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Everything posted by zman

  1. thanks everyone
  2. Hi Everyone Just recently bought some property up there and was wondering if anyone has fished that area and knows of any streams or rivers in the area. I'm on the Huron side of highway 6 Thanks Everyone
  3. Sorry not the same Zman
  4. Hi Everyone Planning a trip in the next few Weeks to Merrill lake , was wondering if anyone has been there and what the access is like , from what I can see map wise as I can take some logging roads to the lake , we are going to have ATV and some 12ft and 14ft boats. ?
  5. Great thanks
  6. Hi Everyone So as you may know I bought a 14' lund DLX and I'm working on a casting plat form for the bow and also working on mounting the Minn Kota , The question I have is can I wire the Minn kota direct to the battery or do I need a special plug ? I currently will a be installing an onboard charger 2 bank 1 bank to the cranking battery and other to the trolling motor battery
  7. Hi everyone I am heading to Myrtle Beach june 8th till the 12th , I was woundering if there is a problem with fishing on the beach will I am there? Also does anyone have any tips. I was going to take a telescopic fishing pole as I don't want to pay for shipping one of my 1pc rods I will be staying in North Myrtle Beach
  8. Hi everyone I'm heading to lake belwood over the long weekend and was wondering , what baits to use for some good size pike , also is better to fish near the dam this time off year or cast the shores , do you think the bigger pike will be deeper ? Thanks
  9. zman

    New Boat

    I don't live in Stoney creek , I sent a PM to you Fang
  10. zman

    New Boat

    Thanks Everyone I did allot of research and finaly came to the conclusion , that this was the boat I wanted I can't believe how smooth a ride it is in rough water , tones of room and storage
  11. zman

    New Boat

    I actually have had it out a few times , man it is 1 awesome ride
  12. Check out the new ride, I want to thank everyone with all the help, regards to importing a boat 2007 Tracker Tundra 21 DC 225 Opti and 9.9
  13. I would drive 2 hours, just got the new boat this year so looking to venture some new lakes, I fish Balsam lake allot, lake nipissing and the french river
  14. Thanks, Not a big fan of Belwood + they just had their annual pike tounament with like 300 anglers
  15. Hi Everyone I was woundering if anyone has any recomended lakes within 1 hour or so from guelph Ontario
  16. Hi Everyone I bought my boat from the US ,and yes thanks again for everyone on the board with the great advice and help on assisting me on this venture. I have a few more questions. I paid the tax on the boat and motor at the boarder (HST) I filled out some forms when I got home to get some new hull numbers to register the boat. Will this be my ownership ? The trailer I have 90 days to get the trailer registered. I have to call RIV to get is registered and take it to Canadian tire. (correct? ) Then do I pay the tax on the trailer ? if so which tax do I pay ?
  17. I river fish most of the year , so I don't river fish on opening weekend I was thinking of some crappie
  18. Hi everyone Does anyone have any good ideas for fishing this weekend an hour or 2 from guelph
  19. It was empty before we started the day
  20. I looked uder the hull and didn't see any cracks, I was surprised at the amount that came out
  21. Yes it is the drain plug I went fishing on Saturday on the niagara River and I was surprised at the ammount of water coming out after I pulled the plug
  22. Is it normal when you pull the drain plug to have water come out ?
  23. Well I wanted to get out and try the new boat I was woundering what drifting the Niagara for some steelhead this time of year would be like
  24. Ok with that being said do you pay tax on the motor ? or just on the boat , I will have 3 bills of sale one for each Thanks for the help
  25. Why do you need seperate bills of sales for the boat motor and trailer do you pay duty on the motor ?
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