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Everything posted by charlesn

  1. Hey Phill, depending on how many hours of availability she plans to have and flexibility, I recommend trying something like freelancer.com or odesk.com It's a place where employers go to find part-time skilled workers and vice versa. As an employer you put in the type of worker you are seeking and as a contractor, I'd assume you plug in the types of things you're willing to do and you get notices maybe when things come up. I've only been on the employer side of things. The rates are highly variable and I have never picked the cheapest option. There are always very cheap options off shore - however I know that in some things - English communication is very important and thus North Americans are perceived as a better choice. The other good thing about it is that the payment for the job is put into escrow with the site - so the site will hold the funds until the job is complete then release to the worker. The contractor won't start a job without the funds being uploaded so you never waste your time working for someone over the internet and then have them just run off on you after you do the work and the employer doesn't pay someone to do work and then have the person just run off in to the ether. I don't know if it costs anything to be a contractor on there. Good luck to her. Charles
  2. I've had it happen to me as well and I'm asian Cliff. I wouldn't think twice about it. Some people are just anti-social.
  3. Here is a solution I've never seen offered but has ZERO downside to both parties other than some minor inconvenience and carries many benefits for the lake/waterbody as a natural resource: REMOVE ALL PRIVATE AND PERSONAL DOCKS FROM ALL PUBLIC LAKES. 1) No more obstructions on our public lakes to draw the fish away from other forms of cover and structure. 2) No more confrontations between anglers and cottagers- total kumbaya and peace for all. 3) A nice clean pristine shoreline for all to enjoy and an end to the disruption and destruction of prime spawning habitat. I'd have no problem with that at all and I'd guess the cottagers would consider it a mild inconvenience to lose their dock privileges on OUR lakes to get rid of the bass fishermen. After all, a dock is really just a parking space for a watercraft, so they'd jsut have to trailer to the ramp like the rest of us - no big deal - heck some of us have to drive 3 hours each way and still do it with a smile. Anything else (suntanning/reading a book/relaxing in a chair/even fishing) could be easily replaced by a deck on the backyard that comes to the waterline and is fully contained within their property. Of course then the cottage owner wouldnt be artificially extending their property out on to OUR lake now would they. Ah, still, a small small price to pay to get your privacy back, right? I wonder how that idea would fly with cottagers?
  4. My kids love it when I put the fish they catch in there for a bit and let em go at the end of the day. It's sorta like a portable aquarium for the day. I've seen them used as a porta pottie too. But that's just wrong. lol
  5. Congrats on the impending purchases. Always a fun time boat and truck shopping. 1) I have no comment on the Ford Ranger - never been in one and don't know anyone that has one. 2) An 18' bass boat - even the aluminum variety - will be greatly underpowered at 75 HP. Most 18' boats are paired with a 135 at least. A 16'er you can get away with a 75-90. A 17'er a 90-115. I'm not talking about just for maximum speed, I'm talking about overall usability. If you have a lot of gear and wet carpets and an extra passenger, you may not get on plane in a timely or safe fashion. When climbing/quartering waves in the rough stuff, you want that punch if you need it. I also think for overall enjoyment you'd find it better with a properly powered rig. I've pnly "needed" 4x4 about 5 times ever in a lot of overall trips to some not so great ramps, had I not had it, I'm sure I still woulda eventually figured something out (such as getting towed out by a friend), but it was sure nice to have when I needed it and I've seen some serious follies at the ramp from people without it. I've never considered a truck without it because of some of what I have seen. Good luck, Charles
  6. I knew I was doing something wrong. You're allowed to catch more than 5?! Then why do they call it a limit! Geez, English not being my native language seems to have really cost me... No wonder I keep getting spanked. bato, I like the Quik-Cull clips (the white clips). They are the best of the clip style that I have see, they come with tangle free floating rope and the colours match up well with the Accu-Cull system. I use a Chatillion scale and I frankly don't even bring a beam anymore because I have unwavering trust in the Chatillion. Good luck and remember - having to spend time culling is a good thing!
