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Everything posted by Jen

  1. Thanks everyone... I am still thinking of all the beautiful places I forgot to or missed taking pictures of. Recently someone said to me. You see beauty around you everyday, it is only when you catch it with the lens of your camera that you become aware of it. That comment is so true! Now onto the next adventure... Cheers, Jen
  2. Welcome to the OFNcommunity... you are going to love it here... Cheers Jen Sorry can not help you with the question though
  3. Chris, Your talent is amazing... and generousity even more so ... What a wonderful gift! Cheers to Skiel and Lorne as well... These reports are what make this community an amazing place! Jen
  4. She is so beautiful! Congrats to your entire family. Jen
  5. I truly enjoyed reading your report... NICE MUSKY!! Cheers, Jen
  6. Wow Tracy, that looks like an awesome way to spend a day... and exciting too... Rod and Reel over the edge of the boat ... a very distressing moment , only to turn around into a rescue mission and fish to boot... Love the sunsets... congrats on your PB... Great Report! Cheers Jen
  7. The weekend started Thursday night at midnight... I can never sleep the night before fishing, so I figured I would do the drive while it was dark. This way I could watch the sun rise at the lake while waiting on the world to wake up. Although as you can tell by the picture I didn't get there by sunrise. This was my first time in Tamagami... and wow, I now understand why ppl will drive for hours to spend time there. Arrive at the camp With just enough time to grab a 2 hour nap before everyone else arrives and we head out on the lake for a tour and a little walk through the bush. Moose tracks After a little tumble, yes I fell on my hike. I decided it was time to go back to the boat. I hadn't really considered the ramifications of wandering through Tamagami wilderness without anything but your camera till after I was sitting fishing for a while...What if I did see a moose or a bear for that matter? I pondered on that for a short time. A couple of hours of checking out the lake, trolling, jigging, casting and just unwinding, one fish caught and a huge storm blows in. Thankfully there was an unused boathouse just around the other side of the island... And of course I still had to fish while waiting out the rain and high winds... one rock bass added to the list of catches... Storm blew over within an hour. My first Tamagami Sunset The next morning , up not so bright and early... off to another lake North of Tamagami. Rapids along the way Heading out for a day of fishing which will include a shore lunch. Guess who forgot the stringer at home? Perfect place for a shore lunch! Everyone Arrives! Island resident and her babies My first ever shore lunch...mmm was it ever good. Fully Tummies, back to fishing . Then this beaver shows up, having a real fit ... coming up practically to the boat before slapping his tail on the water and diving. The entertainment he provided lasted atleast 30 minutes. Last pike Saturday being released As night approached several pickeral were caught...although my numbers when it came to how many I got in the boat in comparison to how many I lost were not looking good. Heading back to camp after 10 hours on the water. Minus the pike that got eatten at lunch, this was the catch for the day! Sunday morning! I had planned on heading out on the water by 5 am... although it was more like 10. Off to a new lake, and they said the boat launch was decent... hmmm nope It wasn't a moose or a bear, but it was alive. Muskie fishing wasn't happening, even though I did try a lure... which happens to be the only lure I did not come home with this weekend Three days in wonderland are now over. Even though it was extreamly hot and sunny on Sunday, I just did not want to pack up and head home. The sun set on the way home. A special THANK YOU to Bob, Bill, Marilyn and everyone else I met on the weekend. You guys are amazing! From the food, fishing, laughter and fun friendships are made. It truly was a weekend spent learning new things, enjoying the company of great people and seeing the world in a different light! Cheers, Jen
  8. Welcome to OFC Sunfish Jen
  9. Wow, I can tell by looking at the pictures that your days were not only filled with fishing and friends, but the most beautiful landscape. Congrats on the huge haul of fish. Absolutely amazing... Finally inches for your team?? Cheers guys, glad to hear you had a great time! Jen
  10. Take Care Wayne and be safe! Lots of pictures k... Cheers, Jen
  11. Jen

    New guy

    Welcome to OFC Kev! Cheers Jen
  12. Jen


    Welcome to the OFC community Bowen... I look forward to all of your reports. You will find this place a real community, filled with valuable information as well as wise caring people... It is a joy knowing you as you are an inspirational young man! Cheers, Jen
  13. If you want easy Joey, cut the ribs in serving sizes, put them in a foil pan with roughly chopped onion and cover with foil, cook at about 275 -300 till they are really tender. This will probably take 4-6 hours. Once they are done you can do one of two things... deep fry them quickly and then shake on sea salt and black pepper over them or throw them on the bar b que, brush on a little bit of your favorite sauce and cook till there are crisp bits... They stay fairly dry this way but are fall off the bone tender.
  14. I told Carol last night that I always love when you get out fishing because I have something to look forward to reading. Wow, you both are amazing. Even with no babysitter you find a way to head out and look what happens. Congrats on your PB. The two of you motivate the heck out of me! Cheers, Jen
  15. Jen

    FISH ON!

