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Everything posted by fishindevil

  1. Well thats too bad lew....at least you got to acually talk to him,and to talk about the good old days,and like wayne said life is just too dam short to let things like that happen,and each of you knew that the other had a great life,and kids ,and marrige,so that at least makes it a little easier to take..... again sorry to hear about your friend.....take care lew shawn
  2. Nice fishin trip/report glen !!!!!! well done,man thats what i call being busy,with having 3 fish at a time..!!! man thats sure a great day of catching....great pics as well...you will have to try one of those rigs over here glen in the bay of quinte.....cheers
  3. Yes kevin,thats exactly what you need...DO NOT GET A HANDHELD VHF...get a mountable model...and one that has all those features...i got mine at bass pro shops for just under $170.00 and it works amazing and with my booster on my small antenae,i can get 12-16 miles somedays no problem.....
  4. You can also jig/drift with nightcrawlers & minnows with a bottom-bouncer.. ..its quite effective,and you can keep it more vertical if there is wind as the bouncer will run almost straight down,but if you get a wind and can keep it at a 45 degree angle ...its deadly....so as you can see gerritt theres lots of ways to get the baits down there to them pickeral....cheers
  5. Well it was a great day to be in the boat wayne!!!!!!!!! too bad you guy s didnt hook up with a bruiser....but hey its always nice to get out fishin for the day !!!!! i sure would have liked to but i need a few more days then the boss says i can go to the bay of quinte. ...nice bonus rod & reel combo,from the deep.....great pics & scenery shots, thanks for sharing cheers
  6. Hey wayne how long would it take me to get to penetange...from oshawa???? oh ya the boss said i could go she wants me too
  7. RIGHT ON CAPT.WAYNE !!!!!!! oohhhhhh those look great. ..im sure there is a big girl in the bay right now just waiting to see them.....great idea,with adding the weight,they look like drop-shot weights!!!! good luck tommorow and give us a great report and some pics of a nice 50"er.....cheers
  8. WOW...I didnt know that there was a walleye tourney anywhere in ontario this weekend!!!! its pretty late in the year for a sanctioned tournament for walleye but hey what the heck right??? can you give anymore details,location,times and maybe there will be some members wanting to go and give it a try.....thanks for posting cheers
  9. Good luck keram !!!!! head right across from island marina,and fish right by the rock point,its called ball point....its about 5-7ft deep then gradually drops to almost 10ft towards the cesarea side. ...try trolling a worm harness & dew worm,or drifting a drop shot rig....there is still a few spots of green cabbage out there so go get them....cheers
  10. Well i hope that it runs its course,and then dissapates, i hear its quite the nasty stuff to birds as well...and that it can kill waterfowl like loons too....i hope it doesnt does this appear normal at this time of year,look at what went on with the carp this year,and all the die-offs....i hope this isnt a sign of things to come...with all these low water and record heat summers.....man that sucks !!!!!!!
  11. Yes lew....thats too funnnyyyyy...LOL..LOL. and i felt bad having to have to lick mine with my toungue to keep them from pointing all over the place.....
  12. Yes cliff that last pic of me in my boat was to show everyone the empty spot on my floor where it will go..LOL..LOL..LOL
  13. Well here it is....... THE BAY OF QUINTE WALLEYE TOURNAMENT OFC TROPHY..!!!!!!!!!! so everyone i have been working on this really nice trophy for our bay of quinte G2G on November 17,18 2007 i thought it would make it some great fun to fish for this awesome trophy,so we are going to do it by INCHES....the largest fish takes the trophy,we can do it the same way we run the board tourney.i will hand out forms to eveyone and when a fish is caught take a quick picture,measure the fish and release it,so seeing how i think everyone is fishing with a partner it shouldnt be a problem to get a pic,and for someone to help....its gonna be fun so the tournament will start saturday morning and go to sunday afternoon,so whoever wins the trophy will be able to keep it till next year when we do the same thing...so this will be our first annual OFC WALLEYE TOURNAMENT...if a fish is badly hooked and you have to keep it,or if you want to keep it you CANNOT ENTER THAT FISH !!!!!!!! so enjoy the pics of the trophy,and if i missed anything let me know,i think $10 dollars to enter the tourney is perfect....oh ya and the trophy is 3ft tall,.
  14. Nice fall Steelhead !!!!!! and pics too. ..yes the water is at record lows,im still really suprised that the fishing is as good as it is considering the low water levels everywhere....thanks for sharing...cheers
  15. Hey lew,i tried it on my bottom-bouncer set-up on my baitcaster and i found it didnt hold up as good as power pro,it has more memmory too,but yes its very slippery,and prob would hold up better for other applications,as for bottom bouncing in the ottawa river its always dragging over the rocks and takes more of a beating than in other areas...it does have more memory but i would try it again for jiggin,or for trolling,and yes it does dissapear ,very cleanly...hope it helps....
