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Everything posted by RangerGuy

  1. Wow! Last hole.. I was thinking I can come another hole. Is that explorer a 20" transom? Maybe the diff is my transom doesn't drop down in the middle like yours, it goes straight across. I also noticed that our tiller arms are a little different where they mount to the motor. I have that big tension bar, which I dislike as it rattles LOL!
  2. hi mike, that's exactly what's been sitting in the back of my mind. My dealer is 2hrs away so I'm trying to get them to do it on a Saturday , so I don't have to Make that drive twice lol. I know I can do the work but they may check all the cylinder bolt heads for proper torque etc hey was just looking at your pic again, what mounting hole is your motor in? I had mine lifted to the second hole from the top.
  3. Wow, must be different for the 75s. My manual lists: -Fuel Filter -Fuel System -Gear Oil -Engine Oil -Spark Plugs. All at 10hrs (1 Month) and the only thing that show either yourself or dealer is the battery inspection/changing. Actually very few dealer required checks in my manual, most are owner OR dealer.. I'm gonna do the 10 hour one and bring her into the dealer at the end of the season for a check up
  4. Nice report man.. you guys looks like you had a blast!
  5. 1990 Chevy 1500 4X4 5.7L 5 Speed I just replaced all brakes & lines, front left drive shaft,2 front shocks, battery and knock sensor, 4 brand new tires (GoodYear Wrangler Territories AWESOME TIRES!) First work I've done to her in 5 years! I was going to by new this year but I just couldn't bring myself to get ride of this one,
  6. Glad you like the new yammie.. I just completed my 10hrs the past long weekend. SOOOO excited to troll with this awesome motor! Are you goin to have the dealer do the 10hr maintence or do it yourself? I think I may just do it myself.. I doubt they do anything but change oil/filter, lower end fluid, fuel filter and check spark plugs.
  7. ABSOLUTELY!!.. Can't wait for duck season.. no missed Saturdays for this guy do to weather this year Last year I hunted out of a Momarsh & Stump Jumper Long Tail.. AWESOME RIG!!!.. on multiple occasions I had Heron's try to land on my bow while my dog and I were dozing off LOL! Ducks had no idea we were there. But.. it's a very limiting boat as far as where you can go safely due to it's low sides.. This year were in an 18' Alaskan & Avery Quick set blind.. CAN'T WAIT!!!
  8. Yeh I can't keep her wide open for more than 5 minutes at a time but I averaged around 25-30 mph with 4minuted wide open bursts. I'm very impressed with the milage, I'm assuming it might even get a little better when it's fully broke in. If not I'll still be very happy
  9. Congradulations man!..you will love that yamaha! I'm still break'n mine in. Check out this fuel report from my first long weekend with her on the water. With my old johnson 60hp tiller on a 16' ranger fisherman. I would fill the boat (12 US gallons) and bring 2 more 25 litre cans of fuel with me. We would burn through all of it on a long weekend Saturday till Monday (on monday I would have to choose where I went so I didn't run out) This weekend I filled the lund up when I got to LakAir 29L to top her up to full. I went home with the gas gauge reading just under 3/4's of a tank used..CRAZY!!! 15 hp larger motor, 2' longer boat and I burned a 1/3 of the gas. NICE!
  10. I see it like this. Could be an honest mistake, maybe he was day dreaming, tired etc... we all do this if you say you don't I would bet your not being honest. Everybody makes mistakes.. BUT and this is a big BUT! He admitted guilt... then when the cops were involved he LIED! That makes him guilty in my book, even if he was lying to perhaps save his job maybe.
  11. Yeh I cut the ends and wrapped them tight.... I was shocked to see this live connection was just left open to short against something.. I was freak'n because I thought maybe some of the bolts etc I used to install the charger etc were not stainless steel and were causing a reaction with the aluminum hull.. so I pulled the middle floor hatch out just to make sure THEN I found the positive wire sitting in water HAHA!
  12. So I finnally had time to hook my charger up to my starting battery and run power to my FF. When I opened my bilge I found this (check out what I found floating in my bilge) It appears there was a constant power running from my panel that doesn't shut off with the master power. The positive lead was sitting in the bilge water ARGH! I've rinsed the bilge with a hose the the best I can. Hopeing this doesn't damage my hull. The paint doesn't seem to be affected yet. You think they would put water proof ends on power wires.
