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Everything posted by Mattitude

  1. Just wondering if the "limestones" in couchchiching are accessable by road to fish from shore.
  2. Could you ask for a better deal, that's awesome! See ya tomorrow hopefully!
  3. I gotta work until 3:00 am friday night but I will definetly try to get down to say hi.
  4. I love Senkos, they work so well. The only downfall to them is that they don't last too long. One good shake and they'll tear off the hook.
  5. I think we got a winner!
  6. A seagull. Went right after my Senko and got hooked. Good times!
  7. 1. Smallmouth Bass 2. Largemouth Bass Simple reason is I find these ones to have the most fun factor.
  8. I'm gonna have some sort of fish hook related nightmare tonight I'm sure!
  9. My thought's are with you and your family brother.
  10. New appreciation for Journey too! Anyone ever listen to Little Steven's underground garage on Q107? He played Silvio. I think he may have a hand in the music that was played on all the episodes. You can kinda tell if you're familiar with his show.
  11. I'm thinking it's pollen only because it's everywhere this week. It's all over my car like a fine yellowish dust and you can see it in the air as well. That stuff on the lakes is on a few of the daily pictures so I don't think it's an anomoly in the picture. I thought it was interesting, kind of gives a neat perspective of nature at work if that is what it is. Thanks for the comments.
  12. I was just checking this site out and saw this on all the lakes. Is it pollen, if so that's crazy! http://coastwatch.glerl.noaa.gov/modis/dat...io.143.250m.jpg
  13. It's a marking (red crescent) nothing unusual. They ate ants at my place too.
  14. Sorry I forgot to say that the shafts Yellow or Red are underneath the wings, if I remember correctly.
  15. It's a Northern Flicker. A few different variations Yellow Shafted, Red Shafted. It is a member of the Woodpecker family. They used to fly into my windows all the time.
  16. SPOILER ALERT!!! Tony DID die. You witnessed his death through his point of view. Remember the end of last week's episode when Tony thinks back to him and Bobby having a conversation on the boat at Bobbys cottage? They were talking about "when it happens (getting whacked), you probably dont even see it happen, everything just goes black" Tony got whacked. Everything went black. It's all over! I thought about it and I think this is really what was meant by the screen going black. The guy sitting at the counter was looking pretty nervous too.
  17. Ok here it goes. I'd like to know what you all think happened at the end, other than thinking something happened to your TV LOL! I saw the best explaination and I will reveal it unless someone else hits it first. At first I was thinking I didn't like the ending but after I saw this explanation, it all makes sense.
  18. I went to HH for a year back in maybe 92? Hippie Hill, The Black Hole, Chaffey hall are some things I remember.
  19. I had a feeling he would be suspended. That was a bad elbow and not the first cheap shot he's taken at somebody during these playoffs. I think the Ducks will miss him next game at least I hope they do.
  20. When people see these things they think they can help, sometimes yes and sometimes no. I was only trying to help because some girls were freaking out and starting to cry. I can't recall if and how many died but I do remember the mother trying to gather them up and get them into the water.
  21. I've seen this before, it was a Mallard too and when the time came it was a disturbing sight. She nested up in a Willow at a resort I worked at. One day we were walking by and ducklings were falling from the tree hiiting the sidewalk hard. A few of them just layed there stunned. We tried to catch them while the whole time the mother was squakking away. Not a sight I like to remember.
  22. My old car (03 Jetta 1.8t) is for sale at Orillia Volkswagen. I've only hit frogs on rainy nights accidently with it.
  23. My deepest condolences Lew. Keep those memories with you. My thoughts are with you and your family.
  24. And no one came by to say hello to me....I was pretty busy though and didn't have much time to look up. Too bad I would've liked to have met you guys. Hope you all had a good time!
  25. Thanks alot for all the information guys, much appreciated. I'm gonna give it a try. I'm so sick of the fraying. I hate that sound when you're reeling in and can hear the frayed line against the eyelets I start wondering if I'm gonna lose the next catch. I'll let you all know how it works out.
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