    I am not so good with kinds of fish to tell you the truth... kinda square tail and a white mouth... could have been though... Sonny and I talked about it at the time... and he just grinned at me, everyone else laughed... GRRR brothers!lol
  16. I can't believe that you actually go it back... Nice of the pike to stay in the neighborhood! Cheers, Jen
  17. Looks like you and Paul had an awesome day out there... Nice Fish for sure... cheers, Jen
  18. Welcome to team UP SCALERS Dobee... Cheers Jen
  19. The entire day from beginning to end was a great success! It was awesome meeting both Bowshep and Brian... I will second everything Ken said above about how Fishmaster handles his charters. A job well done! Thank you so very much ... Cheers, Jen
  20. How perfect a way to end spring and flow into summer. Amazing sceanery and fish... thanks for sharing! Cheers, jen
  21. New screen saver on my pc... the Heron Pic... wow Congrats on the great day on the water... and thanks for all the information in your report. Well done! Cheers Jen
  22. The day began way too early. Not being able to sleep the night before I arrived early, sat on the dock and started fishing. I caught this 15 inch cat fish which will give our team a couple more points. Once I had that all sorted out everyone started to arrive. We hit the water shortly after 6:00 seems my directions were not as good as they should have been. Heading out just as the sun was leaving the horizon. Note here how flat the water was... a beautiful morning. Wasn't long before the first fish was on and Ken was up. as you can tell by the look on his face in that last photo, the fish had better things to do that day than be caught. One more fish lost than Sonny was up, managing to bring in this beautiful trout. Another fish lost then it is my turn and this fish just kept peeling line. Bowshep is up and Sonny manages to sneak into the photo by holding up a sign Lake Ontario Trout for the competion... this guy measured in at 30". and had this attached to it!! ick Bowshep was very happy as you can tell by this photo We all knew he was thinking that was one beautiful fish. Which quickly went back to hopefully swim another day Next up was Brian, and you must realize that he had never caught a fish any bigger than 15 inches. We were all cheering him on. and then Now that is one huge smile and very very happy man. There was a great deal of time that past after that. The weather was changing, wind picked up from the east and a light rain started to fall. Fishmaster spent this time searching for fish with the help of his mate Bowen... with a couple of changes in presentation, depth and some finesse FISH ON! Sonny up Everyone is again excited and waiting in anticipation. Although at this point I will have to say the weather is rocking the boat around a little and we are all aware that the day will soon be coming to an end. Meredith is up, a little wobbly on the legs from the rocking of the boat, and the wind blowing against her yet this girl knows how to reel in a fish The handoff happens, which takes a bit to learn and then the smiles and the handshake That was the last fish on the boat for the day, as you can tell by the next picture the water wasn't as calm as when we had headed out in the morning and the sky had gotton rather grey. . Back at the dock Fishmaster and his mate Bowen cleaned and packaged our fish Then Bowen gets to clean the boat We had previously decided that since this was an OFC Team event we would have a bar b que after. (This is where I will say, never pass up an invite for a bar b que if Bowshep is inviting... wow, was that good) However we also decided to include a little competitive fishing off the dock. Little wager on first fish, Fishmaster managed that with a small perch, then we did a double or nothing, biggest fish. Well Sonny managed to win hands down on that one, after pulling in a couple 14+ inch perch he brought this up out of the water. Way to go Sonny...Bowshep on the other hand was fly fishing. A new skill he is definately mastering. He even managed to catch me as I was walking along the dock, and it wasn't by accident. I now have a very beautiful little fly in my tackle box, compliments of Dmasse I hear. There were a lot of laughs till the skies opened and the rain came down in buckets. This was one of those days that creates memories in peoples lives, we laughed, enjoyed, shared and actually caught fish. Thank you so very much to Fishmaster and his mate Bowen for helping to make our day on the water extra special. They both worked very hard. All in all we added a couple more inches for our team. GO TEAM UP SCALERS
  23. Now how in the world did I miss this post... cute, adorable and he can hunt! You have a beautiful family Gerritt! Cheers, Jen
  24. Fishing and cottage repairs... wow... Great report Jen
  25. Great Report, and the pictures were really good seeing as you were working that camera manually! Congrats on the Married part... Cheers Jen
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