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Everything posted by Christopheraaron

  1. Remember, no die off, chemicals would kill trout and salmon first, carp are very resilient.
  2. Welcome redpearl, thanks for that info, it looked just too good to be true, you don't find ponds like that very often.
  3. Nice fish there, looks like a great day!
  4. NOT BOND! I know where that is and that it is off limits, look on google maps and you'll see a small almost pond lake just a couple of blocks south of the lake.
  5. Nice report, and it must of been awesome fishing with the pros, but where are the largies?
  6. GREAT! I do find it annoying when you aren't allowed to fish within a certain distance of something and they don't post where the sanctuary starts and ends.
  7. Also if you google it he has released the location.
  8. Amazing, anyone who can't find the pics, here is another article http://www.prairiestateoutdoors.com/index.php?/pso/article_print/16534/
  9. On google maps it shows a small lake next to lake wilcox in richmond hill? It looks like there might be a way to get in on the south side, is this public or private?
  10. Pic doesn't look like a fake, wish we had some of that rain...
  11. Thanks, it was either that or sunfish, and that one little trout was defiantly worth it.
  12. There isn't much, I know of one that is rumoured to be filled with brookies, haven't gotten anything yet but I ain't giving that spot up on the open board.
  13. Not really, no, the pics are from my phone and I can't get them any bigger.
  14. Left the house at 7:30 this morning, got to the river at 8:30, planned to fish the whole day for brookies and browns with spinners and small nymphs. 5 minutes in and FISH ON! Ya, fish on but not what I wanted, just a small chub, followed by 2 more. Headed downstream through a thick forest of ferns, into a nice deep pool, after an hour of chucking mepps through the pools with no results ( and one lost lure ) I decided it was time to move again. Now downstream I find the best looking area yet, more chub on flies so I threw the mepps around again, nothing. Switched to dries, again nothing, took a silt sample with my trout net and found some larvae, tied on a prince nymph and got my trout! A little 5 inch brown, and then back to the chub. Good day, 1 trout, nice area but I don't think I'm going back to that spot for a while.
  15. That's the idea with trout, and the fly I came up with for the record probably wouldn't work. Trout can be very picky and you should try to match the hatch as closely as possible, today fishing I have a small soft hackle wet fly dead drifting with no results, scoop a pile of silt up and find a dragonfly larvae, tie on a nymph that closely resembles it and I caught 3 fish!
  16. Strange, maybe a few hackle stems tied as legs?
  17. Nice, that little bug looks like a water skater, never observed a trout eating one and apparently they don't. Nice little tout you got, caught one out of the humber today a little smaller than yours.
  18. Just got back from the humber, mepps did nothing but get hung up in trees, roe didn't work so I resorted to fly fishing, got a little brown TROUT on a brassie and lots of chub. Pics are to come. Also the dragonfly and damselfly larvae are everywhere!
  19. A rope lure is a section of nylon rope that is tied to a hook shank with no actual hook, the fish bite is thinking it's a fish and because of their toothy mouths the teeth get caught up in the rope. However if you read my last post on here you can see why don't use it, husky jerks and suspending minnows also work for gar.
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