  7. Hmmm, sounds like a battery issue to me more so than a trolling motor issue. I was experiencing something very very similar when my batteries were low on fluid. Are they the kind where you can pop the tops off and check the battery fluid level? If so, check and see that the fluid level is at the right spot. Wear glasses when doing this as my buddy once got a droplet of the fluid in his eye and we ended up in Emergency - they basically just flushed his eye with water and said it would heal on its own - but scary nonetheless. If it is low - remember to use distilled water only to refill to the proper level. I know you said they are new - but are they new as in your dad just bought em or new as in the guy who sold the boat said they are practically new? There probably is a breaker or in-line fuse somewhere in the system as a safeguard.
  8. I get up on them fine - climbing down in wet flip flops is something I could use a refresher course on...
  9. Ouch... lol, good one Phill, I'm gonna be down on the ground clutching my groin area for a bit after that low blow... Nicely done. I did manage more than my usual 8 lbs for this event. As for the event, I was in a bit of shock when I heard about it as I doubt many people have had as good of a view as I have in terms of what a boat driver JP really is. We have been in some hairy situations yet I've never doubted and would fish again with him tomorrow. I'm happy he and Greg were okay. They came over during the event and if he hadn't mentioned it, you hardly would've known anything had happened. The heat had already dried them off and they were both just fishing hard and joking around like usual. Very grateful that someone as quick thinking and experienced as Doug was there as well as Blake from OFC who I heard used his boat to make sure nobody ran thru the area occupied by the "swimmers". Just goes to show the kind of guys they are that they instantly put JP and Greg's welfare first. Doug rescued a few fellows that had pretty much the exact same thing happen last year where there was boat damage and some injuries. As I recall Doug won that tournament, good karma I guess.
  10. eyefish, PM me after this weekend to remind me and I will update you. Going there this weekend with the CBAF. Looking forward to it. Went last year and had a fun time - but unless you mean big fish as in 2 lber, I didn't see any of those mythical creatures. Hopefully this year will encounter a few. Charles
  11. The batteries up front will definitely cost you some speed. You want them as far back as you can get em. That's like a 100+ lbs weighing down the nose of your rig. When I had a boat similar to yours powered by a 90 - I found a Ballistic prop to be the best. The 22". I was lucky and had a mechanic that let me try four or five different props until I found the right one. If you have a marina or place that you deal with regularly - ask to try a few. If you take them to the ramp and test them you will find a huge range of difference between props. I'd start first though by moving the batteries to the back and see how much that helps. 3800 rpms is way too low for WOT. Good luck, Charles
  12. If only he, as a tv personality, could live up to this as well. Telling people to throw rocks at bass boats and bass fishermen is about the most idiotic thing I've ever heard from a tv personality. Far worse, in my opinion, than rehooking a whitefish or whatever for the camera. I don't care how you feel about tournament fishermen or bass fishermen, if you advocate throwing rocks at them (or otherwise endangering them or their passengers) - then you are a complete and utter idiot. PERIOD. Charles
  13. What is wrong with our society that we only expect good, prompt, courteous service from "smaller shops" or places that can't compete on price... I'm not that old - but I seem to (mis)remember a time when that kind of service was expected and anything outside of that was noteworthy. Nowadays, I have to agree that I am pleasantly surprised any time I can go in to a shop of any kind and not be treated like an intruder. Haven't been to that shop and don't plan on ever taking up fly fishing - but just wanted to make a comment that crappy service should not be tolerated from any size store or business. I can walk in to a big box like Rona/HD/Lowes and have 2-3 people walk up and ask me if I need help and provide it in a timely fashion most days - heck I can usually even find someone at the Walmart to help me find what I need in a polite timely fashion - why wouldn't I expect the same at a tackle shop where the people working there presumably love fishing and should be happy to be surrounded by fishing stuff and fishing talk on a daily basis. Weird. Charles the bitter old man
  14. It's funny. I'd bet half the people would express the same feelings about Rogers cable. I kicked them to the curb and have never been happier. I have the Bell IP TV product that is available only in a limited area as a test run I believe and get 25 MB download speeds according to speedtest.net You're right - there is no comparison - unlike Rogers, my internet is pretty much ALWAYS up instead of dropping 4-5 times per day. The average user might not notice - but I need a steady connection for my home business and Bell has been rock solid for me by comparison. Of course I have an air card from Telus as well just in case because I know Ma Bell has no special love for me either.
  15. The fish weighed 1.38 lbs which was a great fish on a very tough day. Good job with your son Greg! As far as the comments about a 9.9, I believe there was a little tinny with a 9.9 in the event and another little boat with like maybe a 20 HP motor. Great to see these guys come out and compete. It ain't the boat or motor that catches the fish.
