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Everything posted by ryanheritage
That's exactly right Rick, this is not fear to be spread it's information for education for people to take the steps that need to be done to help wrong or right. You know 25 years ago though there wasn't as many people, as much industry, and there was a lot less strain on the environment. We have become so industrious in the last 2 decades that we have started to put a strain on the earth, noticed I said started. I am sure the earth can handle alot more strain but my 7 yr old son can't. He can't enjoy the outdoors without being lathered in sunscreen and covered by a hat. I remember when I was 7 I never needed cream.... That part is from the depletion of ozone, remember when CFC's were banned? I guess they realized how bad the problem was after a fear monger noticed the hole in the ozone.The whole thing to this is to realize that over populating, forest removal, industry, pollution, and selfish jerks are what is causeing a multitude of problems with our earth. If you or anyone feels getting a bigger truck, bigger boat, yada yada is the answer, you need to give you head a shake, not only are you the problem you are also hurting my child. If you believe that I am a fear monger spreading fear or a do gooder, I am not I am just a person that realizes the need to set a better example for our children and do the right thing for them. Please please let me be wrong that the earth needs help. You and I know this is a real issue without the media's hype, we can see it with our own eyes. Imagine what its like in the countries that produce more then 2% of the world Greenhouse gases?
Yes you are right flip, the process in which a tree takes in C02 and then turns it into O2 is at a 1st grade level. Thats why you and anyone else with that much education should be able to see my point, if there are less tree's there is less photosynthesis happening. Here is the 1st grade definition Photosynthesis (photo=light, synthesis=putting together), generally, is the synthesis of sugar from light, carbon dioxide and water, with oxygen as a waste product. It is arguably the most important biochemical pathway known; nearly all life depends on it. It is an extremely complex process, comprised of many coordinated biochemical reactions. It occurs in higher plants, algae, some bacteria, and some protists, organisms collectively referred to as photoautotrophs. Not once did I insult you, I insulted your grammer and spelling apparently from someone with "degrees". The unfortunate thing is your thought process in regards to being an jerk about the environment and towards other people is why your on the defense. You should want to do your part as a person for the world, help people, peace, love, respect you know? If your not part of the soulution, your part of the problem. What I have said is very simple, if we keep going the way we are with clear cutting forests, we create a filtration problem for the atmosphere. Since it is 1st grade level stuff, how is it so hard to see each and every one of us should being doing our part for the environment.The thing about global warming isn't that we as humans are creating more C02 but in fact we are the reason that it is not being filtered properly, which in turn makes it human error that's causes the excess in C02.
Here's a cheapie lure that has produced very, very well for me. Blue fox spoons. I have had great sucess with them, they seem to work well for me. And they are real cheap!!!
Ok nobody called you names fliptheslop and if you think that pollution isn't a issue, it's just fear being fed to us then so be it. But try doing this first before you jump in with your degree's, start your car in the garage with the door down and let me know in an hour or two how there is nothing to fear. Don't be silly it's only a matter of time before we have done the same thing to our atmosphere especially when we speed up the process by removing the forests the natural C02 filter. It's not fear being dished out, it's information for people to be educated so that we as whole can do our part to help stop the continuing issue of pollution from happening. If you really believe being aware is to be afraid then don't leave the house. People have lived too long with the idea that ignorance is bliss. Oh by the way "flip" I hope none of your "degrees" were in english or paid in any way by the government. Also note that someone with "degree's" that wants to be taken seriously when they try to give an intellectual answer should be able to spell and use proper grammer. Again ignorance must be bliss.
OH NO NOT ANOTHER GLOBAL WARMING THREAD>>>> GAWD>>> LOL ............OK I promise to keep this short....lol We as a species are not the main reason for GW but we are taking away the ability for the earth to process the C02 at an efficient enough rate to keep things stable. We are depleteting the natural filter's that the earth hs used for years. We might not be the reason for the mass amounts of C02 in the air but we are the reason that the C02 is not being removed by the earths forests and fauna. How can the earth keep up cleaning the air if we keep destroying the forests that have been responsible for the job of filtering the air. Yes they ( unbeliever's) lol I sound like a cult leader... Are right in the fact its not just the industrial revolution creating the high amounts of C02 in the atmoshpere its a variety of things. But what they do not focus on is the fact that C02 is filter by all the forestes and fauna on the earth. And we are destroying the forests and fauna that process this gas hence the excess amounts creating rising temps and weird weather. We as a species need to stop scewing with mother nature and let her do her job. We need those forests to process this gas. I said I would keep it short ... so with that said I hope that everyone will see the diversion tatics being used to divert us from the real reason why we are ending up with the excess amounts of C02 gas in the atmoshpere. They (skeptics and politicians) are doing a very old thing called "bait and switch" Open your eyes please and see that if we destroy the forests we destroy the earths ability to filter the C02 into O2. And to you fliptheslop..........grow up. no one one here has a chip on their shoulder don't be the first.
