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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. Don't have a favorite team...only ever watch hockey during the playoffs and not much of it then either. Much rather go to the arena and watch Junior hockey. Just got this email today and thought I would share. Like I said...that's it that's all.
  2. Got this sent to me this morning....found it funny...and thought I would share. That's it that's all The OPP are cracking down on speeders heading > into Toronto . For the first offense, they give you 2 Maple > leaf tickets. If you get stopped a second time, they make > you use them. > > > Q. What do you call 23 millionaires around a TV > watching the Stanley Cup playoffs? > A. The Toronto Maple Leafs > Q. What do the Maple Leafs and Billy Graham have > in common? > > A. They both can make 70,000 people stand up > and yell "Jesus Christ". > > Q. How do you keep a Toronto maple Leaf out of > your yard? > A. Put up a goal net . > Q. What do you call a Maple Leaf with a Stanley > Cup ring? > A. Real Old > > Q. How many Maple Leafs does it take to win a > Stanley Cup? > A. Nobody remembers. > Q. What do the maple Leafs and possums have in > common? > A. Both play dead at home and get killed on the > road! Keep your stick on the ice
  3. Careful Ron...I hear some of those Bama Boys take there animal mounting very seriously
  4. Agree with HH 100%. I take soup/stew alot so I use a wide mouth thermos. I get tap water as hot as I can and fill my thermos. While this is going on I boil a kettle of water. When its boiled, I dump the hot tap water out of my thermos and fill the thermos with my boiled water and screw the lid on. Then I heat up my soup or stew. When it is bubbling good I dump the boiled water out of my thermos and fill the thermos with my soup/stew. Sounds like alot of work but this is all done while I'm waiting for the coffee maker to make my mug of coffee for the car ride to the lake. I always pack extra fleece cloths and I wrap my thermos up in one of my sweaters to help hold in the heat longer. I have been out when it is -20 celcius in my unheated portable and the soup I poured in my thermos at home at 5AM is still too hot to drink/eat an noon. A slice of homemade bread and some soup sure hits the spot on a cold day on the ice.
  5. You are correct...computers DON'T get viruses by themselves. All I'm saying is without changing anyone's usage habits, be they good or bad..or without learning to be more computer savy..which I have absolutely no desire to do... then the MAC is the way to go for folks like me. At the time it was about a $400 difference for me to upgrade to a MAC. Best $400 I have ever spent when I think of all the frustration I went through over the years with a PC.
  6. I ice fish ALL the time. In fact I enjoy it as much as summer fishing. At the time my current floater suit is PAST worn out...it probably would not even float someone half my weight...so it is useless for that. I am currently looking at replacing it with ICE ARMOUR which is bib style pants and a jacket that has no floatation properties at all. With regards to a floater suit... I always suggest one. However if you take all the proper precautions I really don't think they are necessary. I am a walker though. I would strongly recommend a floater suit if you are taking a sled or ATV or your truck/car on the ice. When you are traveling at faster speeds then you can walk...the chances of getting in trouble before you know it...go way up. As far as life jackets go. Outside of looking silly...they might be a good idea if it eases your mind...but I am unsure on there effectiveness in winter conditions...cause I don't know if they would help or hinder you actually being able to get out of the water if you did indeed go through the ice. Bottom line for me is use common sense. In over 25 years on the ice I have not even got a wet foot...and I plan on keeping it that way.
  7. A spud is generally a steel pole or bar with a sharpened end like a chisel. You give the ice a real good whack with it every few steps. If you go through before 3 real good whacks...GET THE HELL off the ice.
  8. Get a MAC....I'm totally serious. I went through 3 PC's always getting viruses and junk on them. Taking them to our IT guy at work at least once a year to clean up/fix. Bought a MAC 4 years ago...not ONE problem since.
  9. Safety. Good topic. 1. I would suggest a good floater suit. And ice pics. 2. Early ice, late ice or areas you are not familiar with...don't go alone. 3. Early and late ice...take a spud...and use it. 4. Flashlight/lantern if you are coming on or off in the dark. 5. Dress to stay warm 6. Take a compass/GPS. White outs or thick fog is scary...trust me on this. 7. Sunglasses and sun screen. Worst sunburn I ever got in my life was on a sunny day on the ice in February. I hope everyone has a safe season on the hardwater.
  10. My buddy actually caught a Rainbow last fall in the Talbot...so he has 2 in the last 2 falls now. I know of 2 others caught in the lake over the years...so a grand total of 4 Rainbows caught in the lake that I know for sure to be true. Must be a small small population of them around. One of the nicest Bows I have ever seen. A solopaddler pose before the release would have been the icing on the cake
  11. Headed for the east side of Simcoe yesterday to try some ice perch. Tried two areas. First spot 3.5 inches of ice. Stayed about 4 hours and caught a good amount of perch...but all little buggers...not big enough for the table. Left to head for a marina that had ice. Caught bigger perch there but only 3 big enough to eat. I hope my buddy enjoys them today. Also managed a 3-4 LB pike and a few others on the line...something bigger then perch anyway...but they live released themselves before we saw what there where. About an hour before we packed it in Ted gets a hit and it's NOT a perch....drag screaming....what is it .A couple of minutes go by...he is still trying to get this fish close to his hole so we can see what it is. I'm about 30 feet away fishing my hole. Now remember we are in a marina...black mud bottom...4 feet of water tops. I get a huge hit...so we are both battling something big. We have caught walleye here before so I figure some huge eyes might have strayed in here. However that was not the case. As Ted finally gets his fish near his hole we realize my big fish is his as well. So since I never brought my line up we figured it just got caught on my line while he was fighting it.Ted finally gets the fish up to his 5 inch hole. It's an absolutely beautiful 6-7 LB male RAINBOW TROUT,hooked jaw real stocky thick fish. That is why I wished I had the camera today. And to top it off....BOTH....I kid you not...BOTH are jigs are in its mouth. Not snagged. So we both caught a Rainbow on Simcoe in a marina in 4 FOW. Been that type of year for me. Watched Beansie catch a Muskie this summer on a hair rig baited with corn fishing for carp. Now this Rainbow story on Simcoe. Might be a long time before I see either feat repeated. A day on the water I will never forget that's for sure.
