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Everything posted by zman

  1. Hey everyone I will be heading up to do some fishing for the weekend , was woundering if anyone has been up to nipissing latley , I will be fishing Musky and walleye , I will be staying at a cottage in North West Bay so I'll be fishing the west side of the lake . Any body have any tips or advice for this time of Year ?
  2. I'm pretty sure it's a differrent line that goes into the fuel tank because my 90 2 stoke has a line also So maybe I'll just try replacing the kicker motor fuel line., I think it has a special little connector that attaches to the kicker motor though it kinda locks in
  3. Yes it is getting fuel from the same tank as the main motor What do you mean about the one way valve in the ball ? how would I be able to check that ?
  4. Hey everyone I woundering if anyone would have any advice for me , my kicker motor keeps stalling after a while and in order to keep it running I have to go back and pump the ball on the fuel line. any ideas on why this might be going on. the ball keeps going soft after a few minuets The motor is a 2000
  5. Thanks Billy Bob
  6. Ok I am goint to try this tomorrow , I just have one more question I tie strap the trnasducer wire up the shaft of the Minn-kota , do I go right to the top and then just run the remaaing along the sides if the boat inside to the fish finder Thanks for the help
  7. The new unit I am looking at is the Fish Easy 320C
  8. Well Ii need s new fish finder for the front of the boat but I want to put the transducer on the min-kota bow mount trolling motor I have never done this before , just curious if this is a hard job also. I currently have a fish finder at the front , will i be able to use the current wire that is running to my battery, wich is the boat battery.
  9. Well everyone , I'm going to up at the French river again twice this year once at the end of June and Once in July I have always spent some of my time targeting Muskies. I have yet to get one at the french . I always stay on the Dokis Reservation. If anyone has any advice it would be greatly appreciated. I have used allot of bucktails.
  10. zman

    ear muffs

    If it starts how long to you wait before I should see the water Thanks again guys but I'm kinda new at the boat ownership part
  11. zman

    ear muffs

    I have a 1999 90HP Johnson and also a 9.9 four stroke
  12. I'm not sure what they are called but I want to get a pair of these and try starting the boat in the driveway before I go away this weekend. I gues you hook the garden hose to them and were abouts do they go on the motor I see a few little slits on the shaft is that the spot ?
  13. Thanks for all the tips As for changing the oil in the lower unit, I got a marina to winterize the boat so I hope he did it I think this winter I'm going to do it all myself
  14. Well everyone what do most of you do when you first pull your boat out of storage after the winter I had mine winterized and shrink wrapped just woundering if there is anything I should do special Do any of you pre start them at home before your trip? I seen that thing you can hook up to the motor with the garden hose and start it never tried that before, but might be a good idea before I make my first trip.
  15. Hey everyone I looking for some advice for the walleye opener in may on Balsam lake fished the lake once before got a few small ones but would like any advice
  16. Thanks for the help
  17. Hi Everyone I hope someone can help me out on this , when I put my card into my pc it doen't open up it send me to a internet site I can't seem to open the map to mark some way points before I go out .
  18. zman


    Thanks Everyone
  19. Hello everyone Happy New Year Well I have decided to get my hunting Licence next week , and I was woundering if anyone would recommend a good gun store with allot of knowledge, I live in Guelph and I don't mind driving anywhere as long as the service is good, I will be looking at shotguns probably with interchangable barrels, one for bird and one for deer.
  20. PM sent Buster
  21. Hey everyone I thinking at getting my hunting and FAC over the winter just seeing if anyone has taken the One-Stop Course I live in Guelph so does anyone know where the best place to take it . Also anyone know a gun shop where I can get some real knowledgable information on guns .
  22. I just fished the Guelph Lake it is a small lake and you can only use your electric but we did very well on the weekend. Just launch the boat at the rowing club launch and start casting on that side of the lake. We did well on rattle traps in about 10 to 15' of water also white spinner baits. When you launch got to the left away from the dam head to wards the beach area
  23. The water is getting lower but all the fish were caught in 12 to 15 feet of water we also got a few on white spinner baits
  24. Water was about 3 feet visabilty Lots that other site bass and Pike all the bass were like footballs the biggest pike was 5lbs 4oz
  25. zman

    musky rod

    Thanks Guys
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