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Everything posted by zman

  1. While first I would like to say thanks for the advise on what batteries to buy and whow to hook the them up So I have 2 (27 series deep cycle Interstate Marine rv ) My question is how do you go about charging them do I have to diconnect everything to charge? Can I charge both of them at the same time By puttung the positive on 1 battery and the negative on the other Aslo I will need to get a deep cycle charger till I Install and onboard charger any recomendations on a brand or were to buy the charger Thanks again for all the advise
  2. Thanks
  3. So I have a Eagle Fish Elite 642iGPS I just got it last year brand New Would I be able to get the card for it
  4. Well I headed up to the cottage on Saturday Morning to take the boat up left Guelph at 5:00am and got to the cottage at 9:45am Nice drive not allot of people Lunched the boat at the public launch about 2min from the cottage Right in the town of Lavigne Well after a little while we got the boat going and decided to go for a ride to take a look at the lake This was my first time on lake nipissing I have alway fished the french river most of my summer holidays Well boy is it a shallow lake on the west side I was out for about 4 hours touring around trying to get to know the water and the average depth was about 6' I didn't venture to far little bit at a time. I can't see the walley being to good later in the year but I will have to wait and see Does anyone know if this side of nippising is on GPS
  5. Well anytime spent on the water with your dad is a good day
  6. So Is 10 Gauge wire ok for my size of motor (80lb Maxxum ) from the bow to the stern 17.5' I will check and see what the current size is Also I seen a fuse or Breaker that you put right on the battery
  7. Well I mounted the new motor on the weekend but now I am going to move the batteries over a couple of feet and I will be short on the wire going to the batteries from the new Minn-Kota . What should I do ? Do I have to run all new wire ?if so what is the best type or can I just attach a another section I have a 80lbs Maxxum
  8. Hi Bassman Everything you mentioned should work well ,I will also be up there on the long weekend at my moms cottage in north west bay a short boat ride from where you are staying. Maybe I'll see you on the water
  9. Nice looking fish Good Luck
  10. Thanks Guys it's going to be allot of fun for me and the family I can't wait to try the new minn-Kota 80lb Maxxum
  11. Well I hooked up the new motor Take a look and see what you think This is also the new boat 2001 princecraft Pro174
  12. Too funny misfish
  13. You are going to love it
  14. Looks really good
  15. Well it looks like I will be going Interstate
  16. Anyone recommend a certain company or brand of battery I will be heading to Bass Pro on Saturday
  17. Well this weekend I am going to attemp to install the new motor I got a 80lb Maxxum 52" SHAFT cable drive I will be installing a new quick release braket as well aslo It looks like I will have to connect a new plug and recepticle .If any one has any advice for me it would be great
  18. Hi Brian it was me My dad will be home with the boat tomorrow from storage and I just picked up the new motor On Monday I will be PM you with the specifics on the Motor
  19. Just got a pair of Blue water Optiics at Wal-Mart in the eye care center yesterday They were 40% off I didn't really need them but at that price I thought why not So chech the Wa mart in your area
  20. Well said Lew
  21. Welcome your really going enjoy the board
  22. Good stuff Lew
  23. How about Prima
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