  12. 73.2 F....I guess it will be awhile yet before she freezes over for the winter Thx for the vid. Never tire of "Fish TV"
  13. Couch is looking very nice...might just be a road trip Saturday or Sunday Thx for posting that pic Terry
  14. I purchased this one in October https://www.comfortfurnace.ca/home.htm From what I understand it is a slight upgrade on the one you have stubbex. We have a cottage in Bobcaygeon with baseboard electric, that we rent out for the winter. It is 640 square feet..20 x 32... one floor. We had some trouble with the baseboards just after the tenants moved in for the winter... they would not shut off. So for a quick fix until an electrician showed up I grabbed one of these. It claims a pretty huge savings on hydro. Haven't got a bill yet so we will see. All I can say is the tenants LOVE IT. They say it is a way nicer and more consistent heat then the baseboards. They have asked to keep in on they love it so much. I said go ahead so we will see how things work out. They keep it at 68. I just can't believe something that size will do the job all winter... but like I said a big thumbs up so far. G.... I agree with your suggestion to stubbex about insulating better. I know that is a big part of my problem, but the tenants rent covers all my bills and my taxes for the year so for now I'm not going to use my precious vacation time up there in the summer to work...I'll be fishing instead
  15. Get your pitching arm in shape Beansie. I'll be waiting for the call to come over for a nice wild turkey dinner
  16. No help from me Meely. But my dad has always had a Sump Pump and my brother as well on his house. Both have switched over to the submersible ones. I think aplumma...ART...is offering you good advice.
  17. Good on Robert for getting the old man something he will use and most definitely enjoy :thumbsup_anim: I will look forward to checking it out when I get down for some "Smelt TV" this winter. Get that leak you sprung fixed before you get out in your new portable hut
  18. Watched a fellow fisherman "Kill" crappies through the ice on Scugog with Salmo,s 2 or 3 winters ago. Bought a few...but have never produced with them the way I do with my tried and true stuff
  19. Looking for a source for maggots/spikes for perch ice fishing. I can usually find them at tackle shops most of the winter...but it seems that there supplies start to run out at the end of February and everyone stops restocking then. So you end up getting crappy half dead maggots for the remainder of the ice season...if you can find them at all. I have heard of a wholesale/supplier out of North Bay but I don't know if they are still in business. All this snow today and the forecasted cold weather for the next week has got me in ICE MODE. Any help at all would be appreciated.
  20. Jeez Bruce is there ANYTHING you can't put in bottles or jars Never experienced that elixir. Anything with the word "BERRY" in it just HAS to be good for you Enjoy a snort or 2 for me.
  21. I never realized just how much time I was spending on here until the last week happened.
  22. Betcha that wouldn't be a job that many of the employees would be giving up weekends to work Overtime for
  23. Glad you had a visit with Jack & Jackie, Beansie and thx for the update. Jack if you happens to be on here to see this...Debbe and I are as always sending our best your way. Beansie and I will have Carp Point all set up for you come spring. Just get things working again and you can reel in as many carp as you want
  24. Powdered Milk. Haven't thought about that crap for years. We used to mix it with Nestle's Quik to make it tolerable. Funny we went through so much Nestle's Quik that my folks probably never saved a dime by cheaping out and not buying real milk. Got the quik at the grocery store but my folks probably should have ordered it direct from the factory...by the yard One car family and my Dad worked shifts. So if I had a hockey game or practice..it was walk to the arena. Approx 4 miles each way...slugging hockey gear in the cold. My son NEVER had to walk to the arena...EVER. Most families where in the same boat. And it wasn't just hockey...we walked or rode our bikes EVERYWHERE. Most from my generation probably walked more before they where 12 years old then most people these days ever will there entire lives. I'm not complaining...I didn't mind it at all...that's just the way it was. Once you where 16 and old enough to drive, weekend's where grab a box of beer and jump in the car and drink & drive. Not real proud of that now...and I'm glad that has changed...but again that's just the way it was. We lived a mile out of town and every boy had a PELLET GUN...and I don't know anyone who ever got hurt. God help you if you where a black squirrel or a starling though Used to be able to pedal our bikes into the hardware store and buy our own pellets too, all you had to do was have the money. I also remember hardly ever wearing a shirt in the summer. As soon as it warmed up for the day, if you where outside playing or working and a guy, you where shirtless. No way you could do that now. 30 minutes in my veggie garden and I have to retire to the shade or put a long sleeve shirt on or I will be as red as a beet. In 1981 I started working for the company I am still with today. Starting wage was $6.85/hour ...within 3 years I was up to $12.44, which was pretty decent then. However the last 25 years my wages have not increased that fast. Like most production environment jobs, I think wages have not kept pace with inflation. Overall today your money doesn't go as far. Great thread...let's hear some more.
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