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Everything posted by Jen

  1. I watched Easton catch one, and I don't think I have ever laughed so hard fishing in my life before. Thanks for posting, that made me smile! Cheers, Jen
  2. This past weekend Steve and I took a couple of friends up North for duck/goose hunting. Since he and Brandon do this on a regular basis learning from them was going to be easy... nope , learning doesn't happen unless the Birds co operate, which of course they did not. (Although me not firing at them might have contributed to the freezer being empty at the end of the weekend... ) Here is my little picture story of how Duck/Goose hunting went ... We arrived at my place late on Friday night, set up camp and then headed down to the lakefront to set our decoys. Brandon and Steve headed off in the 12 foot tinny in the dark while Sara and I stood on the makeshift dock holding flashlights listening to all the animals moving around us and laughing at the guys as they debated proper placement techniques. Up at 5:30 am, grab a quick cup of coffee, and then off to sit and wait for the birds to come in. Sara opted to stay in bed for this little adventure and I forgot my camera sooo, the picture tale will start with the afternoon hunt. First you get on your matching clothes... and drink your Timmies Coffee! Then you chop wood to get ready for arriving back after dark! Thanks Brandon for all your hard work on that one! Preparation of dinner - mmm it was good , thanks Steve. Then we all sneak down to the waterfront to see if birds have landed in amoungst our decoys... Dogs don't do well at sneaking, so Sara took care of that. ( Both Zoe and Dugan retrieved ducks this weekend...their patience was amazing) Once establishing that the geese swimming with our decoys would have to come back, they were too far to shoot, Steve and Brandon made the trip to the island with all our gear. Then it was Sara and I's turn , and what a laugh that was. None of us got wet but she did spend some time lounging in the boat. All settled in to wait for the birds... don't we all look comfy! The afternoon was long, and I learned many things... like not to point your gun while the geese are flying in and that if the birds are not co operating you will have a very long evening... All and all the weekend was a huge learning experience. Not only did we hunt, we shot skeet and targets. By the end of the three days I would say both Sara and I had greatly improved when it came to aiming. Altogether we managed to drop two ducks out of the sky, and I missed (or didn't shoot) at several more. Being my first time out hunting I was concentrating more on watching both Brandon and Steve to learn as much as I could about timing and lining up your targets... Hunting with that many people is rather difficult, specially for a beginner, as you don't know which bird to aim for. All of these skills will come in time. Thanks so much to the guys for putting up with both Sara and I ... although in saying that, one of these days, we may, with practice be good hunting partners. Sunday came and the WMU we are in does not allow hunting, so Brandon and Steve headed out to fish Mountain Lake. I have owned that property for ten years and never managed to get a bass to bite. You can see them but they are just never interested in anything you throw at them. I know this because I have emptied my tackle box, as has Sonny and Easton trying to catch one of these guys... and Steve managed a couple... thank goodness Brandon snapped the pictures showing what he caught them on, or I am sure it would have remained a well kept secret. It was an awesome weekend, thanks to a group of really wonderful people... Maybe next time I will actually manage to shoot my gun at a bird! lol Sorry for the long read, there was a lot to share. Cheers, Jen (If anyone wants to buy 70acres with 1600 feet of lakefront, I have it for sale!)
  3. Welcome to the board!
  4. Sorry Terry, I already asked God For that one!
  5. It is amazing how when bored they will find things to occupy their time. At least they are asking you to get out and I will bet they will remember this evening and all the rest of the boring ones to come far differently than you. Way to go, getting them out of the house is what it is all about. Cheers, Jen
  6. My prayers will go out to you and your friend!
  7. Since I got back into fishing I have discovered just how very expensive it is... not only the rods and reels you use but everything that goes along with them, from lures to lines. After a shopping trip to that big box store out in Vaughn with a couple of people from here I decided that I would look for a better way to fill my tackle box. Apart from getting a job in a tackle store - which isn't so feasible as I already have a job, I started investigating making my own lures... and the cost is much more reasonable... (you have to realize having three kids means you lose half your tackle box everytime you go fishing, although it is definately worth every penny) Instead of arts and crafts with the kids around the kitchen table these days I lay out fishing line, hand them each a couple of hooks a box of beads and blades and together we make lures... this has been a ton of fun. Thank goodness I don't have girls or they would be using all my beautiful beads to make necklaces and bracelettes. Fishmaster has been a great help in showing me how to tie my own lures. I didn't know there were so many kinds of knots and which ones would work for each application... it is a huge learning curve. In his store he has all the items you need to fill your box with your own creations at a reasonable cost ... and presently if you don't feel like tieing your own there is a huge sale on Walleye stuff. Needless to say I am estatic when catching walleye on something I have made myself. I now have a new shimano water proof tackle box to match my gortex rain gear (come on fall , I am ready) and with the 30% off sale Fishmasters bait and tackle is having I got a great deal. Thanks Steve Now filling it will be a challenge... Want outweighs need in this case and I want every colour of the rainbow when it comes to blades and beads. (There is still some girl left in me) Will post a picture of some of my harnesses shortly. Cheers and enjoy Jen
  8. Welcome Hamilton Lad, If you have a couple of lures you can cast and a fairly heavy rod head down to the Pier under the skyway... cast away and watch what other people are using and their techniques...Talk to everyone you can as this is the best way to learn, and you may even manage to catch yourself a salmon. Cheers Jen
  9. I have been reading the posts waiting for this one... and what I have to say is WOOOHOOO! Way to go ! Cheers, Jen
  10. So this is what you were talking about that day!... Enjoy your time away guys... looking forward to the pictures. Even though they will never capture what you will feel in your soul the moment they are taken! Cheers jen
  11. Jen

