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  1. How long was it? From the photo it looks like it was about five feet long. If so, most likely a fox snake. Where did you see it?
  2. Did he get a quick release bracket for the trolling motor? Highly recommended, especially if he has a bow to stern cover.
  3. If that scope is still fog-free in those conditions, I want one! Haha!
  4. If the same ridiculous premise was applied in the context of hunting, would you shoot multiple deer or moose to account for previous unfilled tags?
  5. Stuff the body cavity with lemon, onion, peppers, and some peppers. Soak two or three sheets of newspaper, then wrap the fish in the wet newspaper. Put directly on grill and cook until the paper starts to singe/turn brown. When you un-wrap the fish, the skin should stick to the newspaper, leaving the flesh exposed. Also had good success with steaks or filets by using a foil pan - line the bottom with sliced onion and lemon wedges. Place steaks or filets on the bed of lemon and onions. Bbq for approximately 15 mins. If you are doing filets, skin side should be facing up!
  6. I've got a 2010 yamaha kodiak 450 - it has the independent rear suspension, but doesn't have power steering. I'm very happy with it. I use it year-round - trail riding, hunting, ice fishing. I chose the kodiak 450 for several reasons: the kodiak 450 is relatively short and narrow compared to some of the other manufacturer's ATV's. Our trails are pretty tight, so a smaller bike makes it easier to get through some of the narrow spots. I've got an extended cab GMC and the kodiak 450 will fit into the bed of my truck with the tail gate closed. Because it is relatively narrow, I can put a couple 5 gallon gas cans in beside the front wheels (one on each side). Push button 4WD, and locking differential. My dad has a 2003 that has been bullet-proof and every else that I have talked to have been happy with their Yamaha Kodiak. I don't think you can go wrong with either bike. By the way, I bought new. I looked around, but you're right - they really retain their value. I bought mine last summer as a new, non-current model and paid $6500 for mine (plus taxes, etc.). My buddy got the power steering model for $5995 about this time last year. I also bought the extended warranty - not sure I would the next time, especially if you have a chance to use it a lot during the standard 6 month warranty period. Good luck!
  7. 16. Subject to sections 19 to 21, no person who is fishing under a sport fishing licence or a conservation fishing licence shall catch and retain in any one day, or possess, fish of a species set out in column 2 of Part 1 of Schedule 3 from the waters set out in column 1, (a) in an amount that exceeds the sport fishing licence quota or of a size that does not comply with the size limit set out in column 3; or ( in an amount that exceeds the conservation fishing licence quota or of a size that does not comply with the size limit set out in column 4. Provincial Possession Limits 17. Subject to section 18, no person shall possess more fish of a species set out in column 1 of Part 2 of Schedule 3 from the waters of all zones combined than the possession limit set out in column 2. Catch and retain limit refers to the fish that you catch and don't immediately return to the water. If you catch and retain a fish - including eating it for a shore lunch, or giving to another person, that counts towards your catch and retain limit. If you are between the ages of 18 and 65, you require a fishing licence to catch and retain fish. The catch and retain limits are related to the fishery management zone (FMZ) you are fishing in. So if the limit for walleye in FMZ 10 is 4 and an angler catches and retains four fish, and eats two for shore lunch, he cannot catch and retain two more, because he has filled his limit. The same angler could go out the next day and catch and retain 2 fish from that FMZ, to reach his possession limit of 4 from that FMZ. The catch and retain limit is daily, the possession limit applies to all fish from that FMZ regardless of when they were caught. So in the shore lunch example if the angler went out and caught 2 more fish, he would have caught and retained 6 fish that day, not to mention he would be in "possession" of six fish (including the two in his belly - but good luck proving that!) The provincial possession limits refer to the number of fish any person can have. It applies to all fish regardless of where they are caught. For example, the provincial possession limit of walleye is 6. An angler could catch and retain a limit of 4 fish from FMZ, and catch and retain 2 fish from another FMZ, or accept 2 fish from a friend and still be in compliance with the law. The fishing regs are somewhat complicated, but you need to understand them!
  8. I've been fishing as long as I can remember - started out fishing with my dad, grandpa and brothers on Georgian Bay. Spent most of my time chasing bass in the summer and panfish in the winter in the Kawarthas. I get out every other day or so. Thank goodness for patient parents - now that I have young nieces and nephews, I realize that fishing with three young boys likely didn't mean that much time actually fishing for my dad!!!
  9. Awesome! I just purchased a charcoal bbq and a smoker box - tempted to give it a try!
  10. looks great!
  11. I use fireline with no probs. Canadian Tire has it in sale for 50% off about once a month.
  12. I've been happy with my experiences at SAIL so far as well. If you sign up for their loyalty program, they send you emails about promotions. They seem to have a tax-free (they pay the equilavent of the taxes) promo fairly frequently. I find Lebaron's prices pretty hard to beat.
  13. My boat is on Chemong, I've had some success ripping a bucktail jig in the edge of really heavy weeds. Trying finding some that are adjacent to relatively deep water. They're there!
  14. I would definitely recommend Rocky's - had some work done there!
  15. Great fish! Congrats!
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