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Everything posted by charlesn

  1. That's very different than: Because if you are fishing on the dock, that's very very different than if you're up in your cottage looking down in an irritated fashion. Maybe you realized you were wrong to ask what you originally did and have changed your stance. That's good, because I think 99.9% of the people would be in agreement that fishing a dock that is occupied by an angler is bad form. But fishing an unoccupied dock in a responsible fashion is totally and completely acceptable. I would never consider fishing a dock with an angler already on it. But if you're up in your cottage, then game on. 2 totally different scenarios. Charles
  2. It would only be the same thing if the boat was the cover the fish were relating to. It's not the dock that is the target, it's the fact that it is cover for the fish. You shouldn't fish a dock that someone else is fishing from simply because the common etiquette in that situation is to allow the angler that was there first to have the spot. Same as you shouldn't horn in on another boat that is fishing an area since they were there first. The cover could be a big fallen tree, a big rock, a beaver dam, etc. People are not fishing near the property to annoy other people, they are simply going to the cover where the fish are at. If this were a big tree that had been knocked over in a storm on your property, it would get fished just as much, but perhaps it would be more tolerated since no money was spent on creating that cover. But the end result is the same, a piece of cover for the fish along the shoreline of a lake is bound to attract fish and hence attract anglers. Charles
  3. I think this thread and many other common sense/common courtesy type threads can be summed up as simply as by saying, "some people are jerks". Cottagers, anglers, doesn't matter. Anyone that would endanger someone else or their children is a jerk. That includes throwing objects or casting objects at boats or people or leaving hooks in docks or fishing in an area where people are swimming. Just like in all walks of life, some people are just jerks and will do things to hinder other people's enjoyment. Look at the AR terrorists like PXTA, that seems to be their whole mission statement. To the original person who started this thread. You say there is plenty of shoreline to fish, but by placing a dock on the public water, you have created cover and drawn fish away from other non-descript shoreline areas thereby making your dock a hot spot. Were there no docks or if there were 100s of docks, then the situation would be less so. It's like a single tree lying in the water. Everyone is going to see it because it sticks out like a sore thumb and is easy to find. I would suggest a less belligerent attitude and more tolerance because what you're really asking for is a private oasis and unless you own the entire lake, it's not likely to happen all the time. I'd also say that the more belligerent you are, the more likely that the confrontational types will be drawn back to your dock since some people just get off on that sort of thing. If I was in the area and no kids were swimming, I'd fish the dock for sure because I like catching fish and that's the reason I'm out there. Also the javex jugs might stop the trollers, but for someone on a trolling motor just slowly meandering down the shoreline, a couple javex bottles near a dock is like a HUGE neon sign saying "fish here!" as the fish relate to the rock/weight attached to the jug in addition to the dock. I find that the easy-going people are going to get the most relaxation out of being outdoors. Sometimes cottagers get so uptight about it that they "look" for confrontation or something to get upset about. An example of this is the crazy lady that lives on an island on Sparrow Lake near or in the main lake slow zone. I was fishing about 50 yards off shore, dunking a really nice weedbed that I had caught a 4 lber out of before. I woulda needed a rocket launcher to get a bait near her property. I was so far away it took me a while to figure out that the muffled sounds were coming from the crazy lady on the shore. I thought she was in trouble as her arms were somewhat flailing and moved closer to realize she was yelling at me to stop invading her privacy. lol I didn't even know she was there til she started acting nutso. Now she probably had a bad experience at some point with a jerk, but that does not excuse her psycho behaviour to me. I just got a laugh out of it, but I can see someone not as tolerant as myself fishing her dock and staying in her vicinity even longer just to prove a point or just to annoy her. You are blessed to have a cottage, enjoy it. If it consumes you that people are fishing your dock, take it out of the water, I guarantee they will stop fishing it. Charles
