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Everything posted by Christopheraaron

  1. How about fishing a little deeper than 2' then? I've fished Oshawa enough to know there are plenty of areas deeper than that, if you're fishing in water that shallow you're fishing spawning fish.
  2. Grab a big mallet; whack a vole!
  3. Awesome shot of the killdeer! One of your best yet I'd say!
  4. I was probably just overlooking them the one day, but they definitely did pop up pretty fast!
  5. It's weird, I was out yesterday, didn't see a single head, then today they're all over the place!
  6. Here fishy fishy fishy...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fisherpete
    3. Christopheraaron


      It's not all that impressive, the pb is only 10.5" LOL I'll break it again soon enough

    4. Fisherpete


      LOL... that's 10.5" more brookie than I have ever caught

  7. Sorry, are you saying you were fishing for pike in mountsberg?
  8. Ah, I was thinking of down the same until I saw the forecast, now I wish I had just done it! Nice little brown there!
  9. Did team 3 ever submit a steelhead to me? I remember there was a fish to enter but don't recall getting a pm, thanks.

    1. Tim Mills

      Tim Mills

      team 4 sent you one in a pm

    2. Christopheraaron


      All of your entries have been put up, but know that team 3 has a steelhead to enter.

    3. Broker


      Forgot to send it in Chris, been busy. I'll get er in tonight.

  10. Yup I remember those pics. (The other) Dave bought a bunch last year for lakers.
  11. looks like zone 20 pike will have to wait until monday...

  12. Hmmm, flies! LOL
  13. Yup, that's the part that most gets me.
  14. List away
  15. Are you sure they were tied overseas? Many people assume that but quite a few shops tie their own or buy local, blue ribbon flies, reel flies, me, are a few that come to mind If they're tied overseas then they are a little expensive but they aren't way out there. BTW, if anyone wants these flies, I'll sell them to ya for $5.50, cheaper than Kelly's site and no shipping charge
  16. Ok then it was just marabou, strange, looks full of craft fur in the pic. The prices are high but you have to consider what goes into these flies, it's around $0.10 for the eyes, a good $1 for the hooks, probably about $2 worth of materials too and those are wholesale prices. That would mean $2.90 per fly, if he can do one in 15 minutes that's $11 an hour, and he only makes that if they tie them themselves, if they buy from a local tyer they have to split that. Trust me $6 isn't too bad.
  17. So you bought that one from the man himself?
  18. Or is that just reaaalllyy nice marabou?
  19. Thought it was, but don't remember that fly having craft fur in it.
  20. It was, and now you only have to remember the sign for musky LOL.
  21. Well for some reason all day my rod was cold, so I was handed a rod more than a couple of times by Pete (thanks!). Here's my first of the day, I think it was 24" if memory serves. It took a while before I got another but around noon I upgraded to a 26" fish during a double header (the one time my rod goes off I was already using Pete's LOL) We checked out the area below the dam as well, no cats were caught but as I was reeling my cut bait into position I got a hit (thought it was weeds at first) from what turned out to be my first ever sheepshead. Love the colours this one had on it's head. I finished with this brute which was just a half inch smaller than Brian's fish. Thanks for a great day guys, can't wait to do it again!
  22. Sweet fish! What pattern is that?
  23. Nice report Brian! I'll try to get some pics of the other fish later.
  24. Nice fish there. When you were up in kendal did you find "it"? If you don't know what I'm talking about then you didn't LOL.
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