First eat a dairy queen burger and if you like the taste then go ahead and hook up your NG to that there BBQ of yours but if not save the money and have a buger without the gas taste. ..... I have always found that NG really makes the food taste REal funny. I thik its because a scent is added to it (sulpher) so it can be easily detected with the nose.I think that comes out when you BBQ with it.
thanks thats uberific!! lol ... I thought I had become pc challenged and totally fogot how to get a message. Im 31 and worring about al.. alt.. whats it called again? oh nevermind... lol
OMG its gone!!! lol ok ok ok jokes over who's messing with my head? lol
there is no message in my inbox though................
Belize for tarpon and definetly snook in the mangroves........... set a lobster/crab trap in the morning ... go out for a few hours.. catch something for the grill.(grouper, snapper, so many tasty swimmers i don't know).. and on the way back a grab my trap see what goodies are in it and start the fire for the beach side gourmet meal while taking in the ocean and the evening with a drink and my feast.............. I don't think I could do anything more but day dream about the second I will start that adventure........
Uh Yeah uhm I don't know what it means but it says I have -1 message and I have no clue whats going on? .......................................................HELP?...............................Please?..............................................
3am??? what in all thats holy are you doing awake or active at the time?
Irish Happy birthday and heres a dancer for you
oh i forgot since its a party there has to be dancing
Happy B-Day!!!!
Is there something Wrong with me?
ryanheritage replied to ryanheritage's topic in General Discussion
get married to a guy? huh? lol I hope yer teasing.. lol Naw my Fiance is amazing she doesn't care what I spend on fishing cause she knows how happy it makes me and that I will definetly get my money's worth. She even said for me to buy a new boat ( a bigger one) she likes the tracker or legend packages lol she was looking at them without me... hmmm -
wow alot of tiller guys.... I have a tiller boat and I am dying to get a nice console boat.... I saw a boat show the other day with a 14' KEY west Centre console that made get on the phone with the bank then I snapped out the dream world I was in. I am all about a nice walk around. two casting decks live well the boat is just SWEET...
Is there something Wrong with me?
ryanheritage replied to ryanheritage's topic in General Discussion
I honestly spend more hours reading the posts on this site then I do work in the day. I need someone to ban me from this site from the hours of 9-6 I never get any work done. I am really think I am obsessed lol.... I read the posts and look at the pics and go off into a dream about being on the water bringing in fish. its causeing me problems lol... II know you guys/gals are reading this thinking to yourself "really how bad can he be?" but its bad. So with that note ban me from 9-6 and I will start preping for the season (open water) to start. this year I will have to get into at least three tourneys. I just gotta try...lol. Oh and if you see me on between the hours of 9-6 tell me to get a life I am getting too consumed by fish stories and the thought of fishing. I can't concentrate and when your a building consultant you need to be one your game so this is my plea to my fellow OFC's lol help me its intervention time. LOL -
Is delta near to westport?
Is there something Wrong with me?
ryanheritage replied to ryanheritage's topic in General Discussion
I am just soo passionate about fishing... I eat sleep breathe it... lol And I don't even catch alot of fish or big ones either. I just love the whole adventure with getting out on the water and trying.... A crap day fishing to me is better then a great day doing anything else. it's like i am addicted. -
I have have come to the conclusion I want to fish for a living weather it be a show host, a tourney fisher, or just win the lotto and stay on the water for life... CAn anyone help God?, Ontarion lotto Corp? I can't stand being a corporate slave NO MORE!!! Any one else want to rebel and fish for a living!!!!!!!! lol What would you like to do if you didn't have to do what your doing? If you had the chance is there anyone out there that would do something else?
wow that was harsh about a dog that can't swim... I m sure you guys have seen the pics of my dog.. (rat) lol Im am going to try and teach him how to swim but at the same point, Jen's dog jumped into the water on its own and no harm happend, why be so harsh? I come from an old school family my dad would "nudge" my dogs off the dock and sure enough after the third time or so they started jumping and swiming on their own. Really it's like a child the dog was supervised and if its not a strong swimmer how else will become one? I think the pics are funny Jen I can just imagine how your dog reacted when it realized it can't float like a boat!! and then you jump in and save the day!! I bet the bond between you two is stronger now.
wow!!! my missus thought I was obsessed until I showed her your boxes of tackle and how their labeled... Thanks now I am off the hook with her and her saying Im obessed lol
THAT ONE GREAT PIC!!! Lets see yours
ryanheritage replied to ryanheritage's topic in General Discussion
well here are the most important things to me.. This is my missus and I....My son he is gona be 7 may 30... and my dog (or little furry hyper creature) -
THAT ONE GREAT PIC!!! Lets see yours
ryanheritage replied to ryanheritage's topic in General Discussion
Is that a BLUE???? nice fish!!!