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Everything posted by zman

  1. What is the address of it
  2. What is the address of it
  3. do you pay just the one tax
  4. Hi Everyone I have a question do you have to pay tax on a used boat and trailer when you buy it ? It will be bought private in canada
  5. Im trying but I can 't seem to get it to take me to a link like it used too ??? Brings up way to much
  6. Hi Everyone I am trying to search the forum for some info on buying a boat from the us and what it takes , Does anyone know what it takes to make it happen Any help would be great
  7. Hi Everyone I am heading up to the french river on Saturday for a few days of musky fishing I have been there a few times with little success on the musky side of fishing I will be fishing the upper French staying on the Dokis reservation Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated
  8. Well everyone I was just up on lake nipissing fishing and I was staying at my moms cottage in lavigne, I would have to say the water is low but the fishing was really good, I caught lats of walleye and about 40 pike between 4 guys, the biggest pike was about 9lbs , the biggest walleye was 6.2lbs with lots of 3,4, and 5, water temp was 67 and most of the fish were not in the usual spots, I just looked for some fresh green weeds and pulled them out of there. water is really low for sure but the fish are all ther just gotta work a little harder, to find them I will post some picures tomorrow. all in all I was impressed with the fishing, drove by Lakair and it looks pretty good.
  9. I am heading up next friday and I usually stay at my moms cottage in Northwest Bay , I usually launch the boat by the Bridge in the Town of lavigne. Does anyone have any info on this area ? Or even If i'll be able to launch the boat
  10. Thanks Guys
  11. The big motor is not a 4 stroke its a 1998 evinrude 2 stroke 90hp I changed the lower end oil before winter and also fogged the motor. I looked again this morning and it doen't seem to dripping as ba, but I'll chech again tonight Its dripping around the where the prop is , The oild I changed the lower and in is clear oil this is Black Oil
  12. It is really dark oil almost Black
  13. Well i want to say thanks to everyone for helping me with the oil change on my 4 stoke . but i ahve another question I just noticed a bit of oil dripping out around the prop on by 90HP I changed the oil in the lower unit before storage but is this something to be concerned about.
  14. Well I ran the motor for a about 2 min then I took out the scew on the the top side and out came all of the egine oil, changed the filter and put the new oil in I didn't have to take the side plate off the screw was about halway done the shaft. Man it was pretty easy. I would like to say thanks to everyone on the board for all their help
  15. Yes there is a small screw just like the one at the bottom near the lower end unit when I changed the oild for that last year. I will take the screw out tonight and see if the oil come out . Thanks everyone for all your help once again
  16. Also does anyone know where to get oil filters for this , I have usually taken this to someone else to do but I think its tiome for me to learn myself
  17. No i don't have the Manual for it I wish I did Thanks Guys
  18. I have a 9.9 2000 evinrude 4 stroke and I need to change the oil and oil filter I can't see the drain to drain the oil or even how I would go about doing it , does anyone know where to get the filters?
  19. I had white liquid on the spark plugs so called a local marina and they said that is what usually causes it So I drained all the gas out and it didn't look so good . it hasn't been runing since October 5th
  20. Well my main would be also , If I can't get it going what would be my best bet to due to the motors , till the spring. really need the help guys Thanks again
  21. Thanks Fisherman
  22. Well I am trying to winterize my own boat but I am having a bit of trouble I water in my gas tank and I emtied all the water but I still can't to seem to getit running Also just to let you know I have a 9.9 evenrude 4 stroke and a 90 2 stroke What should I do if I can't get it going , I can'treally afford to take it to a local marina.
  23. Thanks Guys very very helpfull
  24. I was woundering if anyone has ever bought a boat in the US and if ther is any real concerns or tips
  25. Hi Everyone Well I headed up to Lake nipissing for a long weekend Friday Morning and when I got there launched the boat and I couldn't get it started. big bummer when 5 of us went up to fish. Well Saturday I got up and tried to solve the problem. took the spark plugs out and they had a white milky look to all of them. I called a local marina and they think it might be water in the gas tank . Fisrt Question would be . The tank is in the hull of the boat , how would water get in there Also what is the solution if it water ot fix it , I am assuming all of the gas will have to come out
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