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Everything posted by jdmls

  1. Rain is starting tomorrow afternoon and sticking around throughout the weekend .... get out and catch'em on the rise !!! I learned a very good lesson on fishing "the rise" a few weeks back at Bville .... Timing is everything
  2. www.lakesimcoemessageboard.com gets out of hand once the hardwater is game .... The lake scugog on was happening last year throughout the winter as well.
  3. Awesome feeling to hit your only fish so late in the day. Bet you made the climb up the mountain with a smile , LOL Good job man
  4. SWEET FOOTBALLS ... must have been a breeze on the IM9
  5. Awesome pics man .... that's my favorite bridge of the east, LOL !!! Clearly your giving Mike a run for his money with this one !!...Colors and the reflection of the sun are stunning Bet you wish the Speed had some fun like that swimming in it ....Keep it up, dude
  6. Nicely done there sir .... Beutiful fish Keep em coming !!
  7. You have everything covered pretty well Two things : 1)buy riverwood floats . Until you learn how to set the hook just enough , you will be constantly hitting yourself in the face or the tree behind you with those clear plastic floats. riverwoods are my fav , but any balsa will do, having a more weight to it than clear plastic and will prevent the wild float launches 2)Pick up some trout worms !!! If the fish are not hitting on roe, your next best bet is worms. Oh ya and check the flow charts....She seems to be running really high as of right now !!! Dunno if she will be ideal by Friday. but keep checking put a post up on the grey bruce board regarding the conditions expected by Friday...wouldn't hurt
  8. This post is without pictures
  9. Ya I did the same last saturday and only managed a couple ... The mud kicked in at about 11AM , but conditions were good before that ... Fishing the rise is tough, no to mention your usually in the middle of downpour on the rise which makes for an even more unpleasant experience.
  10. gave er the old slippery salami .... Somebody taught that pooch well !!!
  11. LOL...I made a believer out of you too !!! I have been running high vis mono since it came out, and have never had a problem running it under the float .. sometimes I get down to 12" of leader and still hit fish no problem.. The fish don't see S_ _ T ... even in clear water ... Now if your not trotting, and instead hitting them in the face with yellow line and a bunch of split shots before they see your bait, than that's a different story my new fav mainline
  12. Dude, what happened to your handles
  13. She's all spawned out !!! nice brownie none the less ...
  14. Put up some pics of Montreal Steel !!!! welcome to the board
  15. Pin on an 8.5ft rod ??? That must of looked funky. St.croix only makes one rod 13ft ... the wild river..I have been fishing mine for almost 10 years, without a problem...Great rod for the money
  16. Did the snot rocket take a roe bag ?
  17. 100% guarantee you will not find an IMX 13ft on the shelf.....verminator has the best idea ... most guys are asking $400-$500 used. You have to act fast as they get scooped up pretty quick.
  18. That stuff was great when it was around a few years ago.... Low memory worked great for centrepin's
  19. Got out this morning in the non-stop rain an headed east....rain didn't stop from the minute I left my house , to the minute I left the creek . Only saw one other guy all morning, at a location that would have welcomed a zoo of people if it wasn't raining. Despite the heavy rainfall, waters were prime until about 11 then the chocolate rolled in...Let's just say the outing was well worth getting drenched for !!!
  20. LMAO @ " we can't let this one go " , honestly I had people at the office turning around at their desks raiseing an eyebrow... Awesome day guys. Mike you called it for the Thursday wrong word storm on its way in tonight ....Hopefully next week !! The video's made this report !!!
  21. LOL ...It would help if you put a location in your avtar
  22. blown is pretty much it ... you may have a shot at first light when the systems are on the rise ... you have PM
  23. 424 .... It should be a no brainer out there today , good luck guys, looking forward to the posts
  24. Nice fish Carol.. I was waiting for your report after reading Cliff's post yesterday. I'm jealous you got out while most of us were stuck at work !!. The next few days should be dynamite out east .... good luck to you guys on the weekend
  25. nice job..waita face the elements today...she was howling pretty bad. Sweet choker bags, LOL !!
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