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Everything posted by RangerGuy

  1. Thanks guys, I haven't made a fishing post in a long time. It's good to be back Lots of new faces here LOL! I forgot to mention that my new 24 volt Terrova was just awesome! I used it all day basically anytime I trolled Saturday.. it moves my boat at 3mph at full speed. I was trolling with it between .5 - 1.5 mph and for positioning while casting . It only used 1 bar out of 4 on the battery meter AMAZING!.
  2. Well, Me and my pooch went to Quinte Saturday. Launched at 6:15am.... I was surprised that nobody was at the ramp. Not very many boats out at all. I started the day by tearing my transducer cable in 1/2 launching the boat on a piece of wood that I thought was floating in the water. So I was fishing blind all day. Not much cloud cover or wind all day but still managed 5 fish 12,18,20,24,27 inches.. Funny each fish came from a different spot. I could not find more than one fish in each area LOL! I think maybe I wasn't fishing shallow enough these fish all came in 20 to 35' range. So they weren't jumping in the boat but I've only fished Quinte a handfull of times so I'm please
  3. Glad to see the TM worked well for ya TIGHT LINES!
  4. WOW! What I'd give to see that every morning!!!! Very nice congradulations!
  5. You guys and your bluring pictures IT'S TORONTO! There's no secret spots LOL! WHAT A JOKE!
  6. Nice boat You could have that boat for life if you like. Mine is an 89 and still looks good!
  7. They will be back. I would bet my pay check on it! If you do see them again and find their car. Before you call the cops.. make sure give them flat tires first
  8. People like that ruin it for everybody! Even private property isn't safe from D#@$@ HEADS! Good on you for taking the high road! Sorry to hear your hunt was ruined because of some jerks!
  9. Next time your in the boat irishfield bring one of the rocket fishing rods LOL! Or a sling shot with a big rock. Tie a spool of 150 lbs mono to the rock and get it just infront of the prop I wonder if 300+ yards of mono would stall the prop! hey I wonder if that would work on the next stupid person in a jet ski that passes less than 10 feet from me LOL!
  10. Hi Lew, What's your reason for changing the ground? Does this help with prevent signal noise or something? What colour unit did decide on?
  11. Well, I picked up my new Terrova 80lbs 24volt 54" shaft with auto pilot and universal sonar 2 + the copilot. I can't wait to install this thing! I'm going from 36lbs thrust to 80lbs should see a big difference For anybody that is wondering BPS price matched LeBarons Catelogue price
  12. Great Idea Lew! I've been looking for something like that for a long time.
  13. Bite off by walleye? I'd say you had a nick in your line. I've been fishing walleye with 4 lbs test and leeches for years.. never been bit off once. Lew that 10.5 pound Seaguar should be more than enough for eyes if you not bouncing rocks or anything like that.
  14. Hi , You can try these 2 sites http://www.canadianhuntingdogs.com/forums/ AND http://forums.huntontario.com/forum.jspa?forumID=1
  15. Great report man! That's a nice striper! Been awhile eh bud!
  16. I'm sure OFAH makes bad decisions sometimes.. While I'm not a brookie fisherman I'D LOVE TO .. go up your way DanC to experience this awesome fish one day. It sucks that one of the bad decisions was in your area That would bug me as well. The whole point of an organisation like this is that it's governed by its members. Problem is people don't want to put an effort in. They pay their membership fees and figure that's it. The said organization will just stand up for what I believe. I'm not exempt from this either. After awhile the org gets so large it just does it's own thing gets choked down in red tape & politics etc. It's up to the member body to support the good descisions of the organisation the best they can and fight the poor ones not allowing the people on top to make desicions supported by the member body! The voice of the OFAH should be nothing more than a messanger for the voice of the members. If they are allowed to make descisions on their own. Who's fault is it. THE MEMBERS! Myself included!
  17. WOW! Thanks Big Cliff you have a PM Hi smalliefisher, would you mind sending me some more info on this area?
  18. Well, Believe or not BPS has come thru. They will have the Terrova for me in a week or so and they price matched which gave me a fair price on this motor. Just wanted to post that the manager that is working with me to get this product has been very helpful. Thanks to him the old ranger will have a fancy Minn Kota 24volt 80# Terrova with Auto Pilot and Universal Sonar 2 on her bow come this season I think it's only fair to post both good and bad experience with a business. This time was definitely a positive experience. Can't wait to use this motor!
  19. Not looking to start a arguement but if you think P3TA or organizations like that get ignored your sadly mistaken and they have their minds set on fisherman just as much as hunters.
  20. I'm located in Aurora and would be happy traveling about 1 hour or so in any direction And not bad with a chain saw . My dog is running 200 to 300 yard marks right now so the property would have to be a good size. Thanks yellowboat but a public parks is no good because when your teaching the concepts critical for your dog to succeed in Field Trials & hunt test you can't have other people & dogs walking thru your training area all the time
  21. I know this isn't fishing related, but I was thinking. I am always looking for areas to train my pup. She's advancing nicely so this summer were going to need some larger training grounds. I have been trying to find fields to train in with changes in cover , terrain ( ponds are a bonus ). So I thought maybe there is somebody on this board that would like to trade my used 24volt Power Drive Bowmount ( I won't need it as I'm picking up a new one this spring) for access on thier property for training purposes. Depending on the quality of the training grounds I'd also be more than happy to trade some work time on the property. Not sure if this is the right section or not.. so if it's not mods please feel free to move the thread to the appropriate area
  22. I was a member for a long time years ago. I'm sure they are making money but I'm not worried about that. I couldn't care if they are for profit as long as they do what they say they are doing.. or atleast make a respectable effort. It cost lots of money to run something as large as OFAH. You can't expect them to get anywhere with the governement or anti's if you don't have a respectable face fronting the organization. That means a flashy office etc that's just the way it works. I'm a member again because I realized without them.. we'll be lucky to enjoy any kind of hunting in the coming years. Think about this once hunting is stoped.. who do you think they'll come after next! Same as for DU... they don't don't do as much for hunters as Delta Waterfowl.. you just need to be smart and pick the voice that matches your values
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