  16. I was helping Al Gore invent the Internet. OK, the truth is I'm like the world's most mechanically inclined super genius - I'm just incredibly lazy.
  17. Ya, I have a weirdly shaped property. Narrow but long for a cookie cutter subdivision house. I have to stick 2 extension cords together to use the weedeater and if I tried that with the mower - it's a rock solid lock that I would run it over and probably electrocute myself before the first day was over. Thought I was doing the environment a favour - and will probably suffer it out since I'm not about to throw away a 1 week old $500 lawn mower - but regretting not getting a gas guzzler. Long wet grass. Hmmm, it was pretty long as it was the first mow of the season, but it wasn't wet. Hey Dutch, ya, let's definitely get out again.
  18. Thanks Big Cliff - I actually did think of you when it first happened as I recalled from your posts that you handle small engine repairs. Problem is - unless I can get it started - I can't get it up in to the bed of my pickup. It's like 300 lbs or at least it feels like it. Thanks for the suggestions. Unfortunately, "in the tank or carb bowl ... also check the fuel line ... add a fuel filter" are sorta like asking me to do the splits - ain't likely to end up as a positive experience. I once fished all day on the troller when the kill switch cord got pulled accidentally and figured the motor died. I know to pour the gas in the hole with the gas can pic. I have never changed a spark plug. I can change a light bulb though!
  19. Hmmm, not sure as I am not the most mechanical of people. You know the sound the engine makes before it abruptly fires up? Well it just keeps making that noise over and over. Sounds like it is trying to fire up - but just can't get over the hump. Does that make sense? Thanks.
  20. lol, I don't know if you are joking or serious Randy. Thanks cuzza, I guess it could be old gas (gas from the winter of 2009) as it didn't get used much and didn't try to start it until I think it was Feb. Whenever that last (and kinda only) snowstorm was. As far as draggin me - I guess that means hooking up a sled with a skateboard to ride on is not gonna work? Good idea torco - squeaky wheel gets the grease. Thx kicking frog. I'm hoping you're right and the batts hold their charge better for future cuttings.
  21. My old gas mower quit after 11 years so I traded it in for a $100 rebate on a new Solaris from Home Depot. Pretty nifty little machine that is powered by 2 little 12 V batteries and is self-propelled, starts with the push of a button and is really quiet. Everything was going great until I was about 79% done. The thing stops working and the low battery light starts flashing. What?!?! It's supposed to be good for lawns up to 10,000 sq feet. Mine is nowhere near that. Maybe half of that at most. Anyways, it would restart after a brief rest (but died 3 mores times before I finished) and I was literally having to RUN (I am a professional - do not attempt this at home kids - a professional what? I dunno) while the motor was working to finish the lawn. Waiting 6-8 hours for it to recharge is not exactly an option. I'm guessing the self-propelled feature is what killed the batts as it is really quite powerful and was literally tugging me around the yard. So just wanted to give a heads up to anyone thinking about going electric to consider the size of your yard before you give up on the gas guzzler. Also - my snow blower died over the winter. Would be happy to trade some cash or a guided day fishing for anyone in the west GTA area that could have a look at the thing and fix it. It is only 3 years old and has run a grand total of 5 times ever (zero times this past winter). I'm guessing it is something to do with the fuel line or something simple like that. It is an electric start. And it sounded like it wanted to start but just never cranked. Thanks! Charles
  22. So even the brakes are faulty now?
  23. Hahaha. You know you have no one to blame but yourself once you let me touch something mechanical in nature - it's gonna break, explode or fall to the bottom of the lake. That's just how I roll.
  24. Lew, you may have the newer model. From what I heard a lot of guys with the first generation ones were complaining. Enough so that I decided to keep my maxxum for now. Your experience is more what I expect from Minn Kota products as I am a die-hard convert from Motorguide, but every manufacturer can put out a dud and MK has had a couple in the recent past. The genesis was a huge flop and the first generation Fortrex had a lot of issues. Just google Minn Kota Fortrex problems to see... I would also say the bounce buster they have on there now needs to be replaced with a RAM style one asap. Lew, another thing is the bodies of water that you fish on. Most of the problems I've heard of for ANY boat brand relates to great lakes fishing and the associated pounding of the boat involved. Charles
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