOAT out there....it's just some models are better than others for rigging on the Great Lakes......my buddy Will has a 18.5' Lund with a 115 Yammy and it's great for downrigging with it's real high gunwales....Teddy's was more of a bass style Lund..... My Grumman also has high gunwales making it easy for rigging plus it "feels" safer in rough water then Teddy's boat did...he would of traded it in for another Lund but Brobeil Marine no longer carries Lund because they have to be packaged with Mercury outboards now and Brobeil is a OMC and Yammy dealer.
  17. If I remember correctly a few years ago (4-5) my buddy Teddy had Lund similar or exact to yours. I don't exactly remember how he had his Cannon downriggers mounted but what I do remember was they were down LOW and I had to be on my knees to rig them...a REAL PAIN in the BACK, especially when it got rough out....he kept the boat only 2 years and traded it on a Polarcraft....he only fishes Lake Erie and "that" Lund didn't make sense for him. If you have a similar configeration you might want to take that into consideration to mount them on pedestals. Bob
  18. Glad you're alright.......if I had a close call like that I would call it a season....just saying... We all forget that a LOT of warmer waters are now constantly being pumped into the lakes from all streams, rivers, springs, etc.....this is the main reason the ice melts so fast. I'm waiting for Chautauqua Lake to melt....last report I have is over a foot of ice but I'm betting dollars to donuts I'll be on that like on or before April 1st....history has proven that to me over and over......soonest was March 13th. Play it safe and wait for the soft water, Bob
  19. Now there's a man of my heart...."screw them and their gas prices, I'm going f****** fishing"....
  20. Not only that but from everything I have read and told by hockey fans, Rick was a great man on and off the ice....we need more like that in sports.
  21. WHAT THE HELL.....am I going to have to give these lessons again. Class PAY ATTENTION...it's BOB not Billy... Bob, not Billy.... :rofl2:
  22. Rick Martin dies in a car accident here in Clarence, NY http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/sabres-nhl/article366076.ece
  23. SRT8, There is no guarantee a sound sleeper like yourself will wake up in time but at least your wife did and saved your life....most deaths from a house fires are a result of the toxic fumes from the fire, not the flames. The more WORKING smoke alarms present in a home the better chance you have of waking up....I have 5 smoke detectors and 2 CO detectors in my 3 bedroom ranch. As someone else already mentioned, smoke detectors are priced very reasonably and so are CO detectors.
  24. I would think all options will work....it's what you're most comfortable that should be applied and that my not be least expensive.......Is this a brand new boat that you haven't used yet....if so, I would advise using it for a couple months so you can understand what will be best for you. Bob
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