  13. Nope, I made the left hand turn, he came from the same lane I turned from. His 200' of skid marks started at the top of the hill, he hadn't even crested the hill when I started my turn. Then he let off the brakes and hit them again 60' before the turn and slid into me pushing my car and trailer sideways thru the wood pole and wire guards at the side of the road and down a 20' embankment sideways. I won't even guess how fast the kid was goin. 250+ feet of skid marks. I'm so lucky I didn't loose my left arm I had the windows down and my arm out the window. We were hit right at the spot between the front and back door.
  14. Oh man that sucks!!! Very sorry! I had the same type of thing happen to me. I'm sure if you search my post from 4-5 yrs ago you'll see it. Basically, I make a left hand turn driving a full size 4 door sedan like a big old caprise with my 17' ranger boat trailer on the back . The left hand turn is at the bottom of the hill. I check all spots and behind me because I was already rear ended once with this boat. I complete the turn , car and trailer are completely on the road I was turning into and I'm rolling down a hill side ways. Kid in a old pick up hits me right behind my door!!! Cop let's him go and charges me with an unsafe left hand turn!!! Didn't go 10 feet from where he parked his cruiser! We did our own investagation and found 200+ feet of skid marks, then a space and another 60' of skids before he hit me. I got off because this lazy cop screwed up the ticket and failed to properly Investigate. The kid gets off scott free... he should have been charged with dangerous driving. The best part is the cop let him drive the truck home cause he was a local..., ARGH!!!! Don't the cop or insurance call it nobody is at fault!
  15. Oh man that sucks!!! Very sorry! I had the same type of thing happen to me. I'm sure if you search my post from 4-5 yrs ago you'll see it. Basically, I make a left hand turn driving a full size 4 door sedan like a big old caprise with my 17' ranger boat trailer on the back . The left hand turn is at the bottom of the hill. I check all spots and behind me because I was already rear ended once with this boat. I complete the turn , car and trailer are complet
  16. They don't install them with Lunds because Lunds don't come from the factory with Yamaha's just Mercs. Mine's a 75hp. I'll post some pics when I get it installed.
  17. I have a guest as well.. 2 batteries hooked up 24volt with 2 wires running to the front. So there is a jumper from positive to negative between the batteries. Negative runs from battery 2 to the bow and positive from battery 1 runs to the bow. My charger handles this no problem. So if your gettng a new Guest charger it can probably handle it. They have pretty good documentation, so the hand book will tell you for sure.
  18. Yes leave that skunk at home!... Might be a wet weekend calling for thunder storms both Saturday and Sunday.
  19. Yeh I can probably route the fuel line there then back into the area where the internal tank is and back to original path. Looks like I need to buy some fuel line.
  20. Thanks Bill! I think the newer motors are more fussy when it comes to the quality of the gas they will run reliably. The other major reason is the motor manual suggests it, so if it ever comes to warranty issue I don't want to give them any reason to deny a claim Thanks everyone.. I will see how well it'll fit there, I just have to make sure the dog won't ruin the fuel line when climbing onboard after a retrieve in the fall.
  21. If you have an 1800 Lund Alaskan and installed the Yamaha Fuel / Water Separator. Where did you install it? You can see that the gas line is run through the bulk head. So I'm wondering if most people just install this filter on the transom. I really don't want to do this. So I'm looking some suggestions on where I could install it so it's out of the way. My reasons for not wanting to mount it there are: 1) I may install a kicker there 2) I may use this side for the dog to re-enter the boat after a retrieve in the fall. I don't see an option to embed an image so here is a link.
  22. Thanks for the post and pics.... Man it's gonna be a long week!... I will be up there early Saturday morning! Me and the new pup, she needs some boat time before the fall.
  23. Great post!... thnx for sharing
  24. No 3000+ for all needed repairs, innner/outer tie rod ends,ball joints, pitman arm, steel brake lines ,front & back parts. This is before the normal stuff like like tires, u-joints and leafs (which I was planning to do shortly haha!) Oh well..she's been a good truck and I'll miss her!
  25. Yup and I was the second owner.. nothing like a big block 350 with a 5 speed... HAHAH! 600+ on the body and frame.
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