  16. Nice Musky Fishing Trip/Report !!!!!!!! well done there musky wayne...LOL..LOL sounds like you sure had their number dialed in on the BOG !!! thats real good shootin for only a few hours on the water,and great pics too...man i fish there alot and you see that shallow lake with waves like that man its windy thats for sure. ..they said wind gusts to 85kph at lindsay airport,and thats just afew miles up the lake....i wonder how come all those fish had that lympysarcoma,on them???? i thought they got that mostly around spawning time??? it makes you wonder that a few of your fish were marked badly whats the rest of the muskies in the lake look like ??? does anyone know why ?? thanks for the report,and thats ok lew ,next time maybe you will boat a 50"er..... cheers
  17. Great article cliff !!!...I fell in love at first sight with walleye when i was a kid and caught my first one with a hook & worm & bobber !!!!! the rest is history as they say...LOL..LOL.. and i still love them today more than ever.....and man do they taste great..yyymmmmmmyyyyyyy walleye filletts
  18. Well everything went well this morning, at toronto western hospital im at home now. ..and i hope to be walleye fishin in no time... . . so about my back surgery???? what they did is to BURN MY NERVES OFF....comming from 4 of my lower discs,as my discs slowly deteriorate,they are squeezing my nerves and creating bad swelling and severe pain i have had several problems with this area for years...on a regular basis i go to the hospital ,get put under sedation,put to sleep and they give me about 20-40 needles into my muscle tissue and inject a pain block medicine. i do this about every 3 months,sometimes it works and sometoimes not...but it does help with some pain relief...so today it was a new treatment,they acually cau the nerves and hopefully it will give me some long term pain reduction,it will not take all the pain away but the back surgeon says i will feel some pain relief...so i see it as a win-win....i might have to have it again in maybe 2 years,as some nerves may acually grow back,but if i can get off some of those heavy-duty medications or at least cut them way back. ..i will feel like it was a success,the doc says im off work for about 2 weeks and within a few days i will be OK TO FISh....LOL..LOL of course that was my main question !!!!!!!! . so i will just take it easy for a few days and i should be up & active in no time....so once again thanks everyone for your well-wishes,and get well posts....that and the fact my amazing fishergirl,is looking after me im in great hands. ...thanks shawn
  19. Well mepps i think you hit that one on the head for sure !!!!!! i think its a matter of confidence,over a matter of fear of losing a big trophy. i always end up catching muskies while fishing for walleyes and i know it happens alot everyear,but i dont everput on a leader,cause i think im going to catch a big one and i have caught several over 40,and 1 real big one closer to 50 i know i was lucky to have landed him on 8lb test while fishing for walleyes but,its how i prefer to fish for them...and when i do fish for muskies i have seldom used a leader???and im not sure why,prob cause im just used to it that way and i keep thinking that its affecting my lures action???? so its something i might think about next time i try to go after big pike or musky.....good topic thanks for bringing that up.....cheers
  20. Nice catch glen !!!!!! thats a pretty good day on the water for sure. ...what were you hittin them strippers on??? they look like they are are a nice size...great pics too. ..looks warm and sunny there its gonna rain here,so how do you cook up those stripper anyhow???? cheers
  21. Thats the cutest pirate i have ever seen !!!!!! oh boy cliff do you ever have your work cut out for you when she gets alittle older your in trouble dad. .LOL..LOL and so am i...oh-oh......
  22. Thats for sure glen !!! ita always been that way. ..i hate being on the loading dock at work watching the sky,the wind and the weather and saying the whole dam time I SHOULD BE FISHING DAMMIT... ....and as usual the best sunniest and least amount of wind day is always monday . ..its a cruel joke man !!!! thats why im calling in sick at least 3 times in november for quinte...3 day trips during the week....just like mike is doing....cheers bud.and ya thanks for brinning that up...it just makes me mopre depressed...LOL..LOL
  23. Thats great guys !!!!! and happy halooweenie to you guys too.!!!!!!!and cliff you just might be sleeping in the boat tonight you are awefull brave my man !!!LOL..LOL..LOL
  24. Great report & pics !!!!!!!! thats some mighty fine fall steelhead action.. ..for sure great pics too...that water has the perfect color to it,man it looks very inviting....cheers
  25. AAHHHHHHH !!!!!!!! So thats why im gettin FAT.... . i dont hardly eat take-out fast food....but man i sure like spagetti & pasta , we eat pasta at least 2 times a week....man thats depressing well at least it tastes good LOL..LOL..LOL thanks gerritt,for making me cry......cheers
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