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Everything posted by Hooked

  1. I'll be heading to Rice Lake mid August. I was wondering if anyone here would know where I can pickup a flat of worms in the area? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  2. You are right Lew, those guys have serious skills. I was going to cut my 30' Birch Tree down myself, but decided it was not a good idea. Especially since I heard a story of a guy who attempted to cut his tree down himself, after hitting a knot the chainsaw bounced back off his nose, yikes! I did manage to find a guy to cut my tree down, man, those guys have skill. He climbed my tree like it was nothing and had it all cut down and taken away in 45 minutes, thats with shooting the breeze with me too. The best was he did it for $200! BTW Lew, that is a wicked front yard you have there, I mean really amazing. You really scored with a property like that.
  3. As mentioned by Dave524, your speeds are right on target. I would recommend doing the following since you changed your router/modem: Click Start > Run > type cmd > then type the following in the new dos window: ipconfig/flushdns That may not help but it's worth a try. Good luck.
  4. Good stuff, but I think your buddy needs some dubie snacks to turn his frown upside down. Cuz apparently fish don't do it.
  5. That's a crazy deal! Never understood why they stop selling Coors in Ontario beer stores? From what I remember when they did, it was pretty good. Now if they brought back to Ontario Coors, 55 packs, and Oscar Meyer Hotdogs, things would be so much more live-able in Ontario.
  6. Man...I really gotta learn this smoking technique. The food looks too fantastic to pass up! Anybody know of any informative books out there that help out with recipes for smokers? I think I'll look for a cheaper, in price, smoker to start off with though.
  7. Actually I have seen this on 4 occassions. I have seen 2 pike do that, one in the Grand River, one in Hamilton Harbour and I have seen on 2 seperate occassions a muskie do that in Rice Lake. I have no idea why they do that though, but often wondered?
  8. Sure you would be able to use Cherry, Pecan.....they have several different flavoured pellets. $20-22/bag at the Home Hardware in Stoney Creek. Apparently good for 20 hours of cooking for each bag. They also sell the Traeger. The guy with the goatee there, I think he owns it, is very knowledgeable about it too. I would of bought it if I didn't have so many other things to work on around the house here, stupid house.
  9. Hey Burt, I don't live too far away from you, do you want to be friends.
  10. Whoops, double post.
  11. I am going to get this one next, supposed to be amazing! The one I was looking at is $800, but from what I have heard, you won't regret it. They have it at Chadwick's as well. Traeger
  12. No problem at all Fish Finder. Yeah, I live pretty close to Margaret, I was actually very close to buying a house on that street.
  13. Please stop calling me a Hooker, haha. Yeah, I seen those, unfortunately they are the larger ones, 16cm and 20cm. I'm looking for the 12cm ones. I did find some sites that appear to sell Ukko wobblers, but they are all in Germany, and quite expensive, around $23 CAN. Thanks. Funny, I purchased some reef runners, thinking they are close, just like your pic, but just not as good.
  14. Hey Fish Farmer, here is the pic of the lure, and thanks, I know it's Ukko, and the model is U-12 wobbler I believe, around 4.5" long, colour doesn't matter: Thanks Roy, that video was great, when things go right I'll post my successes, fingers crossed.
  15. Thanks for the replies guys, much appreciated.
  16. I have this crank bait that is no longer made and is very hard to find. I was wondering if anyone here has any experience molding their own crack baits? The good thing is I have a lure I want to replicate, so I have the design already, I just need to know how to replicate it? I was hoping for some personal experience on this, or information... Thanks
  17. I have this crank bait, an ukko to be exact, the good thing is it catches fish, the bad thing is it is not durable. The question I have is how to make it more durable? First the problem, the paint finish starts to crack on it after not that much use. You can literally put a small slot screw driver in the crack and remove the entire coating from the wood body it appears. Now that I have a new to me one, I can expect the same thing I'm sure. Can I cover it with a coat of urethane or something to toughen it up? Any help would be appreciated.
  18. Pretty much the only lures I use this time of year there are husky jerks, tail-dancers and minnow raps. They always work. Black/chrome, hot chub tail-dancer and firetiger have always done well for me. Good luck.
  19. Hey Dan I just checked out that site you provided. Looks like they use Hi-speed DSL, which means they will use Bell's infrastructure for Internet usage, just like Teksavvy. Looks like any DSL ISP will start hiking up their prices since they cannot absorb the cost with this recent change. But will likely change thier up/down per month as well. Now if this change encompasses all people, that is HUGE!. Or people that just have unlimited up/download. I'm fine with 65GB cap/month, I just hope it stays that way. If it doesn't, I should be able to void my contract? I actually get deflated every-time I read posts like this, haha.
  20. Does this only effect people who had an unlimited plan? Because my up/down plan for the month is 65GB, I hope that isn't void cuz that is perfect for me.
  21. The most important part here are the employee's working there. They are out of a job. As for beer at a cheap price, look no further than James Ready. Even if it was priced like the other higher priced beers I'd still buy it, taste great.
  22. Man alive, that is a freak of nature! I couldn't even imagine a Crappie that big, wow! Then he also goes and catches a couple 3lber's as well. Unreal.
  23. Thanks for the replies everyone, very appreciated. And adempsey, I'll be staying south west part of Rice, Tower Manor to be exact.
  24. As bushart and uglyfish mentioned, Spencer Creek would be your best bet.
  25. I have booked a couple weeks at Rice Lake this year. Ideally I'd prefer at least the end of July, however, due to work committments I can only book it the last 2 weeks of August. I have been to Rice Lake countless times, however, it has always been beginning or mid summer, never near the end of the season. My question is, how is the fishing typically during the latter part of August? I'll be targetting walleye mostly, but will take advantage of the bass and panfishing as well. I know I'll enjoy myself regardless, but am curious. Any input will be appreciated.
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