  4. Not sure what the other airlines do, but 3 of us flew JetBlue down to Houston, TX this past spring and our rod tube made it fine. The rod tube was about 8' long and 8-10" diameter. We fit 3 guys worth of flippin' sticks and 1 sissy stick each in there, about 17 rods. These were all 1-piece rods so needed the long rod tube. We stuffed the rod tube with socks and stuffing to keep the rods from chattering too much. We were worried the baggage handlers were going to play airport baseball with a couple thousand dollars worth of our graphite, but it turned out fine in the end. There was no surcharge. Charles
  5. Another near the causeway is Dutch Marine, it's a nice launch, free but no power-loading allowed. Other ramps I've used on Tri-Lakes which are all decent include Star Marine (a little steep for my liking - but also right by the Causeway), Emerald Isles Marina on Buckhorn, Scotsman's Point Resort on Buckhorn and up the river near Omemee on Pigeon. For a Wednesday, I'd just just the big public ramp since it is unlikely to be busy during the day. If there is a Twi-light event there later, then that's perfect, come in, do your weigh-in and then go back out for the Twi-light event! Two tournaments in one-day. Perfect! Haven't been there in years, but Tri-lakes always kicked me pretty hard in the nether regions, it fishes pretty tough. Good luck. Charles
  6. Should be okay with a 16'er. I've launched 20' bassboats there and don't recall needing 4wd to get out. You do have to back in a little deeper than usual since you can't powerload and dry winching a 3500 lb boat is tough! Charles
  7. Just wondering if anyone knew of a way to block a set of numbers from being able to call you. I get half dozen calls a day from 1-705-444-XXXX (1366, 2886 and others i believe). I try answering half the time to tell them to take me off their calling list, but there is no response. Just a hang up only to be followed up by another call later. It is some resort: Law Cranberry Resort Ltd 19 First St Collingwood, ON L9Y 1A1 According to Google, and there are actually quite a few people being harassed by these folks, but does not seem to be any way to prevent it. Any help appreciated. Thanks, Charles
  8. Just curious where this info comes from? I've always been curious as to the economic breakdowns of the various fish species in Ontario, as well as total economic impact of anglers on an area, but have never seen anything that I could use. Charles
  9. Couple things to try for free. Have someone sit up front for the holeshot and then move on back once on plane. Rearrange gear in the boat to find the optimum "load conditions". For most littler boats, having more weight in the back makes it easier to reach top speeds. Also, don't carry every thing you've ever owned on every trip. The less HP you have the more weight sensitive it will be. Couple things to try for a little money. Try a 4 bladed prop in the same size &pitch if yours is currently a 3-blade. Try a different pitched prop if it is already a 4-blade. Hydrofoil might potentially help. Trim tabs help on boat with more HP, not sure if it would suit your scenario, but it's cheaper than a new motor. The only absolutely guaranteed to get you hopping solution - Get more ponies. Good luck with the new boat. Charles
  10. The problem is, I don't think a cheater has any shame. Humiliation only works on those of us that have a conscience and shame. What a sad sad thing... Charles
  11. I'd call that hawg an honest 6 all day long. I might be wrong or an outright liar, but that's what I'd call it! Charles
  12. It was bumped up last year to the new and recurring opener for southern Ontario, the 4th Saturday in June. It used to be the "last" Saturday in June so in years like last year it made for 1 extra week of bassin. This year the last and 4th Saturday are the same Saturday. As far as NY's regulations, as of this year they have a 365 day catch and release season on most bodies of water. Lake Erie has a special "trophy" season where 1 bass is allowed to be kept over 20" per person starting on the first saturday in May. Their full season opens on the 3rd Saturday in June. As far as the spawn, all across Southern Ontario it starts in some places as early as mid-May and goes until mid-July. Anything beyond that, the fry have a tough time gaining enough weight before the winter. The people catching bass right now on Erie are catching mostly pre-spawners, staging and getting ready to spawn. But they spawn deep, I've seen beds in 20-24 feet of water near Buffalo. So people may indeed inadvertently catch spawners. Some will also target spawners too, which is well within their rights. But the conditions need to be near perfect for it because of the depth of the lake. The fish spawn in waves too, so it's not like every fish is in the same stage at any given time. In a few weeks there will be fish that are pre-spawn, spawners and post-spawn fish all in the same general vicinities. Furthermore, I think there was a study that showed only 1/3rd of the adult bass population spawn in one year. Charles
