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Everything posted by Christopheraaron

  1. That's actually $10.25, Bill. LOL
  2. That's an easy answer, you aren't advertising it to kids. I belong to a few clubs as well but only one of them has another youth member. Do you think these clubs ever had kids involved? Probably not, I can tell you there are lots of kids out there who love to fish but a club isn't always the most inviting setting for them (I just so happen to like sitting around the conservation meetings, I'm weird ).
  3. I can think of a few guys on here who are cheaper than that
  4. Let's do it!
  5. Wherever you guys think has the best wings and burgers
  6. Fly tying, usually $6 a pack. I've used the tinsel but found that it is VERY slippery, so use lots of thread, wax and glue
  7. Have to say I agree with S, there is a lot of info posted out there that shouldn't be. That said I don't think that it is wrong for people to post reports that could keep people safer than they would be otherwise.
  8. Brian, what colours would you like? I'm afraid I'm not going to catchup to my slacking ways but here are a few more. Ice flies, made for gills and perch but this winter I may try them on a windlass tip up with a couple split shot for whities. $3.50 Viva, a small stillwater streamer for browns or bows. $2.50 Hopper fly, for aggressive river trout in late summer. $2.50 Rabbit leech, a great steelhead pattern for deep water. $3 A mouse topwater, extremely buoyant with great movement. $5
  9. I heard it was just slow shipping
  10. Last time I talked to him that seemed to be the case, hope all is well!
  11. x2, won't be much of a problem if you have a guide as they'll know the book by heart, hopefully
  12. Didn't actually kick us off, but he tried to.
  13. Still can't believe how "some" tv shows handle fish.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BillM
    3. Christopheraaron
    4. Acountdeleted


      Bahaha. I saw a youtube vid once where a guy pulls a monster Lake Trout out of the ice. He's holding it for a pic, one hand on the belly, one hand right up inside the gills. I turn to a buddy of mine and I say 'If you ever hold a fish like that that you're not planning on keeping, I'll kill ya'

  14. Last year some cop kicked us off a small pond that had an easy 4" black ice, maybe 5". I wouldn't trust them with ice reports.
  15. Musky ninja! Great fish as always Mike, congrats!
  16. Not your fault Mike, I doubt you'd be able to add that many inches with just those 2 fish haha. Congrats to team 5, hope to see you all again next year!
  17. same here.
  18. From his post:
  19. I'm guessing he's talking about guys that rent out huts.
  20. There's always the option of the firehouse again too.
  21. Should work fine for me!
  22. I proposed it about a month ago, I'm still in for one.
  23. snow update on Bracebridge or Minden anyone?

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