    nine eleven

    I stood watching the television with my four year old as the second plane flew into the buildings... he looked at me and said, "Is this a movie Mommy?" Thank you for the reminder Roy!! God Bless! Jen
  12. The kids will figure it all out soon enough... Kudos to you for making memories with them that will last not only through their lifetime but be carried on through the generations. Nice fish! Cheers, Jen
  13. I read your reports and they always and I mean always make me so very happy. You guys are doing so well in your quest for fish this year... WELL done! Cheers, Jen
  14. Congrats on the married part... look forward to the pictures of one of the most beautiful places in the world! Cheers, Jen
  15. Are you sure you have enough options Mike?? LOL, Great post.... Jen
  16. Don't forget those planer boards have a left and a right and you may want a worm harness or two! Sounds like too much fun planning this! Calling Easton tonight! Cheers Jen
  17. Same as above, Jig but Yellow!
  18. That is why on fishing days I do the double back up wake up system... Set the Alarm and have the person I am fishing with call me with a wake up call or the other way around depending on who gets up first... means no one is waiting around wondering! Sorry to hear you missed out on a day of fishing though... Cheers, Jen
  19. Nice read and great report... looks like you had an awesome day... ! Cheers, Jen
  20. Amazing fish Steve, well done and nice post... The brown is one I would hang on my wall... Cheers Jen
  21. Wonderful offer Cliff, If anyone from Hamilton is running up your way and are willing to take something for me I have a Small Generator sitting in my garage that I broke the pull start off of. Can't seem to find the parts anywhere. Would love for you to have a look at it! Cheers Jen
  22. Nice job G, can't wait to see you out there in her catching fish... Cheers Jen
  23. Well Mike, what to say, so much racing through my head... Firstly, Congrats to Ryan for his very nice, very big first Walleye! Way to go! Now onto you... what a wonderful vacation... In hindsight, looking back I bet you are smiling even now. Not only did you get to wash out your tackle box, you got rid of everything you probably never use. Educated a great number of Boy Scouts, made a couple of scout leaders very proud of themselves and their recovery skills and probably will be talked about around boy scout camp fires for ages to come. You taught yourself a lesson... being well prepared, calm and quick minded can actually save your life! Well done, you should be very proud of yourself. The camp grounds look awesome and what a terrific view... Like always, I enjoy your reports... but your pictures speak volumes! Can't wait to hook up with you and yours again at Pickeral Park sometime. Cheers Jen
  24. Awesome fishing, and always a pleasure to fish with you Steve... Thanks for taking the boys and I out! Cheers, Jen
  25. Awesome read as always... Looks like you all had a blast... Nice camp set up! And Nancy, VERY NICE FISH... hehehe Sorry Ken! Cheers, Keep having fun! Jen
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