  13. Merc's have had 300s for quite some time. The Pro Max (EFI) and then the Pro XS (DFI). The Verado is their 4-stroke so I guess they finally upped the 275 HP to 300 or 350. Not a big deal really. All the majors have 300 HPs now. Bass boats and big walleye boats can use them, but due to their weight probably more geared towards the big multi-engine ocean going fishing boats. But there are some on bass boats already and have been for some time. As far as burning gas goes... My 'little' 225 drinks it's fair share. I think it is something like 4 miles per gallon wide open. Of course I could slow down and not drive wide open all the time... but if I'm out there and the conditions permit, I'm hammering it and loving every second of it. In terms of gasoline usage on the year, my Hyundai Tuscon and Chevy Trailblazer use more in a month than my boat does for the entire season. I don't even enjoy driving in and around the city, hate it in fact, but every second behind the wheel of my boat is my happy time, so if I pay a premium for it, so be it. I don't do drugs or nicotine and I drink less than a case of beer per year, so the money I save goes towards what makes me happy. If you can afford it, by all means enjoy it. Just because I can't or others can't doesn't mean we should begrudge anyone their personal luxuries. Charles
  14. Actually it is too late for non-members to sign up. We had our list of "insured" members in to OFAH as of last week. New members are always welcome in our Federation and can fish the Scugog crappie or Walleye events if you join now. Information on all of our events are on our board. BTW, we will be tagging and releasing 300 perch for the MNR at this event which will be held at Sibbald Pt. Provincial Park and if you'd like to come watch the weigh-in and/or tagging, it begins at 4 PM. Charles
  15. Terry, I think in the pro Walleye events, it is similar to the pro Bass events here in Canada. The team carries the weight forward, you do not have to fish "against" the other person in the boat with you. So that weight could have all come from his rod or he could have ate donuts and drank coffee for 4 days if he drew the right pros. Either way, a win is a win. I wanted to make sure I wasn't mistaken so I looked it up: http://walleyetour.flwoutdoors.com/rules.c...id=5#Qualifying Rule 17 is the pertinent one that affirms my assumption. Charles
  16. It should be fine in terms of "can I do this". I tow a 20' boat with a 225 that probably doesn't much less than your rig with a V6 Trailblazer which is about the same amount of truck. It was fine even when one of the calipers on the trailer brake snapped in half and I had to disable to trailer brakes. I know at least 2 others that tow 20-21 foot rigs with a Jimmy/Blazer. However, when the lease is up on the Trailblazer I'm going to a Silverado King Cab V8. The gas mileage I get when trailering with the Trailblazer is pretty ludicrous. Charles
  17. Out of curiosity, what would the potential world record musky be worth? Like in the tens of thousands? hundreds of thousands? millions? The last couple amounts are literally life changing sums of money (to most average citizens) and I'd think you'd have to be crazy not to seriously consider it. After all, giant specimen or not, it's just one fish and if it is like other species, once they get to that size, their days of successfully passing along their genes are gone and almost certainly it is near the end of its life cycle so you might be releasing it to be turtle food anyways. Scrutiny aside, if it was legit and done on the up and up and you could provide a better lifestyle for your family, how can you pass that up? Also, why do boat manufacturers not design a musky sized livewell? I know my bass boat certainly would not fit even a decent sized musky unless I could somehow fold it in half. But a giant livewell might keep the fish alive for inspection, weighing, scale samples, etc. and still allow for a live release. Charles
  18. While maxing out the boat is conventional wisdom and some good points raised here. For a 14' tinnie with a 25 or 30. To be honest, different makes and models of those 25s or 30s could mean that some 25s are actually better than some 30s. I'd go for a 4-stroke 30 if I could afford it. I'd guess it would be fine from idle, to trolling to your top end which would be about 30-35 mph depending on the boat's hull design, weight, how much stuff you load it down with, # of passengers etc.. Things like trim tabs, hydrofoils, jack plates, stainless steel props, etc. that can affect performance (not just speed) are pretty irrelevant at those HPs... Find the best deal is my advice. If you buy a 25 and get to a point where you think, man, I wish I could go faster, you're gonna need to upgrade the whole rig to get a noticeable difference. That's based on my personal experience anyways from starting with a 16' tinny with a 40, to putting a 60 on there, to a 17 tinny with a 90, then 17' glass with a 115 and now a 20' glass with a 225, but wishing I could strap 300+ ponies back there. lol Charles
  19. I don't know if it has been mentioned here yet, but Brunswick, the company that owns Merc, Triton, Baja and bunch of other boat lines recently announced a bunch of lay-offs and a plant shut down... Coincidence? Maybe. But not a great sign of things to come for Brunswick employees. That being said, I guess I am an evil conscienceless money grubber as I would buy the best motor for the buck (or sometimes just out of convenience) regardless of where it was built. I wouldn't let my babies play with it though if it was made in China, too likely to contain Lead paint... lol Charles
  20. There is no tax on a used motor private sale from what I understand. There is no registration or licensing for the motor either (although you probably need to inform the manufacturer if there is any warranty left for a warranty registration transfer). You get the trailer registered and plated and the boat needs a small vessel license but the motor does not have any registration requirements on it. Do not lose any sleep over this. You're not doing anything wrong or cheating the gov't out of anything. If you are unsure, the best thing to do is look up their number and ask. Getting separate bills is a good idea, I'm sure the seller will work with you for that. Why pay more tax than you need to? $500 buys a lot of gadgets and baits for the boat. Charles
  21. I know you said children are not a consideration, but if you do plan to have a family in the future, the less you commute, the more time you spend with them. I used to commute only about 50 kms each way, but to do that from Miss to dvp/lawrence was painful and could take anywhere from 45 to 90 minutes in good weather and worse in the snow. Much shorter commute now and I see and play my daughter a lot more. There's nothing I would trade for that... Just something to consider and with the western boom, I think the comment about considering the equity of the two properties now versus 2 years from now is a good point. Maybe (most likely) your current house will gain in equity faster than one in a more remote region. Charles
  22. Good luck to him! I'm a huge fan of the sport and think that only the best of the best athletes in the world can compete in it. His wrestling base should serve him well. Guys like Matt Hughes and Randy have shown how far a greco-roman background can go. If you go to sherdog and look at the records of a lot of the top guys, you see their one or two losses out of many often occur in the first 3 bouts. As they get that ring/cage experience, they get better. Hope he makes it to the UFC someday. Charles
  23. One thing that is in favour of fishinggeek's actions is that the squeaky wheel usually gets the grease. FNC apparently debuted to huge ratings, but it's off the air now. If people hadn't spoken up, maybe it would still be around so hats off to guys like Terry and Fishinggeek who are not afraid to speak their mind in defense of what they feel is right. You may not agree with their stance or choice of shows, but at the same time you also have every right to do as they do and speak your mind to the people that ultimately make the programming decisions. Charles
  24. Must be a new thing, I used to subscribe no problem. The mag is not that great, imho. I'm being generous in that statement. After I chose not to renew they sent about eleventeen thousand notices demanding this or that. I ignored it and eventually they stopped. I think they also sent me their sister publication Crappie magazine, and I didn't want it, but they wanted me to pay for it anyways. Ignored those notices too and they stopped. I wouldn't do business with them again for the simple fact that I think it's a bit underhanded to send somebody something they didn't request and then demand payment for it. Why is the onus on me to return or cancel something I never asked for. Charles
  25. http://www.bassfan.com/news_article.asp?id=2702 Read parts 1 and 2. On a personal note, I worked out hard a few years ago and felt stronger, had more stamina (mental especially) and fished better than I had ever done before. Adding 15 lbs of muscle also helped me to cope with long bumpy boat rides too. I'm not saying any of this discredits your opinion, just wanted you to know that it is actually a very big help for coping with long hours, long days and the general abuse your body and mind take over a 6-7 day period preparing for and fishing in an event. Charles
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